Chapter 11

The Story So Far

A damp breeze sent a drop of water splattering on Sheik's brow. Flinching, his eyes cracked open and scanned the surrounding area. He didn't need to look far to find the most important aspect, as it was currently resting against his chest and matching his slow, deep breathing. Link's head lay on Sheik's chest just above his heart, blond hair falling over his face as the hero slept on.

Memory of Link's confession flashed through Sheik's mind, making him flush and look away from the attractive picture on top of him. They hadn't progressed any further than their one masked kiss, too physically and emotionally drained to do much more than lean against each other for support. It seemed that resting had turned to sleeping at some point, although how exactly they had gotten into their current position was anyone's guess. Sheik now half-lay, half-reclined against the rocks of the cliff with Link sprawled face-down in the sand next to him. Well, his legs were in the sand at least. The rest of him had apparently decided that Sheik would make a good pillow.

Hesitantly, Sheik freed an arm and settled it on Link's back. He debated brushing some of the sand off of them, but he didn't want to wake Link over a lost cause. So much had happened in the past few hours that his mind was numb from whiplash, but he did know that Link deserved his rest. The light of dawn was just beginning to creep in; Sheik could stand to wait a little while for the sun to rise.

The wind picked up in a gust, rustling through the palms and loosing a nearby frond. Looking up, Sheik frowned at the dark clouds approaching the shore. A storm was building, and it looked to be a rough one. Perhaps he'd have to rouse the sleeping hero after all.

As it was, he didn't get the chance. Echoing footsteps hurried into the cove, followed by a familiar freckled face. The woman's white dress billowed about her as she brushed her wayward hair back, eyes searching the cove for the two men. She paused for a brief moment to smile, her dimples barely visible in the dim light, before grabbing her skirts again and darted over. The flower in her hair was missing, her face flushed and her breath short. Through her usual pleasant demeanor Sheik saw urgency and worry, causing him to sit up a little on automatic. Link grumbled quietly in opposition to the movement, but settled back down. "Your window - it is closing," The woman said, pointing to the horizon as she took a breath. "If you wish to leave this island, you must do it before the hurricane or you'll be trapped." She regained her usual composure, only her eyes belying the seriousness of her words.

"Trapped?" Sheik repeated just as Link stirred again. "There is a way to return to Hyrule?" From what he knew, his journey to the island was a one-way trip. Then again, he was being proven wrong a lot recently.

Link's arms unwound from Sheik's chest, and the hero rolled into a sitting position. Sheik felt his legs tingle in response - they must have fallen asleep at some point. Apparently Link had heard enough of the conversation in his half-awake state, because he immediately fixed a sleepy gaze on the young woman and asked: "How do we get back?" His voice was sleep-rough and his clothes rumpled, but the hero's eyes were sharp and determined. "The same way I got here? Warping magic?" Oddly enough, Link wasn't questioning the woman's appearance at all. In fact, there was a sort of familiarity in the look they shared. Sheik spared a moment to note just how ridiculous his life had become that he was neither surprised nor embarrassed about any of this situation. He had just been discovered cuddling the Hero of Time by an impossible woman who seemed to know both of them, but there were more important things at hand.

Shaking the feeling back into his legs, Sheik stood and offered Link a hand up. Link accepted at once, hauling himself to his feet and standing close enough for their shoulders to brush. Sheik resisted the urge to reach out and pull him closer, his body missing the warmth. The woman nodded, raising her voice over the whistling wind. "I can help you to begin, but you will need a focus. Something strong and clear. Is there someone at your home that wants you back as much as you do?"

Sheik and Link shared a look. An unspoken thought passed between them - there really could be only one answer. A slow smile spread across Link's face. "Yeah. Maybe even more than we do." he said. Sheik nodded, then gave Link's hip a gentle push towards the discarded Master Sword. Link let out a sound of realization and hurried off to gather their equipment. The excitement of the past few hours had left gear strewn across the entire cove.

Once he was out of earshot, Sheik turned back to the lady and set his jaw. From the sad smile on her face she already knew what he would say, but he forged ahead anyway. He was prepared, but he needed to know. "Two people in one spell is nearly impossible, even for short distances." He took a breath, then asked: "Are we both really going back?"

