Author has written 17 stories for Resident Evil, Naruto, Hitman, Left 4 Dead, and Avatar: Last Airbender. Name: Kyle Age: 20 Its been a long time since I last updated this profile, and I was actually thinking of keeping it that way from a combination of laziness and the fact that looking at it once in a while lets me see how much my personality has changed over the years. Seems I was much more immature and brash just a few years ago, and my earliest works seem to reflect that. Unlike before I don't have much to say. I don't want to go into my favorite quotes, movies, or games. Even though this is my personal account, I don't want to be self-centered and fill it with frivelous things that don't mean a thing to those who read them. The only thing I want to say to my readers is thank you, sincerely. You've all helped me out a great deal over the past few years both by giving me valuable tips to improving my writing skills, to allowing me to express the creative side of me that I don't normally express publicly. Each one of your reviews puts a smile on my face, and don't think I don't notice when people review multiple stories of mine, or favorite my stories and account. I really wish I had the time and patience to give each review a modest reply, but unfortunatley if your lucky enough to come across this message, then this is as good as a thank you that I can do for the time being. I will keep trying to continue to bring you quality writing in the future, and if by the end of the day one of my stories puts a smile on your face, then my mission is accomplised. Thankyou, Agent47rulz out. |