"Get it, Midoriya!"
"Holy shit, text me details!"
"Congrats - and don't forget that you owe me 1000 yen!"
The students watched as Midoriya and Todoroki quickly walked away from the group, nearly hand-in-hand and a noticeable blush on the former's face. People continued screaming their excitement until they were out of sight before turning to face one another.
"I'm so excited for Deku!" Uraraka said, a wide smile on her face as she spoke to Ashido. "They've been pining for so long that I feel like we need to throw another party to celebrate their relationship."
"Oh, hell yeah!" Denki replied and lifted his head up from Hanta's shoulder. "I bet Todoroki is thrilled that he showed up; lost his Truth or Dare-ginity, and gained a boyfriend!"
Hanta laughed, somehow not dropping Denki as his enitre body shook.
"It was about fucking time." Bakugo exclaimed loudly, turned toward Kirishima. "They were so fucking obvious about their dumb as fuck pining - I don't understand how they could glance at each other and not think, 'Holy fucking shit, I've been so fucking stupid - he's been looking at me like a lovesick dog.'" Denki bit back a snort as he looked over and saw him, oblivious to the small smile and look of adoration on Kirishima's face as he ranted. How ironic.
He lifted his head up near Hanta's ear, his voice low with a smirk on his face. "It took eighty four freaking years, but Tododeku is finally canon." He moved closer and grinned as he felt Hanta's heart beat speed up, sounding like a familiar electronic song. "Now we just gotta get Kiri to confess to Lord Explosion Murder over there and I'll be set - although this will be even harder to pull off than getting Todoroki and Midoriya together was, since Bakugo is harder to get a read of when he's not pissed off than Kiri becomes while using his quirk or while staring at Blasty." Hanta nearly dropped him and bit his lips, stifling a loud laugh.
"Denki." He mumbled, his face turning red as he forced himself to speak.
"You alright, Sero?" Ashido asked. "You look like you're gonna explode."
"Yeah. Explosions are Bakugo's thing - kero - and he'll be angry if you try to take that away-"
"What did you just say, Pepe?!"
"Alright, everyone." Denki said and sat up - ignoring the laughter from most of his classmates as Hanta's hold onto him slipped and they both fell to the ground (although his boyfriend does make for a great cushion). He picked himself up and sat down on the table, speaking as he helped Hanta. "I know everyone and that one spider underneath the TV stand wants to scream in joy now that Tododeku is canon, but how about we continue everyone's favorite game as we rant?"
"Wait, Kaminari." Tsuyu said, her tongue stuck out slightly. "Todoroki was supposed to go next, but he left. Should we restart?"
"Well, you can choose someone if you want." He responded and wrapped one arm around Hanta, a large smile on his face despite the developing bruise on his forehead.
"Alright." Tsuyu turned toward Hagakure - or maybe she's looking at Bakugo? "Tooru," Whoops, nevermind. "Truth or Dare?"
Hagakure giggled excitedly. "Truth, please."
"Earlier in the semester you changed your hero name from Invisible Girl to Wallflower. I was just wondering why you decided to change your hero name; they're both good, though."
She clasped her hands together with a loud clap! "Well, I liked the name Invisible Girl as well, but at the same time, I feel like it was a bit simplistic?" She appeared to look around at some of the others, such as Satou, and continued. "Not like that's a bad thing, though! I just feel like mine gave away my quirk immediately, and that might make villains do certain things in order to catch me or figure out some of my tricks immediately after I go pro. Plus, wallflower actually means to avoid the spotlight, and make it so people act as if you're invisible." The room erupted in scattered groans of aggravation and awkward laughter; Denki's groan was the second loudest, right behind Bakugo's. "Wow, you guys really hate my jokes."
"Invisibitch." Bakugo said.
"You made your fucking hero name a pun - a shitty one, at that."
"Yeah." Bakugo squinted his eyes and scoffed, shaking his head before turning back to Kirishima. "Well alright then, Lord Explosion Murder."
"That was a fantastic name!" He snapped, turning back toward her.
She sighed. "Anyway, it's my turn." She hummed quietly as she scanned the room. Denki watched her with a smirk, his neck cracking as he turned it further to the right. Man, he thought. If only I had a quirk where I had eyes in the back of my head.
