To Be With You

By Dark Side of the World

Disclaimer: I do not own anything I do not own

Here is the epilogue

(One year later)


"Alright class. Have a wonderful weekend!"

Third year Kobayakawa Yutaka stood up from her desk and bowed to her sensei like the rest of the class before putting her books away in her desk. She had changed a bit over the year, her height managed to increase (even though she was still considered small for her age) and she even let her hair grow down a bit more.

"Yo Yutaka!" Said her friend Hiyori, now without her glasses thanks to contacts, who walked over and smirked, "Long day huh? Figured that it would never end."

"Come on, Mr. Shima's lessons aren't that bad." Said Yutaka.

"Says the best girl in the class." Said Hiyori rolling her eyes, "You get Patty-chan's message last night?"

"Yeah, she says she might come over for a visit during her spring vacation. Sure wish she stayed her though." Said Yutaka. Things hadn't been the same since their American friend had to move back to her home in the states after their second year due to her parent's request. Luckily, she said she was slowly convincing them to allow her to stay in Japan for another year after this one since she wanted to graduate with her best friends.

"Well it's going to be nice to see her anyway." Said Hiyori as two then exited the classroom and made their way to the halls where a couple of people greeted Yutaka and complimented her. Ever since last year she had made quite an impact on the school, almost everybody knew her and she was starting to become more popular. It was strange to her at first, but she liked how everybody was nice to her and some of them were good people.

She was mostly known for being openly gay, but her actions caused a great amount of respect from others. It even made others become openly gay as well. There were still some resentment from other people, but it was really nothing that was serious.

As the two were heading down the stairs a black haired boy, second year, came up to Yutaka and said, "Kobayakwa-sempai?"

"Oh, Kanda-san. What is it?" Asked Yutaka politly.

"Iwasaki-sempai asked me to give you a message." Said Kanda.

"Minami-chan? What is it? Does it have to do with the club?" Asked Yutaka.

"No, nothing like that? Only to meet her at the "special place" later in the afternoon." Said Kanda before bowing and heading off.

"New member?" Asked Yutaka.

"Yeah, I think he has a crush on Kamiya Kozu in our grade. He heard about the club and wanted to join in." Said Yutaka.

"You know, a year ago I wouldn't have thought about it at first. But here you are, Co-President of the Lesbian's, Gay, and Bisexual Network club." Said Hiyori.

Yutaka rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. To be honest she didn't even think of the idea, other people did. They wanted a club or group to help those who were struggling with their homosexuality or wanted to help others dealing with problems related to it. It was decided that Minami and her would be the club's president since they were the most famous gay couple. Not wanting to let people down they agreed and had been making much progress.

"Well I better not keep Minami waiting, bye!" Said Yutaka who quickly rushed down the stairs leaving her friend behind. Just as she reached the last of the steps however she stopped and stood still, calm and emotionless.

Shogo Hana, with a few of her friends, was walking past her. They didn't look at each other or say anything, just walked by with no sign of wanting a fight at all.

When they were gone, Yutaka sighed. Even though Hana had lost a lot of her power in the school a year ago she was still an a troublesome person. However, most people ignored her and she wasn't as popular as she once was. Yutaka knew that Hana hated her for what she did to her in front of everyone, but she knew better then to push any issue on it now that Yutaka had a good number of people to support her.

So it just got to the two of them just ignoring one another and trying to get by, which was fine by Yutaka's standards.

She soon however forgot about the girl and quickly ran out to meet Minami.

(Park, sunset)

Yutaka slowly caught her breath as she looked around for the one who called for her. She smiled as she turned to the lake and saw a green haired girl looking at the light reflecting off of the water from the sun.

"Minami-chan!" Shouted out Yutaka running over. Minami, who had not changed much, turned around and smiled as she hugged her girlfriend before giving her a light kiss on the lips.

"Glad you came." Said Minami as she sat down with Yutaka on her lap, holding her tight.

"I'll always come if you call for me." Said Yutaka giggling.

The two of them were silent for awhile, watching the lake's surface till Minami asked Yutaka a question, "Do you know what day it is?"

She turned her head around, curious as to what was so special about this day.

"It's our anniversary…of our first date." Said Minami with a smile.

Yutaka blushed, remembering the wonderful time the two of them had and said, "I forgot…sorry."

Minami only smirked as she pulled out a small box and opened it for Yutaka making her gasp.

"A….diamond necklace?" Asked Yutaka as Minami took it out and put it on, "'s so expensive…you shouldn't have."

"I wanted too…" Said Minami giving her a kiss on the cheek, "I wanted to show how much I care about you…and how much you mean to me….Money is never an issue, only your happiness is."

"Minami-chan…." Said Yutaka with tears in her eyes as they faced each other once more before embracing in a hug.

"I love you."

They sat there, holding each other as the sun's ray's continued to shine.

End of Story

Like it? I'm glad you enjoyed it all. As a special treat I'm going to give you a special look at my Lucky Star fic idea.

"…911 emergency. What's your emergency?"

"My name is Iwasaki Minami on 56 Kiko St. I would like to report somebody dying from an overdose…"

"May I ask the name of the person?"






Curious? You're going to have to wait until the end of August for an answer.

I know I said I was going to do a Konata and Kagami fic, but I felt the story would be better with Minami and Yutaka again.

Anyway, thanks for reading everyone and see you again hopefully.
