![]() Author has written 21 stories for Law of Ueki, Tsubasa Chronicle, Pokémon, Card Captor Sakura, Harry Potter, Gakuen Alice, D N Angel, Ginban Kaleidoscope, Black Cat, Twilight, Big Bang Theory, and Wizards of Waverly Place. Hi everyone! Welcome to my profile! ABOUT ME I am: blazingeyes Nicknames: blazing, blazing-chan,blaze,or May (NO CAPS IN THE 'B' IN BLAZING! Grrrr...I hate it when people do that!) My Sun sign is: Pisces My Birthday is on: February 28 My character: Normal, book-worm, nice, tend to ignore loud noises, etc. Gender: Female What I like to do: Write, read, hang out with my friends, play my guitar, eat, sleep in on holidays,sing, doodle,etc. What I don't like to do: Waste time, clean my room (yet, sad to say, I am compelled to do so), eat things I don't like, etc. Favourite Numbers: 6,7,13 (coincedence: 67=13!) Favourite colours: Turquoise, pink, amethyst, and black. Music I like: Rock, Pop, Country, soft music, Japanese songs, psychedelic music...any type of music! Books I like: Manga, comics, Harry potter, The Inheritance trilogy, The Lord of the rings, The Hobbit, I have so many I can't even name them all! Animes I like: Pokemon, Cardcaptor Sakura, The Law of Ueki, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Gakuen Alice, Daa! Daa! Daa, Inuyasha, Beyblade, Jigoku Shoujo, Black cat, Digimon, Detective school Q, DN angel,La Corda D'oro, xxxHolic,Shonen onmyoji,Nodame Cantabile, Shugo chara, School rumble, Hayate the combat butler, Shakugan no ShanaAsatte no houkou, K-ON!, Kaicho wa Maid-sama!, FairyTail and a lot more... TV shows I like: Hannah Montana, The Suite life of Zack and Cody, Phil of the future, Chalk Zone, The Big Bang theory, Castle, Life With Derek, etc; Iam a member at: Fanart central (My user ID there is turquoise6713.) To view my pics, click 'View gallery.' PICTURES FOR MY STORIES: 1) Sakurano - (from 'Be careful what you wish for') 2) Train and Saya - (from "And then came an Angel...") (If you have any requests, even AMVs please ask!) Esnips (Username: Sapphire gal) Youtube (I am called blushingbrunette there.) QUOTES I noticed that a lot of people have quotes in their profiles so I thought, 'Hey why not?' . Sorry if they're not exact. So Here they are: Quotes from: 1) Law of Ueki: Mori:WHAT! How did you lose all your talents? Ueki: Huh? Mori: HUH? Don't 'huh' me! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rinko: What's your limitation Ai? Mori: I don't know. Sano: You mean all the conditions were perfect when you used your powers on Memory? Mori: (grins and sticks out her tongue) Seems that way! Everyone: (sweatdrops) We're never gonna win! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rinko: By the way, what grade are you in? Ban: The eleventh grade. Why? Rinko: Oh I'm in the twelfth grade. Ban: So? Rinko: (slaps him left and right with her gloves) HOW DARE YOU TALK TO YOUR SENIORS LIKE THAT YOU DIRTY SNOT- RAG!! 2) Cardcaptor Sakura: Syaoran: You always go so warm and fuzzy whenever you see Ms. Mizuki! Sakura: I do not! (sees Ms. Mizuki and goes all warm and fuzzy) Syaoran: (sweatdrops) See what I mean? 3) Pokemon: Drew: Come on May. That's not my style. You should know that. Everyone: We should huh? Drew: (sweatdrops and blushes) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Misty: It was a fluffy...uh..hazy...squishy...uh...mushy...fuzzy...wow-wow kind of... Brock: She got hit hard. Ash: Yeah. Misty: THAT'S NOT TRUE! 4) Tsubasa Chronicle: Syaoran: We're going to write a book. Guy (forgot his name): A book? Syaoran: Yes. Guy: Written by children like you? Syaoran: (pointing at Fai) No, written by him. Fai: It's all true! The boy (Syaoran) is my assistant. And this young lady (Sakura) is my sister. (Pointing at Kurogane) Oh, and he's the hired help. Kurogane: WHAT WAS THAT! Mokona: Head butt attack! (hits Kurogane in the butt with his head) Kurogane: ARG! 5) La Corda D'oro Kanazawa sensei: And when it's during the consecutive holidays too... Ryoutarou: That's my line...going to a training camp so suddenly. Kazuki: HEY! Kanayan! Tsuchiura! I made it to the assembly time didn't I? (yells from the other side) I was really looking forward to today so I wasn't able to sleep well enough yesterday! I slept in late so I was in a hurry...