"That was the worst pun I've ever heard." Hanta mumbled into his ear suddenly, jerking him out of his train of thought.
A snicker escaped him as he replied. "You can say that again."
He looked at her again, smiling wide. "Yeah?"
"Truth or Dare?"
He laughed as he spun himself around, crossing his legs on the table. "You say that as if you don't know what I'm gonna pick." He paused for a moment before taking in a deep breath "Dare!"
"Holy shit, ow." Hanta mumbled and pressed a hand against his ear. "I think that scream of yours was louder than any of Mic-sensei's."
Denki turned around briefly and gave him a crooked grin. "Sorry."
"Well, uh, I dare you to, um." Hagakure paused, lost in thought for a moment before suddenly snapping her fingers; Denki could tell that there would be a visible smirk on her face. "I got it! I dare you to dance with anyone to a random foreign song."
Denki scoffed, shrugging. Not too hard - gonna be fun, too. "Alright, not too shabby." He stood up and scanned the room, humming loudly. Hagakure was quietly squealing in anticipation, Ashido waved her left arm excitedly, giving Denki a peace sign with a large smile, and Bakugo was giving him a hostile glare. Man, he's lucky his looks can't kill.
He looked down at Hanta, who still sat on the table, and smirked. "Let's be honest here," Denki stretched his hand out to him. "No one really expected me to ask anyone else to do this with me."
Hanta smiled nervously, chucking as he grabbed Denki's hand; his palms were sweaty. "Don't expect high-quality moves - I can't really dance."
"Don't worry, Hanta." Denki replied, pulling him up from the table. His smile widened, a spark in his eyes. "I'm pretty great at dancing without a routine. This is all for fun, anyway, it's not like they're gonna be critiquing us or anything."
"Hold on - I gotta record this!" Ashido said excitedly.
"I'll get a song ready!" Hagakure exclaimed and took out her phone.
It took less than two minutes to get the area ready, with Satou, Kouda, Kirishima, Ojiro, Tsuyu and Uraraka moving the furniture back while Ashido, Hagakure and Aoyama huddled together, discussing song possibilities loudly.
"My dear friends, I believe they should dance to the fantastic Sapés comme jama-"
"Hagakure," Ashido cut him off, moving to block him from Hagakure's view with her hands in the air. "There's this one English song that I was linked to a while back and it honestly changed my life-"
"I actually have another song in mind." Hagakure said and moved her phone closer to Ashido, who near immediately began to laugh loudly.
Denki snickered as he watched the organized chaos unfold from one of the tables in the dining area, stretching his arms out in front of him. He looked down and watched Hanta stretch his leg, sweat dripping down his neck. He smirked as he continued to stare at his back, stopping himself from running his hand down Hanta's spine. "Holy shit, you're hot."
Hanta jerked his head up, a light blush developing. "Denki, you can't just catch me off guard like that." He didn't speak as he stood up, not looking Denki in the eye as he began to twist his upper body. "So are you, by the way."
"Kaminari! Sero!" Hagakure yelled, the sleeves of her shirt flailed excitedly. "We're done setting up."
He stood up from the chair, reaching out to Hanta. "You ready?"
He sighed with a small smile, taking hand tightly. "As ready as I'll ever be."
"Oh hell yeah!" Ashido said, her phone already recording. "This is gonna be good."
"You bet." Kirishima replied. "It sucks that Bakugo has to miss this; had to answer a call from his mother."
"Shit, really?" Denki asked, sighing loudly as Kirishima nodded. "Damn it, that sucks. Hopefully, he can come back for the last few seconds of the song or something."
"Alright, guys!" Hagakure said and ran toward them. She clasped her hands together loudly before she spoke. "I hope you're both ready, cause ready or not, I'm throwing on the track in thirty seconds." She walked to one of the sofas near the TV - where Ojiro and Tsuyu were - and sat in between them. "Show me what you got!"
Denki smirked, letting go of Hanta's hand. "Everyone, I'm letting you all know now that I'm gonna blow all of your socks off!" He pointed, spinning around twice before stumbling, nearly falling on his face.
"Denki, you really need to work on spinning without worrying about falling on your face."
