Author has written 7 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, and Yu Yu Hakusho.
Well it's happened. My muse has taken a permanent vacation. Although I have story ideas and new chapters floating in my head I can't seem to get it down on paper (virtual or otherwise). I apologize to all those eagerly awaiting new chapters. Hopefully one day I will write again.
Thank you to all my readers out there.
Story Status
On Hiatus
The Dragons Return: Revenge of the Father-Yu-Gi-Oh
The Dragon Guardians-Yu-Gi-Oh
Cat Scratch-Yu-Gi-Oh
The Dragons-Yu-Gi-Oh
Heart's of Valentine's-YuYu Hakusho
General Disclaimer
This is a general disclaimer for all of my stories. I will post this in the first chapter of every new story for any major specifics, but this will mainly encompass all. Also I refuse to put a disclaimer on chapters following the first, I find it stupid (since you read the first chapter why repeat the warning) and a waste of time.
-I do not own any characters that are not OCs. Do NOT sue me.(If you are from a major company reading anything on this site and hopefully possess a master's degree you would be smart enought to realize this. If not you should not be working for any company.)
-Many of my stories contain at least one homosexual pairing.(This means there will be at least one of the following pairs: yoai, boy/boy pairing or yuri: girl/girl pairing. If you do not like reading these types of stories don't read them. If you insist on reading them after this warning and then complain to me you are admitting to me how increadably stupid you are. No one is forcing you to read my stuff so you have no room to complain about the pairings.)
-Most or all of my stories contain mature themes, violence, foul language and such. Therefore they have been rated M for mature and you should not be reading them if you are under the age of 13. (Since I cannot tell you not to read them please use your own judgement in this mater. If you are a parent and you find your child reading my works do not complain to me, you should have been monitoring your child better!)
Thank you.