![]() Author has written 48 stories for House, M.D., NCIS, Supernatural, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes, and How I Met Your Mother. What is todays date? 6th August, 2017. What time is it right now? 3:05 pm (GMT1). PERSONAL DETAILS Nicknames? Laetie, Yeti, Nutjob. Where do you live? Belgium. What's your age? 27. Hair colour? Dark blonde. Eye colour? Green. Height? 1m63, 5'3" for all those of you who speak American. Shoe size? Depends, I have oddly adaptative feet. Date of Birth? August, 3d. What's your star sign? Leo. Element? Ary my dear Watson? How many siblings? 1 Brother. How many pets? 1 cat, as black as my soul. Her name's Bonnie because she steals stuff. How many languages do you speak? Four : French, English, Dutch and German. Obsessions? David Bowie, Audrey Hepburn, The Phantom of the Opera, Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Who, Broadway musicals, fantasy novels, running... Bad habits? Is answering a question with a question bad? Phobias? Enclosed spaces. ABOUT YOU What makes you happy? My family, my friends, music, BOOKS. What really irritates you? My noisy neighbours. What makes you sad? Injustice, ignorance and hate. What makes you angry? Injustice, ignorance and hate. What makes you scared? The weird sounds my house likes to make. Who is your best friend? Someone somewhere on this website who shares most of my obsessions. You know who you are. Ever broken a bone? My left forearm, when I was fourteen. You should have seen the floor's face. What's the best advice you've ever received? "Shut up!" What trainers do you own? Kalenji's. What was the last CD you bought? Can't remember, but probably something by David Bowie. What was the last book you read? The night circus by Erin Morgenstern. Pure magic. Who was the last person you spoke to? My mum, I think. What was the last thing you ate? Cake. What was the last thing you drank? Tea. What's the best thing you've ever bought? My ever-growing book collection. What's the worst thing you've ever bought? The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind DVD. God, I hated that movie. What's the best thing you've ever been given? Friendship. What's the worst thing you've ever been given? Unwarranted hate. What are your future goals? Growing up. Describe your bedroom? Comfy cozy. What's your most embarrassing moment? Plurals, buddy. Who do you consider the most beautiful woman in the world? Alive, Samantha Barks. Dead, Audrey Hepburn. Who do you consider the most handsome man in the world? Jude Law. Favourite thing to do on a hot summers day? Stay inside so the sun doesn't burn me. Being pale is fun. Favourite thing to do on a snowy winters day? Stay inside so the cold doesn't reach me. Being easily sick is fun. If you were granted 3 wishes, what would they be? If you could go back in time to see or change something, when would it be and what would you do? I'd try to pinpoint the exact moment I lost my mind, just to be able to say "Oh, that's why!" What's the first thing you think about when you wake up? "Oh God, don't tell me I have to get up..." What exactly were you doing on September 11th as the terrorist attacks were being carried out in America? My homework. That in itself is an event too. Have you ever been in love? Yep. Do you believe in the after-life? I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time? In the mirror. See what I did there? If you could choose your own death, how would you go? I'd die laughing. What a way to go! Would you ever consider having plastic surgery? I had lasiks, they say that's plastic surgery. Other than that, I'll pass. What's the funniest joke you've ever been told? "If they sell cigarette packs with pictures of darkened lungs on them, they should put pictures of busted eardrums on Justin Bieber's albums!" Do you have any regrets in life? Doesn't everyone? What advice would you give to a kid? Stay in school, school's cool! Any hidden talents? If I focus real hard, I can almost look normal. Almost. Is yours an 'innie' or 'outie'? Innie meanie... okay, that one was easy. Last job? A long string of internships. Fun. Current job? Working in a bookstore. Perfect job for me, really. Dream job? Actress. Who is your hero? Charlie Chaplin, Audrey Hepburn, David Bowie and Paul McCartney. Describe yourself in 3 words: Absolute. Whack. Job. FAVOURITES Favourite colour? Changeable. Favourite number? 