He scoffed loudly, hearing the track begin as he regained his balance. He felt like he's heard the song before, but he couldn't remember its name. He locked eyes with Hanta and smirked, taking one step forward. He closed his eyes, waiting a moment before jerking his arms close to his chest, elbows bent, as the first beat played. He could heard a few snickers from the others as his arms lowered, moving up again every time the beat replayed before they became they became too frequent. After that, he lost track of exactly what moves he was performing, but kept it in-sync with the music.
"Denki." Hanta's voice broke him out of his dancing-induced trance. He opened his eyes and saw him, clutching his stomach as he held back laughter. "What on Earth are you doing?"
"Dancing." He said with a smile. "Which you should also be doing, by the way." He began to continue dancing, before suddenly feeling something hit him, sticking to his chest and moving his arms back to his sides. "Hanta," He began. "What on Earth are you doing, now?"
He said nothing as he moved closer, cutting off the tape from his elbows; Denki moved forward a few steps as well, but started to tap dance loudly.
"Please stop, Denki." He said, his face red.
"What are you gonna d - ah!"
Hanta allowed himself to laugh as he suddenly lifted Denki off of the ground, holding him close to his body.
"Hanta, you're nuts!" He yelled above the music, attempting the sound serious (and failing), before starting to laugh too.
"And yet you love me."
"You bet I do!" Denki cackled, moving his head so their noses touched. His laughter only got louder as Hanta began to spin around impulsively. Denki thought he could hear someone talking -Or maybe it's the music - yet he didn't care enough to tell Hanta to stop. After a few moments, their laughter and the oddly warm embrace they were in became the only thing he focused on; he was sure he never felt so happy.
Oh my god, I love you.
For a brief moment, he thought he could hear Hanta reply. I love you, too.
When he opened his eyes again, the first thing he saw was Ashido, Uraraka, and Aoyama's jaws nearly on the ground, all of their eyes wide in shock. He looked a little to the left to see Shinso, sitting down on one of the dining area chairs, staring in noticeable disbelief. He was able to blink once before someone screamed loudly.
"Ah! Holy shit!" Ashido yelled at the top of her lungs before suddenly grabbing Uraraka (whose jaw still hung close to the ground) by the shoulders, shaking her excitedly. "Ochako, are you seeing this?!"
"Dude!" Kirishima said, running into their line of vision with a wide grin. "You guys look awesome! How did you guys even do that?!"
"Do what?" Denki asked. His eyes widened in shock as he finished speaking.
That's not my normal voice.
That's not my normal voice.
He looked down at himself, seeing what appeared to be a combination of Hanta's white t-shirt and Denki's yellow "Chargebolt" shirt as his shirt, and loose jeans as his pants. He thought he was able to hear people around him speaking, asking him questions or saying congratulations, but he was only able to process one thing.
"We fused?!" He screamed in disbelief.
How did we pull this off, Denki?!
I don't know, babe, but this is awesome! Why? Do you wanna figure out how to unfuse?
...Nah. Net yet, anyway.
"We fused."
Damn, I think I could get used to existing.
"We fused!" He could feel a wide smile on his face, his body shaking in excitement. "Guys, we fused! I'm a fusion!"
"How did you guys even do that?!" Hagakure asked and ran toward them. "It was like, you were there, and then next thing I know you were glowing!"
"That was a very dazzling entrance you had, my friend." Aoyama said with a smirk. "Almost as dazzling as my entrances when I enter."
"Seriously dude, that entrance was manly as hell." Kirishima added. "I hope my future fusions have a cool, flashy entrance like that."
The fusion clasped his hands together unconsciously as he laughed, a familiar warmth coursing through his veins. "You guys are gonna make me blush even more than Hanta does!" He looked around him to see that everyone seemed to have more closer to him in interest or excitement (except Shinso)
"Congrats, Kaminari, Sero," Tsuyu said, breaking him out of his train of thought. "But what should we call you, their fusion? You're your own person after all - kero."
He pursed his lips together as he heard her question, lifting one hand up and pressing it to his chin, placing his other hand on his hip. "That's a good question, Tsuyu." What do I want to call myself? KamiSero? SeroNari? Hanki? No, none of them fit me right. "I, uh, actually don't know." He looked around at his friends; he realized that he wasn't much taller than most of them as he turned his head. "Anyone got any ideas?"