To his surprise, a soft chuckle was his answer. "Oh, Sheik." She lifted a slim hand, touching his covered cheek. The gesture was one only Link had used before, but from her it felt more familial - like a comforting elder sister. "Use your logic properly for once. A warp needs complete concentration on one goal, yes? Do you really think his goal is to return, or to return with you? The only way this works is with you both, just as it always was."

Sheik swallowed hard, but nodded into her hand. She smiled and lowered her hand, and Link returned by his side with his arms overladen in blades and gear. Sheik took his dirks and lyre as Link stuffed his hat into his pack. As he finished equipping himself, Sheik felt a hesitant touch to his forearm. Looking over, he found Link staring at the ocarina in his hands with a torn expression. "Don't..." he began, barely audible before he cleared his throat. "Don't let go, all right?"

In that moment, Sheik saw the truth in the woman's words. Link would never leave this island alone. It was together, or not at all. Wasn't that what love meant?

Reaching over, Sheik took Link's bare hand and laced their fingers together. There was sand in his wraps, but when he felt a little squeeze in return he couldn't help but smile. "Never."

"Ready?" At her voice, both warriors turned and nodded. The woman's hair whipped about her in an aura, but her face was calm. "The song of the sacred instruments will call to the dreamers. It will bring them back to their waking world, where they belong." She spared a moment to meet each of their eyes in turn, lips quirking. "And it will bring them together, so long as you play it right." Link raised his ocarina and Sheik positioned his lyre, not needing instruction as to which song they would play. The woman straightened, her voice ringing clear. "Focus on the one on the other side, they will guide your way."

Just before the three of them began the song, Sheik swore he heard Link chuckle. "She always does".


On top of the Lon-Lon wall, a little blue fairy was pacing around in circles. Every now and then her wings would flick to attention and she would dart into the air, only to drift back down a few moments later and resume pacing. As the sun rose above the horizon she paused, rubbed her eyes with a tiny fist, and let out a shaky breath.

"Navi?" A gentle voice down below drew the fairy's attention, if only for a moment. The Princess Zelda stood there with a small bowl of dried fruits and breads in her hands. The simple dress she wore fit well, but looked odd with the her regal circlet and braids. The Princess seemed equally out of place, not just because of the borrowed clothes. "Would you like something to eat?" She paused, then lifted the bowl higher. "It will help keep your strength up."

Navi began to shake her head, but thought better of it. Floating down, she picked a raisin and a crumb from the bowl. "Thank you Zelda - I mean Princess." Unable to help herself, she looked over her shoulder again at the field. In the sunrise she could almost make out the little hidden nook in the mountainside. "Are you really sure we should have left the cave?" It was not the first time she had asked that question, but Zelda didn't seem to mind.

"Yes Navi, I am. If..." the princess winced, then corrected herself in a firmer tone. "When they return, it is likely to be a place they are familiar with. Somewhere that can be pictured clearest."

"Mnm." With that noncommittal, distracted noise, Navi returned to her vigil. Zelda watched the tiny light for a moment longer before turning back to the ranch with a barely audible sigh. A minute later Navi could hear Malon's voice, speaking in her soft drawl. The two women had adapted to the situation with a determination and strength, Malon busying herself providing clean clothing, food and a quiet place for the newly returned princess. Zelda in return was learning what her transfered knowledge had missed, aquatinting herself with the kingdom she would lead and try to heal. Of course, every now and then they would glance to the wall and speak in lowered voices as they watched the dimming light on patrol.

Navi wasn't stupid. She had knowledge of every corner of Hyrule - she knew what Zelda and Malon were saying in their whispers. Looking down at her raisin, the fairy forced herself to take a bite before dropping the rest and nudging it off the side of the wall. She knew they were talking about her, pitying the poor little guide that couldn't accept that Link would never return. But she also knew something they didn't - something even the Triforce of Wisdom couldn't comprehend. Link promised. And that was a force greater than any impossibility, and that meant Link would come back just as he said. And Navi would be waiting to give him an earful for taking so long.

Swiping another hand over her glowing eyes (terrible thing, dust) she stretched her wings and prepared for another few laps. At a small gust however, she paused and lifted her head. Something smelled salty, and sandy. Sort of like a sea-storm, but the sky was clear. Also there was no sea in the middle of a field. Wings fluttering in confusion, Navi turned a slow circle like she expected the source of this abnormality to appear behind her.