9. Don't ask me why. Favourite animal? Cat. Favourite sport (to play)? Baseball. Favourite sport (to watch)? Baseball. Favourite soap? The actuall hygenical item, or the TV genre? Favourite programme/s? Sherlock, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, Orange is the New Black, Six Feet Under, Will & Grace, F.R.I.E.N.D.S., Vicious. Favourite radio station? Classic 21 (Belgian radio). Favourite movies? Dead Poets Society, The Prestige, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, ... Favourite band? The Beatles, Queen, Pink Floyd, ... Favourite singer? BOWIE! Favourite song? Too. Many. To list. Favourite room in the house? Mine. Favourite famous celeb/s? Not like I know them personnally or anything. Favourite board game? Cluedo. Favourite video game/s? Guitar Hero. Favourite PC game? Worms in 2D. Favourite food? Anything vegetarian. Favourite fast-food? Pizza Hut. Favourite drink? Water. Favourite magazine? "Les Cahiers du Cinéma" ("The Cinema Notebooks"). Favourite place? On stage. Favourite cartoon character? Beetlejuice, much to my mom's dismay. Favourite day of the week? Saturday. Favourite day of the year? Depends on what happens during the year. Favourite season? Autumn. Favourite shop? The Fnac. Favourite holiday? Any holiday where I can hang out with my friends. Favourite girls name? Alexandra. Favourite boys name? Logan. Favourite country? How does one choose? Favourite smell? Lotus flower. Favourite sound? Violin. A well-played one, right Watson? (if you got that joke, you're awesome) Favourite accent? British. PREFERENCES Coke or Pepsi? Neither. Pen or Pencil? Pencil. Day or Night? Day. Cat or Dog? Both! Summer or Winter? Summer I guess. At least it's my birthday. T.V. or Radio? T.V. Brains or Beauty? Both if possible, but mostly brain. Cup or Mug? Mug. Neighbours or Home and Away? Home and away. Tea or Coffee? Both, but mostly tea. Gold or Silver? Silver. Brush or Comb? Brush. City or Country? Somewhere in between. Red or White wine? White. Early or Late nighter? Early. Early or Late riser? Early. Blonde or Brunette? Brunette. Scary or Romantic movies? Depends on my mood. Though I'm not really a romantic. Board or Computer games? Board. Rugby or Football? Rugby. Half full or Half empty? Full. Long nails or Short? Short. Happy and poor or Sad and rich? Happy and rich. Ha. Swimsuit or Bikini? Swimsuit. Glasses or Contacts? Glasses, but only for reading. Salt and Vinegar or Cheese and Onion? Cheese and Onion. Flowers or Chocolates? Flowers. Love or Money? Love. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs!... But kisses are nice too. RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW What are you wearing? Clothes. What's the latest news? Contaminated eggs in Belgium. What's the weather like? Sunny. How do you feel? Blah. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU... Cried? Two days ago, rewatching the ending of Vicious. Laughed? Earlier today, playing with my cat. Swore? Can't remember, but definitely must have done it today. Lied? Nothing comes to mind. Got drunk? A couple years ago, just before a big presentation too. Read a newspaper? A few months ago. Read your horoscope? Can't remember, I only read those to have a laugh. Had a bath/shower? Showered this morning. Had a cold? About six months ago, maybe. Smiled at someone? I smile all the time. Gave someone a cuddle? Two months ago before stepping on stage. Said, 'I love you'? Can't remember. THE OPPOSITE SEX What is a turn on? Smarts and sass. What is a turn off? Bad hygiene, ignorance. What physical features are you attracted to the most? Eyes and hands. Best chat up line? "I lost my phone number, can I have yours?" Corny, yeah, but funny. What's the most irritating thing about them? Their competitive spirit. Could you live without them? I mean one of them is my father after all. Describe your ideal partner? Not on that team. What time is it now? 3:25pm. "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes in The Sign of Four (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle). "A day without laughter is a day wasted." - Charles Chaplin. "In the end, everything is a gag." - Charles Chaplin. "That's what we all are. Amateurs. We don't live long enough to be anything else." - Charles Chaplin in Limelight "You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not." - Julia Romano in My Sister's Keeper (Jodi Picoult). "I do believe that happy girls are the prettiest." - Audrey Hepburn |