Omg, here it is folks 8D THE bonus chapter! It is of a bit of SanoxRinko and PACKED with UekixMori XDDDDD


An extraordinarily strong chapter :)

And yes, i DID finish the story. I'm such a fan of cliffhangers xP

Oh...~ Nothing much to say. Well. Just read it already!

I hope you will review as much as you are supposed to, because I will miss your reviews on this wonderful fanfic. I always thought Law of Suki would have more reviews than this. But maybe cus LoS wuz a little ridiculous...~

Oh well.

Hope you will love this chapter and review!

Just say I Love You

Bonus Chapter

"Have you seen Rinko?" Sano said as he walked up to us at the School Gates one day. I remembered Rinko and Sano weren't really in our school any more, but Ueki and I graduated into high school, Rinko and Sano graduated into college and coincidentally met in the same college.

Our schools are not very far from each other, and I'm pretty disappointed that I'm in a different high school than Ueki, he is next to fail during the Hinokuni High School enrolment exams, although he tried his best. But lucky for us, Ueki enrolled into another school, which isn't very far either. We, including Rinko and Sano, often met each other outside the gates at the college after school.

"Rinko?" Ueki said. "She isn't with you?" I added. "Well, she told me to go on ahead after the last lecture, but I was waiting just outside the door of the building for 15 minutes straight and she still hasn't come out.

"Didn't you look for her?" Ueki asked. "I figured you guys would be waiting for us so I came." Sano shrugged. I suggested, "Why don't you look for her now?" "I need to look for one of our lecturers first. He told me to look for him because I was asking for some notes." Sano told me. Ueki glanced at me and offered, "We'll go look for her then, not that I think she's in trouble or anything." I think he knows something. I grinned at him before nodding at Sano.

"Okay, thanks. I'll go now." Sano said, relieved before darting away. "Why don't you search the classrooms Rinko and Sano goes to while I search anywhere else?" Ueki suggested.

It had been a year since Ueki and I "confessed" to each other. We weren't acting all "fluffy" around each other or anything, because we're not like that.

But we whenever we are alone, even just for a minute, or in any random moments, Ueki would suddenly lean against me like a kid. Once he did that when I dropped by his home on a study "date", and Shoko passed out as if she was so pleased beyond words.

Those actions of him reminded me of some manga Hanajima was reading once. Called Beast…something. It was of some beast-like guy, who is actually really cute and childish, being friends with a perfectly normal girl, who is hated by animals despite her loving them.

Sometimes when I'm not expecting it I would scream and kick Ueki in embarrassment, and he would only laugh and half-jump and half-hug me to stop my so-called rampage.

I remembered my father actually worked here. He once showed me around so I pretty much knew the place without getting lost. Let's hope Ueki won't get lost either.

I came across a room and pulled open the door, somebody jumped out of his or her seat. "Rinko-chan?" I said when my eyes got used to the unusual gloom. "Oh, Ai-chan. Er, hi." She said, hiding something behind her back instantly.

I strolled over to her casually. "Hmm…why are you here? Ueki and I are looking for you." I said. "Um, nothing! Just finishing up some homework. Yeah." Rinko said, trying to stuff whatever she was hiding into her bag which had paw prints printed on the bag.

"I saw a box with the lid scattered over the desk. I noticed some pieces of cloth and cotton in them and also a piece of thread was trailing from the box to behind Rinko.

Rinko followed my gaze and murmured, "Oh shoot." "What's this?" Growing curious and suspicious, I grabbed the box.

"Teddy bear sewing kit. Make a handmade teddy bear for yourself or a friend. Easy and fun. This colour is black." I read on the lid. I tossed the box back onto the desk and then suddenly grabbed Rinko's arm and pulled it out to reveal a half-finished black teddy bear.

"Wow!" I said when I saw it. "Um…" Rinko looked uncomfortable. "What's up, Rinko-chan? You're just making a teddy bear." I grinned in amusement. "It's not just that. I…" Rinko said, blushing.