(continues to yell and dance around ecstatically) Kanazawa sensei: Make this kid shut up. Ryoutarou: He's a senpai (senior) even if he doesn't act like it... 6) Hannah Montana Jake: (looking at Lily) I forgot my pencil! Lily: You can have mine! Miley: Nice going...now how are you gonna write the test? Lily: (looking at Miley) Do you have a pencil? Miley: Look Lily you dropped something! Lily: What? Miley: Your dignity! 7) The suite life of Zack and Cody Zack: Arwin, what you need is a woman in your life. Arwin: Ah come on! No girls gonna knock on my door any sooner... (The door bell rings. Arwin opens it and there's a girl standing outside) Girl(sorry forgot her name!): Arwin could I borrow some sugar? Arwin:No. (closes the door) Cody: Arwin? Wasn't that a girl? Arwin: (opens the door and looks at her and closes the door again) Yup. Zack: So...why won't you give her some sugar? Arwin: But why should I give her my sugar? Zack: So you can get some sugar back! Arwin: What's the point if she's gonna give the same sugar back? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cody: What kind of a twin are you? You don't even know when my birthday is! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Zack: (to cody) DUDE! They're english girls! They have british accents! Even when they dump you it sounds good!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mr. Moseby: London you really have to get your grades up! London: But...education and me just don't get along! Maddie: Education and I. London: We're not talking about you over here! 8) Naruto Sasuke: What's the password? Naruto: (Note: I don't really remember it exactly so please don't be mad!!) Got it! When the enemy sleeps; When his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night; that is when a ninja strikes. (Sasuke suddenly throws a dagger at the 'fake Naruto'. The 'fake naruto' dodges) Sakura: Sasuke! What did you do that for? He got the password right! Word for word! Sasuke: That's what's suspicious. Do you the Naruto we know would be able to memorize something like that? You'd have a better chance teaching it to a hamster... Sakura: Good point... 9) Wizards of Waverly place: Alex: Hey guess what I just failed my spanish mid-term! Harper: Why are you so happy about that? Alex: Because Riley failed his spanish mid-term too and that means he's been paying as much attention to me as I have to him. By the way, failing spanish is hard work... Harper: How's that? Alex: Well, first I show up late every day so he'll notice me; then I forget my textbook so we have to share one; then I let the teacher catch us passing notes so she'll make us both stay after class. Harper: Wow. That is hard work! You must be exhausted... Alex: Yeah, that's why I sleep during history... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Teresa (Alex's mom): So let's get to work on your espanol! Alex: Yeah mom that too but first you need to help me with my spanish... Teresa: Espanol is Spanish! Alex: Espanol is spanish for what? Teresa: This is gonna be harder than I thought... 10) xxxHolic: Watanuki: (pointing at black Mokona) What's that? Yuuko: This is Mokona. Watanuki: Yeah but what is it? Yuuko: Mokona is Mokona. If you add one more Mokona to this one there will be two Mokonas!! Watanuki: THAT DOESN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION!! 11) Nodame Cantabile: Chiaki: (sniffs) Your hair stinks. Nodame: Eh?? But I washed it four days ago! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chiaki: Hey Nodame... Nodame: Sempai? Chiaki: You can sleep on my bed tonight...with my ARM as a pillow... Nodame: (rushes towards him) GYAPOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Later in bed Nodame: (lies down on Chiaki's bed) Come on Sempai...let's sleep together. Chiaki: (whacks her and throws her out) LIKE HELL WE WILL! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Nodame: Shinichi-kun no baka! (Shinichi is an idiot!) Chiaki: (silence)...who are YOU calling an idiot? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12) Black cat: Train: (comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his body) Sven: Hey Train you're back to normal size again! Kyoko: Maybe the water did it to black cat? Eve: ...So Train's like...instant noodles! Train: TAKE THAT BACK! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Eve: Where's Rinlet? Sven: She went to a hotel cause she said she needed to sleep on a soft bed again... (Shows shot of Rinslet realxing in the bath tub) Eve: But I want to sleep in a soft bed too! Sven: Ehehe...these cheap motels aren't that bad you know... Eve: (sweat drops) Cheapskate... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 13) Shugo Chara: Kiseki: I think the guardians haven't been alert of late...if this continues, my dream of world domination will never come true...SO! WE'RE STARTING SECRET TRAINING TO WORK TOWARDS GUARDIAN CHARACTER WORLD DOMINATION! Everyone: SECRET TRAINING?! Daichi: What the...? You don't get to decide on your own! Pepe: You can't decide just because you're king! Temari: My kimono will get dirty. Miki: (stares at Kiseki and blushes) Suu: What's wrong Miki? Miki: (blush) Wow...he's cool... Suu: I guess Miki likes arrogant men... Ran: Wait...Miki's a girl?! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 14) Ultra Maniac: Hiroki: You can trust me! I'm a nice guy! I lent you my Doraemon comics didn't I? Nina: Yes...that was kind of you... Hiroki: Huh? Nina: ...okay, I'll tell you. Hiroki: Really? (thinks to himself) Logic fails...but Doraemon wins her over! The power of comics! Incredible! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I will post more quotes as soon as I can think of any! XXXTRA STUFF Okay, so this is where all the little extra bits that I couldn’t fit into the rest of my bio come. (Cuz the rest of my bio is WAY too organized…LOL) So…here it comes: -YAOI-NESS: I AM A YAOI FANGIRL SO LIVE WITH IT!! xDDDD I like DouWata/Donuts (Domeki X Watanuki) from xxxholic. I even have a community for it and if you wanna be a staff member just send me a PM or something…_ Doumeki: I don't want anything to happen to you. Watanuki: Why? Doumeki: Then I won't get free lunch everyday... Watanuki: JERK!! I also like KuroFai from Tsubasa Reservoir chronicles (TRC). They’re so funny…ROFL Fai: Kuro-poo!! Kuro: IT’S KUROGANE IDIOT!! Fai: Ah…but you look so cute when you’re mad…Kuro-pii Kuro: WHY YOU!! Oh and if you like Law of Ueki (LOU) check out my forum called “LOU discussions”. It even has some RPGs… -AVVIES: ZOMG I change my avvies liek crazy! Sometimes I change it twice a week or whenever I get a really cute one. So don’t count on remembering me by my avatar…lol. -NAMES:Oh and like I mentioned in the “About me” section in my profile, I’m called blazing, blazing-chan or May. But one of my really good friends called Kitty-san calls me Selina. So don’t steal it cuz only SHE can call me Selina. Private property so no touchy-touchy! LOL :P - RP-ING: I currently RP in Kiri-kun's MaiHime RPG Forum. I am also a mod there. I like making new OC's. My current fave (the one I'm using now) is Nino/Nina Azuki. -MANGA: I’m currently writing two mangas of my own and a third one which is a collab manga with my friend Kari-chan (Angelwings12) My mangas are: 1)Seishou Gakuen (Spirit Academy): My own work; it’s currently half-way through volume one. SHOUJO 2) Watashi dake no Hajime! (My only Hajime): Again my own manga; is also half-way through volume one. TOATLLY SHOUJO. 3) Angelwings: The last Warrior: My collab with Kari-chan. Volume one completed. Halfway through volume 2. Story plot – entirely hers. Illustrations – me. Er...semi shoujo semi shonen. A shonenjo Riku-chan would call it... -GUITAR: Yeah I play the acoustic…for now. I’ll be getting an electric pretty soon. W00t!! I know to play and sing about 30 songs… ...Anyway thank you for reading my looooong profile! Have a nice day! Arigatou gozaimasu |
Community: | DouWata fics |
Focus: | Anime/Manga xxxHOLiC |