A Blood Red Lie Chapter 3

Deidara flew through the air gently grasping the reigns of his clay bird with his mouthed hands. Under Pein's orders he was able to either go after the nine tails kid or Sasuke. This should have been the greatest moment of his short life but what made it completely unbearable was the fact that Madara Uchiha, or should he say 'Tobi' was on the bird behind him.

"So which one are you going after Deidara-Sempai?!" Tobi yelled. Deidara couldn't believe that Madara would put up this act even with their confrontation a month earlier.

Over that month it seemed that Madara's predictions were coming true. Both Hidan and Kakuzu were dead and it seemed that Itachi was also weakened through his blindness. So does that mean the list that Madara had written was true? Was he really the next to die? Well if he was he was going to take at least one Uchiha with him.

"I-I think I'm going to go after nine tails" he muttered. Even though his pride would never let him admit it Tobi was putting him on edge. Wondering why Tobi didn't respond he looked back to see him just…staring at the blonde. With a gulp Deidara looked forward and continued towards the nine tails.

After about a half hour they arrived at the scene where Naruto Uzumaki was standing in the middle of a small field. Deidara saw him there with his spiked blonde eyes and orange jumpsuit. He was totally unaware.

But suddenly Deidara's eyes widened in horror as Naruto's hair turned…black and longer. And his orange jumpsuit turned into kimono attire. This wasn't Naruto at all but…Sasuke. He was so sure that he was tracking Naruto how did he end up following Sasuke?

Suddenly an evil chuckle came from behind the blonde. Looking over his shoulder he saw Tobi sitting on the bird with an evil gleam in his red eye.

"Sharingan" Deidara muttered in complete horror. He realized that he had fallen for Genjutsu. He was never going to the nine tails but Sasuke Uchiha. "Da-Damn you Uchiha" he bravely yelled over to Tobi.

Madara just chuckled, and took off his mask allowing his brilliant hair to cascade down his back. He smirked evilly and pointed a finger at the blond, "And after you swore to Itachi that you would never again fall for the same tricks of the Genjutsu. Well it seems as now that we are here might as well take down an Uchiha" Madara chuckled at the infuriated blond. And with that he placed the mask back on his face and jumped off the bird towards Sasuke.

"Who's there? Show yourself!" Sasuke yelled into the forest. His response was an orange masked Akatsuki member casually walking out of the forest, "So your Sasuke huh…you do look a lot like Itachi."

Part 2

It had been just a couple minutes since the battle commenced and Sasuke quickly pulled out his sword before charging at the duo of Deidara and Tobi.

"Shit!" Deidara yelled as he dove onto a tree above however Tobi seemed to be unaware of the impending blade, "Huh?" he muttered before he was swiped right through by Itachi's little brother.

With a thud Tobi fell to the ground and Deidara concentrated on his partner's still form. Even though he knew it was inevitable he kept muttering to himself, "Please don't get up please don't get up."

It only took a couple of seconds for Tobi to regain his composure and stand on his feet. Sasuke looked amazed, "H-how?" was all he could mutter as Tobi looked up at Deidara and yelled, "Sempai he's too fast for both of us!" he yelled. Deidara growled as Madara for some reason continued the stupidity act.

The battle continued until Deidara tossed a couple of his clay bombs at Sasuke who in return deflected them with his lightning blade. Madara seemed to be caught of guard as a couple of the bombs landed on him causing him to fall onto his back.

He knew if Deidara detonated the bombs with them on top of him even he may not survive, "Ho-hold on Sempai! Don't Katzu yet!" he yelled however Deidara knew this was more of a demand then a beg.

Deidara quickly clasped his hands together and muttered over and over again, "Katzu…Katzu. Why the fuck won't they detonate?" Madara chuckled slightly. He knew exactly why they didn't go off. Sasuke's blade was using lightning charka. It must have negated the effects of Deidara's clay.

Part 3

Deidara couldn't believe it. He had been defeated by Sasuke's little brother and what added to the humiliation was the fact that Madara was watching the entire thing. However if he was going to die…might as well bring 2 Uchihas with him.

Deidara smirked evilly as he tore his shirt off and ripped the stitches from the huge mouth on his chest. Sasuke gasped in repulsion as Deidara shoved an entire hand full of clay into the seemingly hungry chest.

Madara stood fifty feet away on a tree watching intently as the clay mouth chewed its clay meal. He hadn't read any reports of this jutsu and he was starting to get nervous.

Deidara grinned and instead of looking at Sasuke he looked directly at Madara. That orange mask, he wished Madara would take it off so he could see the horror on his face that Sasuke had.

"Now you will see my true art! For you see! Art…IS A BANG!!!" he screamed as his body was engulfed into an amazing explosion that rock the very earth.

Sasuke quickly summoned his snake and used his teleportation jutsu to leave the area. Madara on the other hand was too horror stricken to move has the explosion came ever closer.