I noticed her look. Then I remembered ever since Ueki and I became so-called lovers, I noticed the looks Rinko gave Sano. I knew Sano liked her, but he's such a smart ass in hiding it; I only noticed it when I realized how willing Sano is to accompany Rinko in stuff like walking to school.

"Oh!" I grinned wider. "It's for Sano! No wonder!" I said, pointing to the teddy bear. "It's…It's…it is for Sano-kun." Rinko admitted. "You don't have to hide from me, Rinko-chan, that you like him even as far as making him a precious handmade teddy bear." I smiled.

"Um, thanks?" Rinko said hesitantly. "But why are you hiding here?" I asked, getting to my point.

"Well, I had a classmate of mine who gave a teddy bear to her boyfriend. And she said it's what she thinks an ideal gift to someone you care about. Not that it's really true or that Sano-kun might like bears, but I'm trying. And when I forgot to ask her where she bought the kit, I asked Ueki-kun since his sister always gets him to go buy stuff from convenience stores and such. He told me a shop and I actually found several kits there." Rinko said. "Oh, and why am I here? Because I bought it yesterday and today I asked Josie, yes, that's her and she has an English name, to show me some basic stuff…and even when she left I lost track of time."

I stared at her after her long-winded explanation. "Okay…" I nodded slowly. Ideal gift to someone you care about?

Anyway, now I understood why Ueki somehow knew what was going on. Why does he have to be so secretive? How "charming", Micah would tease me.

"I see! Well, you can finish your bear later since Sano was asking and asking and wondering where you went." I said, eyes gleaming. "He…he was?" Rinko looked up, startled. "Yep! Come on!" I said, grabbing her arm and running out of the room.

"Ah…you found Rinko." Ueki said when he saw us coming towards him. Sano was there as well. "Phew. I was wondering if you, like, got lost in the big school or something." Sano said, tilting his head to one side. Rinko did her best to hide her blush and she lowered her eyes, saying as coolly as she could, "Yeah."

Ueki and I grinned at each other. It seems Ueki really did know what was going on. "Let's go." I said, pushing Ueki out of the gates. Ueki suddenly flopped his arms on my shoulders, as if I was his support. "Get off, idiot." I said, half-smiling. When he didn't respond, I grabbed his hands and pulled them so hard Ueki laughingly said, "Okay fine, I surrender!"

I instantly let go of him and he got off me. Ueki had gotten a lot taller, although I did as well. Rinko was watching us, smiling as if in envy or pleasure. Sano didn't take notice. "Let's go." I repeated, wanting to laugh.

I walked up the staircase and into the classroom the next day. I took my seat and saw several girls crowding around the edge of the classroom. I saw them holding boxes that looked familiar.

I got up and walked over to them. "Hey guys, what's up?" I asked. Micah, who had coincidentally entered the same high school, said, "Look." She showed me the box. I read the cover, "Teddy bear sewing kit. Make a handmade teddy bear for yourself or a friend. Easy and fun. This colour is yellow. Wait! You guys are making Teddy bears too?" I added.

"It's an ideal gift for a loved one." Micah grinned, taking back the box. "But why are you making it? You turn down every guy." I stared at her. "I'm single now but there is possible for true love in the future!" Micah countered. "Okay, fine." I rolled my eyes.

Everybody is making teddy bears or buying teddy bears for their "loved one". As far as I'm concerned, I think I'm the only one who isn't making teddy bears for Ueki.

"Huh! And to think you said it was ten years to early to think about romance with Ueki-kun!" Micah snorted, eyes glinting. "Yeah sure, I was wrong." I rolled my eyes. "Hey, Mori-chan, did you know that if the person who received the teddy bear named it after you, both of you will be couples forever! And vice versa." A classmate of mine, Yuiko, said.

