![]() Author has written 64 stories for Supernatural. I'm a thirty-eight year old manager in the Finance Division who is dabbling in fanfic. This makes me a geek AND anal retentive, a winning combination. BG. I'm also a wife, a mother of one, and the owner of a plethora of pets. When I'm not writing, I'm usually playing the Settlers of Catan or Joker with my friends (See? Geek I tell you!) and hiking. A big thank you to my husband and son who put up with my writing obsession even when it causes my husband to roll his eyes as I bat around another story idea with mutual friends or my son to say, "Mom, I told you that like twice already. Aren't you listening?" Sorry guys! (c: Also to all the very supportive authors and readers out there - many, many thanks! Let's face it, why pretend? I'm fairly obsessed with Supernatural and that's all I've written so far. I love both Winchester brothers and try to write a good mix of stories. Hurt!Sam/Protective!Dean or mix up it up and shoot it out the other way, can't get enough. My favorite authors are from both sides of the Winchester world so don't go there expecting to only find one type of story. :D I love both brothers: Sam and Dean. And while, yes, I (like virtually everyone) do have a brother leaning, I have an almost equal amount of 'Get-Dean' stories and 'Get-Sam' stories. If you leave an opinion on which brother you choose to venerate and which to vilify, please do not expect me to agree with you or suddenly change my opinion of the show or the brothers. I can't imagine this show without either of them. There are forums for spitting out whatever angry thought you have on your mind, but fanfic is not one of them. When I started writing two years ago I found a pocket of friends, a handful of supportive authors, and a caring fandom. One that when working together and galvanized helped keep a fledging show on the air, helped round up new fans, helped promote a show when the network wouldn't. Those people are still here and it is time we stopped ignoring the poor behavior of others. The division that currently exists is not only incomprehensible to me, but unpleasant. I would rather not get a review, than allow a few anonymous hatemongers the outlet of an unchecked, uncensored forum. Sadly, I have turned my anonymous reviewing feature off, not because I have received any such reviews, but because I refuse to participate in the outcry of anger for something as simple as a television show. I enjoy writing. I enjoy reading others' work. That is all I want or need from fanfic. I remain the perpetual Pollyanna of Supernatural and hold out hope that when all is said and done, things will turn out okay in the end for both brothers. In the meantime, there's no hand-wringing, whining, complaining or anger needed here. Thank you for your understanding. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0- I'm hesitant to write this bit because I'm just sure I'm going to miss someone and have everlasting guilt. I am extremely prone to feeling responsible for everything and everybody at all times which means -- guilt. LOL. However, a few special people have been supportive and encouraging when I needed it, kicked me in the bottom-side if I deserved it, given me constructive feedback when necessary (more often than I'd care to admit) and all in all are people I am happy to call eFriends. Wysawyg, Phx, Carocali, Muffy Morrigan, J A Carlton, Nana56, Lia, IrisMay, Heather03nmg, Jen B, Charlie Girl and Jubilea who pointed me to this site in the first place. Most are writers. If you've taken the time to come this far, what are you waiting for? Click on my favorites and go read! -0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Please feel free to visit me out on Facebook! -0-0-0-0-0-0-0- If you want to contact the CW or Eric Kripke about our beloved show, here are the addresses: Dawn Ostroff Eric Kripke |