Suddenly there was an deafening crash, like a hundred windows breaking in one blow. With a shriek, Navi fell off the wall and dropped a few feet before she remembered how to fly. Darting back up to a hover, she scanned the area frantically and froze at the sight of two figures collapsed in the grass.



There was something loud and bright screaming in Link's ear. It was really not helping his pounding headache any - neither were the insistant yanks on his hair. Forcing his gritty eyes open a crack, he mumbled something incoherent to show his disapproval. This succeeded in stopping the yanking, although the headache and noise remained. In fact, it seemed to increase as a lower voice approached. A swath of auburn entered Link's vision, and suddenly there were slim hands holding his face as the words softened. He heard his name, but didn't feel the need to reply. He already knew who he was, after all.

Another flash of color - this one blond - brushed past him. From the corner of his eye Link saw the blond blob stop nearby, lowering close to a blue and white shadow in the grass. Grass? Idly, Link curled his fingers and pulled out a few blades. Yes, grass. He liked grass.

A third voice from the blond blob was talking, repeating a different name than the auburn blob. Link frowned, trying to hear. When it finally processed, his eyes snapped open. Sheik.

With another mumble, this one distressed, Link made an almighty effort to sit up. He had to get to Sheik! Unfortunately, his almighty effort was quite easily pushed back down by a firm hand. Changing tactics, Link flailed his arms and tried to roll across the grass. That too was foiled, but there were now different words being exchanged very quickly. Something grabbed his arm and stretched it out, towards the shadow in the grass. At the same time the blond blob moved, and Link felt his hand touching something new. Another hand, one wrapped in bandages was underneath his. It was just barely moving, but it was warm and alive. The panic drained from Link, and as he weakly curled his fingers he felt Sheik do the same.


"Really, you brush her any longer and she'll have no hair left." Link jumped, pulled from his thoughts as he turned to find Malon behind him. Belatedly, he realized that he had been brushing the same spot on Epona's flank for a while now. The rancher held out her hand, and Link sheepishly relinquished the brush. Epona nickered and flicked her tail at them before wandering off to graze.

It had taken two hours of flurried questions, healing, and scolding before Link and Sheik were declared fit to stand. It had taken another hour for Navi to finally calm down and retire under Link's hat - the toll of the past few days finally taking hold of her little body. Link expected more reprimands later, but for now he just enjoyed the familiar weight of a fairy sleeping on his head.

"Sorry Malon. It's just..." Link made a helpless gesture across the field as his sentence trailed off. By the house, Sheik and Zelda were having a quiet conversation. Link had made an effort to at least pretend he wasn't watching, but he couldn't help stealing glances every few seconds. Sheik's posture was so attentive it was almost rigid, although this was an improvement from the beginning of the conversation when he had to be coaxed out of kneeling. Zelda in turn, was holding herself regally if not a little uncertainly - like she wasn't used to her body just yet. That at least, Link could relate to. As Link watched, Zelda nodded and made a small gesture. It wasn't until Malon cleared her throat that Link realized his staring and flushed.

"I guess I want to know what they're saying," he settled for quietly. It was a difficult thing to express, even to a friend like Malon. He didn't know how to explain this fear, that Zelda might take Sheik away. Even in his head it sounded silly, but Sheik held his duty to the princess over his own life. If she asked him to dress like a Great Fairy and go live with the Gerudos he'd do it.

...All right that was an odd example.

Luckily, Link was brought out of this train of thought by a nudge to the shoulder. Malon smirked at him, her eyes practically dancing as she pointed. "Well they're done now, go on over and ask. I'm sure Sheik won't mind telling you." Pocketing the brush in her apron, she walked back to the barn and left Link to follow her command.

Taking a deep breath, Link mustered any courage he had left and padded across the pasture. Zelda was indeed peeling away, looking satisfied as she gracefully lifted her skirt to step into the house. Sheik was left standing alone, his posture once the princess was from view. A less discerning eye would catch no difference, but Link knew Sheik's body language well enough to see the weariness in his stance. The warrior was worn and dirty, probably close to how Link himself looked and felt at the moment. As he closed in, Sheik's head turned his way. There was a small moment of silent communication before Sheik lifted a hand and made a small 'follow me' motion. By the back wall was a gnarled oak that provided some shade from the midday sun, and after a small hesitance Sheik sat down under it. Link followed suit with much less grace and picked at a strand of grass. He fished for something to say, but came up more or less empty. "So. Nice talk?"