Couples forever? I wondered if it was true. I think I just might make a teddy bear… "That is right! You must buy one, Ai-chan! Not that I doubt you and Ueki-kun will break up or anything." Micah said. "Ai-chan is so fortunate!" "I envy her!" "I wish my boyfriend is just like Ueki-san!" "Ueki-kun is a good person!" "Mori-chan deserves him a lot!" "And Ueki-san deserves Ai-chan as well!"

"You can stop now." I said, trying hard not to blush. "Okay." Micah smiled.

As we walked home after school, Sano suddenly looked like he just remembered something. I noticed he was holding a pink paper shopping bag. Pink paper shopping bag? It was either Sano has lost his taste or Rinko gave him a gift…

"Oh yeah, Rinko, why did you leave this in my desk?" Sano said, taking a black teddy bear out of the bag. It was the teddy bear Rinko had been making previously, and she added a tiny bandana on it too! "Um, uh." Rinko hesitated. She was trying to avoid the question, but Sano was staring hard at her, as if he wanted to know why.

Ueki and I exchanged glances.

"Um, well, did you not like it? I can always take it back…" Rinko said after a long hesitation, lowering her head as if to hide her flushed face. "Um, no! I mean, I like it. As in, I don't dislike it. I was just wondering why you left it on my desk." Was it me or was Sano finally having a flushed face?

"Because…because I wanted to." Rinko blurted out. "Oh, okay." Sano said. Ueki tugged my arm and we slowly walked away.

"Can, can I name it Rinko?" I heard Sano say. I looked over my shoulder and saw Rinko beam with happiness. "Yes!" She smiled, bowing.

I glanced at Ueki, who was staring at them. "Wait up, Ueki! Mori!" Sano instantly placed the teddy bear back into his bag. A black teddy bear named Rinko? That's weird. I giggled silently.

"Oh, I need to go to a sewing shop…" I said suddenly. "Uh yeah, I was thinking of that after school. There's one near my house…" Ueki said. "Oh okay." "What for, Ai-chan?" Rinko whispered into my ear.

"Same reason as you." I said. Rinko smiled and said, "Good luck!" She said as she parted.

Sano parted after several more blocks and Ueki and I were left alone. Not that it was embarrassing.

When we reached for the sewing shop, I began circling everywhere for the shelves which kept the teddy bears. I spotted one instantly.

Ueki followed me as I hastily went over to the shelf. There were many boxes, teddy bears of many colours. I picked out a blue one. If, as in, if, Ueki names this after me, I won't have it resembling Ueki, that would be weird. I thought.

When Ueki saw me pick a blue teddy bear, he, who was browsing the boxes as well, took a green one. I stared at him, "What are you going to do with it?" Ueki turned to me and smiled, "No reason." I was glad he didn't ask me why I bought a teddy bear.

As soon as we paid, we walked home together. It was autumn, and leaves were flying everywhere. It was kind of cool and warm at the same time.

We were walking when suddenly, as if out of instinct, I pressed myself against Ueki, leaning against his shoulder. My heart hammered against my chest when I felt his head move over my shoulders, then he slowly placed his hand on my cheek, and then he turned my around.

"I love you, you know that?" Ueki said, staring into my eyes. Oh, Ueki… I returned his soft, warm gaze and said softly, "I know." He kissed my forehead, and then I felt his warm breath against my skin as he moved his lips and kissed my cheek, close to my lips but not really there. I wasn't ready for the first kiss anyway.

Ueki…you're such a lady-killer. I gave him a tight hug. "Why so sudden?" I said, hiding my smile and blush in Ueki's jacket. "No reason." He replied, smiling. He can be so ominous and random at times.

I spent an entire month working on the teddy bear, but it was still not finished. It looked a little off as well. I was getting irritated every time I tried to sew. It took me an entire week to finish the head, in fact. I finished the entire thing, but the ears were to big, the eyes weren't in line, one hand was torn, and the legs keep falling off.

I wanted it to look good so Ueki might not get a bad impression.

It was quite chilly one day when I sat in a park bench, sewing on the teddy bear. That's when I heard some rustling behind me. I turned around to see Ueki emerging with his broomstick. Cleaning the park, as usual.

