Cupid heaved a huge sigh of relief as she fell into the wonderful fluffiness of her large cushioned armchair, the closest thing to a throne that could be found in this castle, and held out a hand into which a cherub deposited a large mug of marshmallows, though presumably there was coco in there somewhere as well.

"Welcome back mistress." Said Amouro as he fluttered over to Cupid, placing a large silver tray covered in various papers and scroll next to her chair, where it floated in midair quite unassisted.

"Thank you Amouro," Cupid said quietly as she heaved herself into a sitting position and grabbed the top scroll on the tray "these are just from today?" She asked in resigned horror, already knowing the answer.

"I'm afraid so mistress." Said the Cherub, bowing his head.

Cupid scanned through the list of names, each one the name of someone who had lost love in the last 24 hours, whether to death, a break up, lies, or any myriad of other reasons. Cupid was not a young spirit by any means, having been one of the first being created by Mother Nature and Father Time, and while she never aged physically, the millennia's she'd seen pass by weighted heavily on her mind sometimes. Everyone knew Cupid was the spirit of love, and it was something she would never trade for anything, being able to bring the truest and most pure form of happiness to people was the most amazing thing she could imagine. Of course everything good in life comes with a catch, and despite what her detractors may say, Cupid was no starry-eyed schoolgirl with no grasp on reality. She knew all too well that love didn't always work out, and the pain that can stem from when it doesn't. Even when love does work out, it is still often the root of much pain and suffering, and so her other role; the spirit of Loss. Because to truly experience the loss of something you must first have loved it.

Cupid buried her face in her hands, allowing just for a moment, the crushing weight of the losses she'd experienced wash over her. Every broken heart, every schoolyard crush, every case of unrequited love, every lover taken before their time. The pain and loss of more years then she cared to count weighed down on the usually so chipper spirit of love as she scrolled through the list that had seemed to growing larger with each passing year. Finally unable to take it anymore she rolled up the scroll and replaced it on its tray. Taking several long slow breaths as she calmed herself, having finished that particular part of her daily ritual; she knew the influence she wielded over mortals was a great and terrible responsibility and so each day she remembered the loss it could cause as a warning to herself to be careful before she meddled.

"I hate seeing you like this milady." Amouro said from his place near her chair.

"I know, but it is necessary." Cupid said before lifting her gaze and allowing her face to adopt its more familiar smile "Enough of this now, there is always a reason to move on." She said, making to grab for the second scroll on the tray when she stopped short, and instead grabbed the smaller ream of paper, a list of those who were newly planning to wed, this list, though smaller, always lifted her mood and today was no exception as her eyes fell upon two names at the top of the list that she knew quite well; E. Aster Bunnymund & Jack Overland Frost.

"It is about time!" Cupid shouted with happiness, not bothering to read the details, Amouro would inform of those when the time came. "I swear, after the overgrown dust mop came to me for help finding the right ring I didn't expect to have to wait six months for him to actually use it! I was about to go ahead and ask the boy for him." Cupid said as she started fluttering around the large room, rifling through wardrobes and cabinets. She had indeed been close to meddling with Jack and Aster's relationship, though in this case not out of any necessity but out of her own impatience, an urge she was very proud to have resisted. Of course that pair had never really needed any assistance from her, other than the slight jumpstart she had provided all those years ago, of course the ordeal the two went through together probably would have done that anyway. Still it was remarkable just how little attention she was required to pay to the couple, not that that stopped her from keeping an eye out anyway-they were her friends after all. They fought and bickered like any other couple, possible a bit more than most couples if truth be told, but Cupid had hardly seen a pair made more for each other than those two, if for no other reason than they were both far too stubborn to let any issue sit and stew for more than a few minutes.

Her mood restored by this news, and the reminder that love still flourished in so many hearts in the world, Cupid tossed the list back on the tray and turned to Amouro "make a note to RSVP when the invitations are sent out darling, and cancel any appointments for the rest of the day!" With that Cupid sped out of the room and the castle, setting her sights to the entrance to the warren, after all congratulations were in order, and of course someone would have to plan the affair, and she would be damned if that overgrown hummingbird beat her to the punch! After all, she was Cupid, the spirit of Love and Loss, and today she could see only love in her friends future.