He should have expected them to start speaking near simultaneously, words overlapping quickly with barely enough time for him to hear their thoughts and think about it himself.
"What about 'Electro-Tape'?" Ashido asked. Eh, too basic.
";KamiSero'?" Satou suggested. Already crossed off that name from our list for now.
"To add onto Ashido's idea, 'The One and Only Sparkling Electrical Tape' works the best." Aoyama said confidently. Nope. No. That's not happening, Aoyama. I'd rather short-circuit than give myself that name.
"Oh my gosh!" Someone exclaimed. Well, that's definitely an odd name idea, but - wait, what?
He picked his gaze up from the ground to see Midoriya and Todoroki speedwalking toward them, hand in hand. Midoriya's eyes were wide while Todoroki's mouth seemed to hang open slightly; the former seemed to be walking a little bit quicker. He smiled, quietly clearing his throat for a moment. "Ay, it's 2A's newest couple - after god knows how many months of pining."
Midoriya blushed faintly and looked at Todoroki briefly. "Well, uh, we can talk about that later." His eyes seemed to be sparkling as he began to look up and down the fusion.
"We heard screaming and wanted to make sure you guys were alright." Todoroki said, shock still visible in his eyes. "Congrats."
"This is incredible!" Midoriya said, noticeably squeezing Todoroki's hand. "I wouldn't have guessed that any of us would be able to fuse until after fusion training started, but I guess it makes sense in hindsight since we're all so close." He pressed his free hand to his chin. "It really is fascinating to see, though. I don't know how Kaminari and Sero did it, but you must've been caught off guard - all three of you." His eyes squinted for a moment. "Wait a minute, what is your name?"
"We were actually talking about that." He stared at the ceiling for a moment and sighed. "I guess - for now, anyway - KamiSero works." He looked back to them and almost sprinted forward. "Anyway, enough about me." He pointed at them excitedly. "You two are finally dating - right? Please say yes, because then you guys will stop pining and Jirou will owe Denki 500 yen-"
"Yes, we're dating." Todorki said and winced as the room erupted in screams again, some people whooping in delight while others congratulated them at a lower volume. Uraraka ran forward and embraced both of them excitedly.
"I'm so happy for you guys!"
KamiSero smirked. "Bet your happy you let it slip that you've need played the legendary game of Truth or Dare before, right, Todoroki?" He laughed loudly, his arms crossing. "Just like Hanta's more than content that he taped up Denki in front of everyone." He laughed loudly as Todoroki gave him a confused look while Midoriya groaned. "Don't worry, it wasn't as inappropriate as it sounds - probably."
"KamiSero!" He turned around to see Ashido holding her phone, a wide grin on her face. "Jirou texted me. Apparently, Kaminari never answered her texts earlier, and she wants to know why I screamed in the class chat." Damn it, Denki. He thought to himself.
"Whoops." He said. "Well, I might as well let the others know that I exist - mind taking a photo of me and the others?"
It took at least five minutes for the class to move around enough for the photo. Midoriya and Todoroki stood near the end of the group, near Uraraka and Ashido, holding onto one of each others hands; the former wore his signature grin, while the latter had a small smile and a faint spark in his eyes. Kirishima stood on the other end of the group, his arms crossed and wearing a toothy grin. In the middle of the group, KamiSero stood, posing with a peace sign and an open smile. God, I love my life.
lightningrodsnstuff has changed the name of the chat to "I EXIST"!
lightningrodsnstuff : I_
NightHawk : I see Truth or Dare is going well - congratulations, by the way. I'll try to make it next time when I don't feel more dead than usual.
NightHawk : Also, did one of you dare Ashido to send me the entire chorus to "Bring Me to Life"?
lightningrodsnstuff : yep that happened
AllAboutDatBass : BITCH
lightningrodsnstuff : uh yeah that also hapened - ya owe denki 500 yen (u guys can call me kamisero for now btw)
AllAboutDatBass : ...
AllAboutDatBass has left "I EXIST"!
Next time on "let's mash it up (in our own quirky ways)" : Fusion training begins!
(Also, in case any of you are curious, here's the links to the songs referenced/used : www . youtube watch?v=4bPGxLxogvw , www . youtube watch?v=dGeEuyG_DIc , www . youtube watch?v=y6120QOlsfU)
I hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see you all next time. :D