Zaza: ok, this story didn't get as much hits as I wanted. So I am adding a new chapter in an attempt to bring back my loving fans! I am sick right now as I am typing so it might suck so deal with it! Also I brought with me Sasuke so his funny emo sayings might cheer everyone up!

Sasuke: Happiness kills me……….

Zaza: Silly Sasuke!

Sasuke: Hope burns………….

Zaza: I'm sure years of therapy can solve that!

Sasuke: If I were grass, I would cut myself…………

Zaza: I have nothing to say to that.

"Kids nowadays just have nothing to do with their lives! I mean "spot the hobo"?" Hinata said as she watched Gaara and Naruto.

But damn! That Naruto has one fine ass! Hinata laughed to herself as she started to think up some very crude images of Naruto, a panda bear and a bottle of Windex. (A/N use your imagination people!)

"IMPURE!!!" screamed a very familiar voice.

"What?" Hinata asked as she turned around to face the screaming person, which turned out to be a very scared and angry looking Neji.

"IMPURE ONE! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU!" he yelled as he pulled out a container of holy water which he sprayed all over Hinata.

Hinata just stood their, dumbfounded.

"What was that?" Hinata asked.


"How the hell were you reading my mind?"

Then Neji pulled out a big book which read, "How to read minds".

"I must destroy you and your horrible fantasies!" screamed Neji as he darted toward Hinata with kunais in hand. Hinata just stood their and covered her head and screamed.

"Never fear!" Came a new voice.

"Shino-I mean Spider man is here!" yelled the voice.

Both Neji and Hinata stopped and looked towards the voice.

Holy shit, its Shino!

"Poor Hinata, I must save you!" Shino said.

"Thank you Shino!" squealed Hinata.

"I'm not Shino!"

"Yes you are!"

"No, I am spider man!"

"Spider man doesn't wear sunglasses!"

Suddenly Shino threw away his sunglasses and both Hinata and Neji screamed.

"Oh my god! Its Spider man!" They yelled together.

"Yes that's what I have been telling you!"

Suddenly Neji ran away. Hinata and Shino-I mean spider man figured that Neji was just to damned scared to fight the true and almighty power of Spider man!

"Spider man, who are you really?" Hinata asked very seductively.

"Just a ninja trying to do his part in a world of injustices! I must go now! To fight the fight of truth!" Shino said as he flew away into the sky.

In a nearby bush

"Naruto, do you know what this means?" Gaara asked as he watched Shino fly away into the sky.


"If Konaha has a super hero, then it's going to need a villain!"

"And we are perfect candidates! I mean who else would we have as villains?"

So the two boys went off to start their evil-scheming…

A/N dun dun dunnn! Now things are going to start getting interesting!