He swore that before he was engulfed he heard the blonde's screams, "Die Madara!" the wind seemed to yell as Madara screamed in agony, his trademarked orange mask breaking into dozens of bits as his robe was slowly burned away.

If it wasn't for the red armor he was wearing underneath he would have been dead already. He quickly did the appropriate hand signs and was quickly teleported at the last moment as the forest became a barren wasteland.

Part 4

Madara reappeared at the only place he could think to teleport to before the explosion fully engulfed him. Slowly getting onto his feet he looked down at his statue of himself. Yep he had teleported to The Valley of End.

He thought it ironic that without his mask and that he had his old armor on that the statue looked pretty accurate at this time. At least he had gotten rid of that annoying blonde. "Well Sasuke is coming along quite nicely" Madara commented while taking a couple of steps, reading his teleportation jutsu again.

However as he made the hand signs the sun seemed to be blocked by an approaching shadow. Looking up he realized it was a small bird, but as the bird got closer he noticed that this one had no feathers, "…Clay?" he muttered before the bird landed on the statue and exploded.

Madara jumped away and watched in annoyance as his once beloved statue was absent of a face as the rocks cascaded down to the water below.

Looking up he watched aghast as Deidara flew into view, not one evident scratch from the supposedly dead Akatsuki member. Madara stood up on the hair of his statue and glared at Deidara, "How the fuck are you alive!" he screamed at Deidara.

Deidara just smirked, "You're a fool Madara! You thought you got me with your Genjutsu and tricked me into a fight with Sasuke. What you didn't know was that I trained my left eye everyday after my encounter with Itachi to negate the effects of the Sharingan's effects. After I negated it, I switch myself with an exact clay copy!"

Madara was amazed however he realized that Deidara left out an important part of his survival, "How were you able to cause that big of a detonation with a clay copy! You need charka strands throughout the body in order to do that!"

Deidara laughed triumphantly, "That was curtsey of Kakuzu. I broke into are dead friends room and stole one of the many hearts that he had stored. So what Sasuke fought was not just a regular clay copy but a fully living charka filled clay copy!"

Madara was angry…no he was furious. This was not how this was supposed to go. He was supposed to watch Deidara die by the hands of Sasuke in order to see if the boy was ready for his training. Now Deidara had outwitted him and it seemed as if Madara would have to take him out himself.

"I am still your leader you little fuck! Now obey me and die!" Madara screamed. Deidara stood up on his bird and with one motion of his arm tore the cloak off of him and through it into the valley below, "I am no longer part of the Akatsuki! I resign!" Madara's eyes narrowed as he went into sharingan mode while pulling out his katana.

Deidara responded by chomping down on some clay with his hands and forming them into their trademark bird shape. "Let's go!" Madara screamed as he jumped from his position while Deidara flew forward on his bird, both giving enraged screams.

Part 5

By the time the battle was done, the whole valley was in shambles. Both statues were destroyed and the once mighty waterfall was now blocked by chunks of the statue that was once of the First Hokage.

Deidara lay in the middle of it. Beaten and bloody as he gagged for air but only received blood instead. The battle had been epic and all of Deidara's clay and charka were spent.

One of the arms that was reattached by Kakuzu was floating 50 feet away in the water. Deidara heard gentle footsteps coming up to his location and he used the rest of his energy to raise eyes to meet Madara's.

Madara had relatively minor injuries. Besides from a broken wrist and a few cuts and bruises he was ok. His armor on the other hand was destroyed, leaving only a few sheets of it.

"I admire your determination. You know you are the only person to stand up to me since the First Hokage? If you weren't already on the verge of dieing I may have asked you to be my partner in my little scheme. Oh well lets get this over with, eh Sempai?" he chuckled as he bent down and grasped Deidara by the neck.

With ease he lifted the blonde off the ground, causing blood to fall from Deidara's many lacerations. Madara pulled his katana back and readied it for the kill until Deidara spoke his last words, "You will fail…" "…What?" "You…you will fail Madara. The Nine tails…I can see it, he will be your destruction. I knew I never had a chance to defeat you but I had to try. See you in hell…Tobi" "You bite your tongue you sniveling blonde!"

Madara thrusted the blade forward as Deidara screamed out, "Long live Konohona!" before the blade met his flesh and Deidara met his end.


Madara had been right about many things in his life, and Deidara had been wrong. However the one thing that Deidara was right about was that Madara was defeated by Naruto and Konohona did survive.

Although many visited the statue of Naruto that was erected in the middle of the Village Hidden in the Leaves, many also came to the Valley of End to admire two statues that were also built.

The first was in actuality a remake of Madara's old statue. However what many came to praise was the newest statue in the valley. The statue of the first person to bravely stand up against Madara's new evil uprising.

It was the statue of The Village hidden in the Stone's great clay bomber, Deidara.

Author's notes: Man I can't believe that I made another chapter…ok NOW this was the last chapter!