"And you said you couldn't come to the park today." He said as he sat down beside me. "Um, yes. Sorry." I said, placing the teddy bear on my lap abruptly. "Hey, what are you doing?" Ueki leaned over. He grabbed the half-sewn teddy bear and studied it.

"Why are you making this?" He inquired. I replied, "Um…to give it to, uh, someone." "Why? Or who?" Ueki prompted. I snatched the bear away from him. "Because I just want to. And it's none of your business." I said, flushed.

"Okay." Ueki blinked. Then he picked up the needle I had been using. "It looks weird." He said. "I worked for a month but I can't make it look proper." I said, hoping Ueki wouldn't think I was stupid. "I see." Ueki said quietly.

Ueki said, "The ear is hanging off." "Tell me something I don't know." I replied with a sigh. Suddenly, he slipped his left hand behind me and held my left hand, finger to finger, and then he opened my right hand and closed my fingers around the needle.

"You're all focused on making it look good. That is why it looks weird no matter how much you try to sew it." Ueki said. He was so close to me, I could feel his warm breath over my ear as he spoke. His touch was so gentle…his voice was so smooth…

Ueki guided my hands, helping me sew the ear properly. I felt numb under his touch, yet I concentrated on what Ueki was teaching me and showing me. He had me under a spell, for that split second.

Before I knew it, the ear was properly fixed, as good as new. Not only that, he even helped me fix the rest of the bear, guiding me as he went. I paid attention, and I felt comfortable and relaxed at the same time.

When it was all done, Ueki placed my hands, which was wrapped around the teddy bear, on my lap and then he released my hands. I could feel his arms slowly move around my waist, as his head rested on my shoulder.

"Whether you are giving a gift to somebody because you just wanted to or whether it was for a specific reason, it's always important to put your heart to it. That's the only way to move ones' heart." He said, his cheek pressed against my neck and cheek. I was blushing all over, and yet I felt comfortable and happy with him.

Being to close to him, I could smell the scent of a man.

"Thank you." I said, cupping part of his face as I turned my head sideways to kiss him on the cheek.

Three weeks passed, and I couldn't exactly find a proper time to pass the bear to him.

Then I decided to leave early as soon as the bell rang so I could wait for Ueki after school at his school gate.

I instantly saw him come out of the school building, and I noticed he was holding a small brown paper shopping bag. A few girls from his school clustered around him, a few were clutching teddy bears of their own, others were just accompanying their friends or just there.

I watched Ueki only replied them with a polite but kind smile. Then when he saw me he seemed to be oblivious of his surroundings and hurried over to me. The girls hung back, watching curiously.

"Hey. Hey, Ueki." I greeted him, holding tightly to my bear. "What's up?" He replied. "Where are Sano and Rinko?" He added.

I instantly pushed my teddy bear into him. "This is for you! You helped me make half of it, so you can say that's a small reason why I'm giving this to you!" I said. Ueki's hand wrapped around mine, opening my hand so to receive the bear. Then he held out the paper bag. "Um, this is for you." He said.

I looked at him then at the bag. Then I took it and opened it. I pulled the item inside. It was a green teddy bear. The very one Ueki bought to make. "Oh. Oh, um. Can, can I name it, um, after you, Ueki?" I asked hesitantly. "Kousuke." He corrected.


Ah, calling each other by their first names. It's so romantic and for lovers only! I remembered Micah say that once.

"If you will name the other bear Ai." I decided. The sun was slowly setting, beautiful scarlet rays tearing at the sky.

"Of course, Mori." Ueki smiled at me. "Ai." I corrected, smiling back at him.

For lovers only! I suddenly became oblivious of my surroundings.

"I love you, you know that?" I said after a long silence, taking a step towards Ueki. Ueki seemed to be oblivious around his surroundings still as he stared at me.

"I know." He said softly as he put his arm behind my back and half-pulled half-pushed me towards him. I was moved to so close to him, my hair mixed into his, our lips barely a centimeter away.