Author has written 14 stories for Naruto, Lucky Star, iCarly, Haruhi Suzumiya series, and Hetalia - Axis Powers.
April 28, 2013
The key to me getting a story out in a decent amount of time is not losing chapters. FFS, it's the worst to write chapters you love and then lose them to a dead hard drive, or just somewhere in time.
I recently watched AKB0048, which I enjoyed way more than I expected. It's not the type of series I could see myself writing fics about, but it was still very enjoyable.
Shows of writing interest:
-Axis Powers Hetalia
Working on:
-Second Place is the First Loser: A Germano vs. GerIta fic.
-A USUK AU fic in which an unhappy Punk!Arthur moves to Nantucket.
-A UKUS fic that... well, when I post it, you'll see. It may include material from a similar story I disliked and abandoned.
Sort of working on (meaning I'm ready to go back to them as soon as I think of a new idea):
-Writing Sucks and So Does Love (I can't figure out how to continue it.)
-You've Been Warned
-I'm still thinking about the pony story, but once again, lost the file.
-Dixie: A civil war fic in which America meets his little sister.
-She Smiled Again: A 9/11 fic featuring America and OC New York.
Quasi-hiatus (meaning I still work on them, they're just not the stories I'm most focused on at the current time):
-Tsukasa is Pregnant
-Unnamed OC-centric Left 4 Dead story. This one has many chapters written, but I need to write more filler; the story's progressing too fast. I also wrote a wonderful prologue, which I lost :(
How iFeel
-I WAS working on a multipairing Hetalia fic, and I really liked the idea, but I can no longer locate the file. I probably deleted it by accident or something :-(
Update du August 13, 2012
Yola. Well, it seems like I'm back in better writing spirits. I think I know what happened: I was better at fanfiction when I was younger because I used to read a lot of novels. I kind of stopped for some reason. I'm trying to force myself to read more now. Hopefully I'll fall in love with a series and get completely back into my mojo. Until then, I'm keeping myself up by reading other fics.
Currently working on:
-Writing Sucks and So Does Love (chapter 6 is finished, but chapter 5 is not. Will probably be up by this weekend)
-I WAS working on a multipairing fic, and I really liked the idea, but I can no longer locate the file. I probably deleted it by accident or something :-(
-An unnamed GerIta fic with Romano and Prussia as the main focus. Writing this one is going to be difficult for me, but I LOVE the concept.
-An unnamed Germano vs. GerIta fic, which will most likely be the next fic uploaded.
Current shows of interest (meaning what show most of my new fics are going to come from):
-Axis Powers Hetalia
Quasi-hiatus (meaning I still work on them often, they're just not the stories I'm most focused on at the current time):
-Tsukasa is Pregnant
-Unnamed OC-centric Left 4 Dead story. This one has many chapters written, but I need to write more filler; the story's progressing too fast.
How iFeel
Nothing. Ever. Hopefully.
Currently Wordstorming:
-A FiM fic in which the Mane Six are dealing with the ups and hardships of having significant others. Pinkie and Rarity are dating royalty, Blueblood is chasing after an uninterested Twilight, Rainbow Dash is torn between Soarin and another really great pony, Applejack's interested in a pony her family doesn't approve of, and the only one things seem to be going right for is innocent little Fluttershy.
I have to say it: Enjoy in moderation!
Hamstergirl591/ Rabid Shikime Uber Yaoi Fangirl Katon-chan/ Señorita TacoMal