Reviews for Vampires Were People Too
Guest chapter 7 . 7/4
If Sam did die a lot of the terrible things would never happen.
Re'Becca Jamison chapter 9 . 12/6/2019
I love this story, and found it completely by accident. It's so rare to find the boys written as their comedic, heavy hearted, sometimes insufferably stubborn selves. I loved the hunt as well, I've never even heard of this monster before, and seeing the boys in a desert was a treat I've never gotten before. I'll never get enough of Sam being kind to grieving witnesses and Dean being great with kids. And the angst was great too. There wasn't too much of it, but was trackable and terrible. Ugh. Super well done!
Salishaventura chapter 3 . 5/10/2019
Wow! What a well written,exciting story - really enjoyed reading it. Thank you!
EctoPanda chapter 2 . 4/22/2018
I’m proud of you for that monty python reference.
Rafaela Amanda chapter 9 . 1/23/2016
Another amazing story, I do not know how you do it.
The whole description of the creature, the construction of the case, legends and terms, the characters, all very well-written, detailed and credible.
And the way you describe Sammy and Dean is the best, so close to the series, it makes perfect sense, and all the conflicts and dilemmas they were experiencing at the time.
In addition, the whole thing Dean acting as the elder brother overprotective is always good and you write it very well, I liked the little brother of the idea, getting sick because of the creature, it worked fine in history, and also the whole debate it going wrong and the Dean may have to kill him, it is clear that for him it is unimaginable and I like the conversations between them about it.
Rebegirl chapter 9 . 7/10/2014
I loved this story. I am not always drawn to "sick Sam" stories, but the way you made it part of the evil creature's plan, just worked for me. You have such a perfect way of writing the boys that it is a pleasure to read.
fogsrollingin chapter 9 . 12/3/2013
I had a fantastic time reading this. This story was so well-crafted and delivered such an entertaining experience. Thank you so much!
Nadamalki chapter 5 . 8/3/2013
Awesome story, thank you so much sharing!
Lindelas chapter 9 . 10/23/2012
So, SOOOO good. I don't know how else to say it! I really liked all the Aztec stuff woven into the story as well. It was interesting.
Ginnylove9990 chapter 9 . 11/8/2011
Great story. And I believe the last one on my list. Until you write another one. I think I have half of your stories on my favorites. Please keep up the great work.
Lilly Emerald chapter 1 . 10/27/2011
I just found this story, haven't read any supernatural fics in a while. I should finish other ones on my fav list but this looked intersting. Like it so far will read more soon
calcium77 chapter 9 . 12/18/2010
Well I finally managed to finish. It was me, not the story. Story was great! I have just been so busy the past few months.

Thanks so much for writing and sharing your story! It must have been a lot of work. I really enjoyed every minute of reading it! Now I get to go find a new one of your stories I have not read yet and start it :-). Yeah!
calcium77 chapter 3 . 11/30/2010
I'm really enjoying reading this! I just wish I had more time to read. :-(
okayokayokay chapter 9 . 10/29/2010
Wow, this is an incredible story! I don't know how I've never read it before! Sick Sam is my FAVORITE:) I read this all in one go and I loved it- the sick Sam, of course, and the awesomeness of Dean, and the case was really cool. Even though poor Sam was miserable, I liked seeing how he went from having a cold/flu to getting sicker from the curse. Also, you mentioned in one of your end notes (in like ch. 2) that you were from Oregon? That's where I live:) Anyway, really awesome story! I enjoyed reading it.
NightShadow131 chapter 9 . 7/25/2010
I love this story. I just went back through and read it again, lol. It'd been so long since I last read it that I wanted to read it again before I reviewed, especially since I enjoyed it so much. n.n It's definitely one of my favorites of yours. I also can't help a sick Sammy, lol.

And man did he get sick! Eesh. What a close call! Poor guy, and what made it that much worse was the damn sand! That was creepy, especially having it move under his skin. I just love the quick wit you have in this, though, with their retorts towards each other, even within their own thoughts (digging the scarabs out like on The Mummy). It's one of my favorite things about your stories. I definitely sympathsize with the blood coming out of Sam's eyes. I've had that happen before - minus the sand xD - and it's scary as hell. It marked the turn for the worse for him.

I really liked how Dean was so protective and watchful over Sam, and thought it was funny how he backed off at a point when Sam called him a mother-hen, lol. Way to go Dean with finding the kids! Usually that's Sam's thing. xD I also thought it was fitting how you had him go with the sheriff to find them.

The end was also a very nice touch. I like how you had it set up for the next disaster. xD

I finished watching all the seasons of Supernatural not too long ago so now I'm back! n.n
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