Author's Notes: Hello everyone, and welcome to yet another one of my pointless humour stories, this one featuring the combined comedic effort of the goofy Minato and the emotionless Itachi. I hope you enjoy it.

Those Damn Brats Chapter 1

The sun is shining bright and birds chirp carefree as the scene sets on the wonderful Village Hidden in the Leaves. Inside the Uchiha compound, families walk together in joyous harmony, kids play tag on the streets, and cheerful shopkeepers urge potential buyers to browse their goods.

However, inside a large tree on the side of one of the many busy Uchiha streets, a pair of binoculars carefully surveyed all passersby, as the owner wore a constant frown, "I see you Uchihas...your not getting the best of me if you decide to go through with a coup detat."

Minato, brave shinobi and current Hokage of the great village sat cross-legged inside the tree, keeping a watch on all of the Uchihas who he just didn't trust. Suddenly he smirked as he continued to look at various families, "Hehe, stupid Uchihas. I've been coming back to this tree for days, and they are none the wiser. With my awesome, super, ninja skills it was a breeze to-" "Can I help you Hokage sir?"

Minato screamed as a monotonous voice from the tree's base broke him away from his self-praise and caused him to fall head first into the concrete below. A group of young woman walking by chuckled madly at the humourous scene of the Fourth Hokage laying in a daze on his back, one commenting about how "adorable" he was.

With his vision upside-down he glanced up from his position on his back and met the reversed form of 8 year old Itachi Uchiha. Any other kid would be laughing their butts off at this point, but Itachi simply stared emotionless as he waited for the village leader to compose himself and give a proper response.

"Grrr, way to go kid, you ruined my hiding spot!" Minato chastisted the kid, and it was at this time that the slightest inkling of a smile crossed Itachi's features, "Actually sir, we knew you were up their for the past few days, but we didn't want to disturb you because my father just chalked it up as you being weird. We Uchihas are very observant."

Minato's eyes widened as he continued to lay on his back, "Of course, that damn Sharingan!" Itachi gave a small sigh, "Actually sir we didn't use our sharingans to sense you, its just that it was obvious since your yellow afro, and Fourth Hokage robes were clearly visible."

The Fourth Hokage growled as he quickly got up and brushed himself off. However instead of leaving like Minato had expected, Itachi simply stood there and waited for acknowledgement, "Uh...was there something else kid?" Itachi nodded, "Yes Hokage sir, my mother wanted me to ask you what time I should be dropping off Sasuke so her and Mrs. Kushina can go to that spa in the Village Hidden in the Mist."

Minato eyes widened, "Wait, drop him off where?" Itachi looked at him like it was obvious, "At your home of course. Naruto is the only child that Sasuke seems to get along with, and Kushina said since my father is currently on a top secret mission for the compound, that you would be more then happy to baby-sit them for a few days."

The blondes mouth dropped open slightly as he processed the words, before quickly forming a rebuttel, "Oooh no, that Sasuke brat is a demon child, and the last time he slept over Naruto had to go to the hospital with second degree burns on his arms." Itachi nodded in understanding, "Yes, Sasuke did mention the incident with the ice cream stand and the twenty pounds of explosives. No matter, i'll simply inform my mother that you do not wish to give guardience to my brother, and she'll just have to tell Kushina that they can't go, and then-" "NO! I-I mean, that won't be neccesary."

Holy crap if Kushina was affected by this, Minato knew there would be severe hell to pay. Itachi bowed, "Thank you very much Hokage sir. Unfortunately I have shinobi classes throughout the day or I would offer to watch my brother myself. But I promise to check up on him after classes are finished at your humble home."

Minato sighed, "Great, two Uchiha brats in my house, this is gonna be fun" the Fourth muttered as he walked away, trying to salvage some diginity as he walked out from the Uchiha compound, and failing miserably due to the twigs and pebbles imbedded into the back of his hair.

The Fourth sighed as he opened up the door to his home, "Kuuushina!" he whined into the house, and recieved an answer from the bathroom, "What is it? I'm blowdrying my hair." The Hokage pouted as he entered the bathroom, "Why didn't you tell me I have to babysit Naruto and that Sasuke brat?"