Sheik made a noncommittal noise, easing his way back to lean against the trunk. When he spoke, his smooth tenor was less fluid than usual as he chose his words. "It seems that Her Royal Highness had my knowledge transfered to her, much as hers was to me on my creation. It unusual concept to grasp, but useful in her decision-making."

With a great effort Link forced his face to remain neutral. Still, his words came out a bit pitchier than usual. "Oh, she decided something?"

"She... offered something." Sheik paused for an agonizing moment, cowl shifting in thought. "I have been offered Lady Impa's former position of royal bodyguard, should I wish it. The Princess requests that I wait at least seven days before answering."

Link let out a slow breath, some of his tension dissipating. He made a note to thank Zelda later for not pressing a decision right away. "Well that's a good thing, right? Nice offer and time to think your options over."

Sheik just shifted a shoulder in what might have been a shrug. There was silence for a few minutes, broken only by the sounds of the ranch. Finally, Sheik spoke so lowly that Link had to lean in to hear. "I've never had options before." Link opened his mouth, but stopped his reply as Sheik continued. "May I ask something of you?"

In his hurry to nod Link nearly bit his tongue off. "Sure, anything." Red eyes flicked his way, then dropped to the grass. Slowly Sheik reached up, hooking a finger in the front of the soft white mask. In one smooth movement the mask was pulled down over nose, lips, chin, revealing the face that had tortured Link's curiosity for so long. Link had a moment to take in a strong jaw and soft mouth before he hurriedly averted his eyes, cheeks burning. "What ah, what did you want to ask?"

Gentle, calloused fingertips touched his chin, guiding his gaze back in silent permission. The bridge of Sheik's straight nose had gone pink, and Link's heart rejoiced at finally being able to notice it. "You said something to me a little while ago," Sheik began, "when you were telling me why... why you came for me." Link pulled himself from his staring long enough to think back. He said something-oh. Oh. That. The nervous fluttering that had dissipated returned tenfold. Sheik seemed to share the sentiment, as he had to clear his throat twice before getting the question out. "I was wondering if you would say it again. Please."

Link swallowed hard, meeting Sheik's gaze. In the red depths he saw his own fear reflected back at him, uncertainty and doubt, but over it all was a glowing hope. Clinging to that, he spoke the truth with soft conviction. "I love you Sheik."

And as Sheik slowly smiled, hope shone bright as the sun. "I love you, Link. I am sorry for not saying it before, please accept it now."

All Link's breath left him with a rush of air, and he could take it no longer. Leaning forward, he cupped Sheik's warm neck and pressed their lips together. Sheik's hands wove into his hair, sending a tingle of pleasure down his spine. The unique scent of cinnamon and ashes teased Link's senses. It was a simple kiss, but the lack of mask was a delight that had Link sneaking an extra touch as they parted. For a long moment, they remained inches apart and simply breathed. Breaking his gaze, Link slid closer until their sides were touching and shared Sheik's backrest against the tree trunk. He privately rejoiced when Sheik responded by relaxing farther, the warmth of their touching bodies spreading. "So what happens now?"

Sheik hummed, tilting his face to the sky. His eyes were closed, a shaft of sunlight drifting across his cheeks. It was a peaceful expression that Link already knew he would never tire of seeing. "Hyrule is in disarray, there is much to be done. Nothing is for certain. But the impossible has happened enough times this week that perhaps we deserve a short rest."

"I like how you think." Daring to lean his head against Sheik's shoulder, Link closed his eyes and smiled when he felt a strong arm wrap his waist and hold him in place. He was filthy and bruised, Navi was drooling in his hair and an entire kingdom needed rebuilt, but Link had a feeling it was going to be a wonderful day.




Notes: To all my wonderful readers, I can't thank you enough. Years after I first posted chapter one, we finally made it to the end. It's been one hell of a trip - eleven chapters, six years, and a few mental breakdowns. I really wanted to get this up this week because it marks something else in my life - I'm a college graduate!

I hope all of you have had a great few years, thank you all.