Kushina humped as she turned towards him, "Listen here you whiner, I'm the one thats always taking care of Naruto while you go off on your 'secret Hokage missions' which involve spying on the entire Uchiha clan with a pair of binoculars!"

Minato stood agasp, "H-how did you know that?" Kushina put her hands on her hips, "Mikoto told me over a cup of coffee. She says its so cute, and that the rest of the clan find it hillarious that you think they can't see you. Well I'm definately not showing my face around that compound again, knowing I'm married to the compound stalker."

The Fourth was crestfallen, he would definately need to work on his stealth skills, "Bu-but" "But nothing! Mikoto offered to treat me to a nice three day spa trip to the Hidden Mist Village, and since you seem to have nothing better to do as Hokage then sign paperwork and sit in trees, I told her you would be happy to look after her little tike."

Slumping his shoulders, Minato walked out of the room in defeat, allowing Kushina to finish prepping herself to be pampered by all of the spa workers.

About an hour later as Kushina was finishing her makeup, their was a knock on the door, and Minato, with 3 year old Naruto firmly secured under his arm, answered it with a dull expression on his face, "Oh, hi Mikoto, Kushina should be right out" he muttered almost lifeless.

Mikoto smiled angeliclly, "Why thank you lord Hokage, I really admire you for watching little Sasuke and if you don't mind me saying so I find it positively adorable how you spend your free time" she cooed completely serious, and Minato growned as the Uchiha pinched his cheek like a grandmother would do to a five year old.

Suddenly Kushina appeared in the room, and as soon as Mikoto saw her, she pushed past the bewildered blonde and ran up to her friend, "OMG, like you are like soooo gorgeous!" "LMAO, I know I am, and so are you!"

Minato and Naruto stared silently at the two, as they jumped up and down with excitement, "ROFL, we should like, definately get going if we want to enjoy such an awwwwesome experience for all its worth!" Kushina gave a thumbs up, "Yep lets get going, lol!"

Throughout the conversation, Minato repeatidly attempted to raise a finger and ask something, but every time it was ignored by the increasingly excitable duo, before they raised out the door with a quick, "Bye Minato!"

As Minato stared at the retreating pair with his son, he sighed, "Women...never get married Naruto, they'll be the death of you. Speaking of which, where the hell did she stash that little Uchiha runt." "Right here sir" came a monotone voice from behind him, causing both blondes to jump out of their skin.

Quickly turning around, the Hokage glared at the emotionless Itachi, who held three year old Sasuke in his arms, "Stop sneaking up on me!" Itachi bowed before placing Sasuke on his feet, "I apologize Hokage sir, but unfortunately I am late for my shinobi classes and therefore must depart. Farewell." he murmmered before calmly vacating the household.

Minato scowled after his recedding form, "Weird little prick" he muttered before looking down at Sasuke, who glared up at him, "What the hell do you want?" he asked the child who continued to stare at him, "Why do you always hide in my neighbor"s tree?"

With a growl, the Fourth pushed the Uchiha over to his son, "Naruto, go take Sasuke to your room and play something, and it better not result in any explosions this time!" Little Naruto saluted his father, "Yes sir, Daddy-o!" he yelled happily as he took the forever glaring Sasuke out of the living room.

As soon as they were gone, the Hokage sighed as he fell back into one of the room's various chairs, "Aww man...this is gonna suck" he muttered to no-one in particular.

Inside Naruto's room, Naruto was busy digging into his toybox, as Sasuke boredly stood in the center of the room, "Lets see, wanna play with my Hashirama and Madara action figures?" he asked as he pulled them from the very bottom.

Sasuke humphed and looked at the only person he considered even remotely a friend, most likely because he was the easiest to manipulate into having crazy adventures, "No Naruto, I don't wanna play with them. I wanna have some 'real' fun" the Uchiha cooed darkly.

Naruto, not taking the hint pulled out a game board, "Monopoly?" Sasuke growled and smacked the game out of his hands, "No you dobe, I mean some grown up fun! Come on, lets find out where your dad keeps his teleportation kunai" he ordered and, hesitantly Naruto followed his friend from the room and into yet another crazy adventure.

Author's Notes: Well there you have it, leave a quick review if you believe I should go on.