Pipeline chpt

Pipeline chpt. – 7

by: sifi.


Dean fixed his grip on the kid's jacket and picked him back up to eye level, not that his eyes were open.

"C'mon you little shit... Open those eyes or so help me god I'm gonna cut the fucking lids off!" he snarled in spite of the shiver that ran down his back. He never thought he'd be the one uttering that particular threat, in fact the memories that came with it made his balls shrink.

At least the threat got the kid to try and focus on him, "Where's Partyman?"

"Hmm, never know till y'know y'know..." his head rolled forward, his eyes closing and his wasted frame sagging in the foggy alley as a wave of white foamy saliva spilled over his bottom lip to tumble down his naked chest.

"Fuckin' tweaker..." Dean slid his arm around the kid who couldn't have been more than sixteen and started to walk him back into the only 6 a.m. club in town. An instant later he thought better of it and eased him to the ground patting down his pockets.

He came up with a handful of crumpled papers, a cell phone and a handful of slightly moist twenty dollar bills.

"Man I so do NOT want to know where this came from," he grumbled pocketing it all then ran inside where the bouncer sized him up hungrily.

Dean clapped the man on the shoulder, "No time for that now handsome, there's a kid outside looks like he needs an ambulance. Can't be more than sixteen..." he smiled, "Won't be good for business y'know?"

The bouncer grumbled but nodded his understanding and turned, then glanced back watching Dean walk out of the club.

Once outside he jogged toward the corner of the building and the lonely little spotlight he'd need to look at the papers. There wasn't time to go back to the motel or even back to the hospital.

Unless he found this sick-o "Partyman" and was able to trace Pipeline back to its source he was gonna lose his little brother. And after everything they'd been through, no way in hell was he gonna let that happen, let alone to some supernatural street drug. I knew I didn't like this gig.

His eyes flicked up and he ran back inside bringing smoldering light to the bouncer's hungry gaze.

"Still no time for that..." he patted the man's arm and held out the flyer, "I promise I'll make it worth your while though if you help me out here..."

"Aren't you a little old for raving?" the bear of a man asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Dean shook his head, I don't have time for this shit! "It's not like that... my boy got jacked up on that pipeline crap that's goin' around and if I can't find out what's in it he's..." he shook his head unable to voice the possibility, "Please... where's it at?"

Reading the desperation in the elder Winchester's face the bear took the flyer and angled it under a black light used to reveal the hand stamps for the club. He over wrote the location specifics with a pen and handed the paper back to Dean then towering over him by a solid six inches marched him outside with a surprisingly gentle hand on his neck and pointed him in the right direction.

"Warehouse district it's just a few miles south and about two east," he smiled softly then ruffed Dean's hair, "Go get your boy healthy then come back, we'll have a three-way, make a night of it."

"Thanks," Dean shook the guy's hand, his cheeks blazing bright pink as he ran to the Impala and tore down the street.


He knew the tattered miner's shack was empty the instant he turned the car onto the dirt road leading up to it. The megalomaniac who called himself 'Partyman' had genuinely thought he was giving Dean good information and though it only took a few knuckle busting Winchester punches to persuade the late twenty-something 'entrepreneur' to give up the location, it was still too late. The source of the drug had moved on.

"Son of a BITCH!" he yelled smacking the dash as the car slid to a halt on the loose dust of the road. He popped a round into the chamber of his .45, checked the safety and slid it into the back of his pants before sidling up to the rough pine board wall and making his way to the window for a peek inside.

Just as he knew it would be, the single room shack was empty and conspicuously clean though a strange metallic scent, very much like the taste of the drug hung in the air. Frustrated beyond belief he swung the flashlight around the room, a glint catching on something under the legs of the wood burning stove.

Checking the shack again, searching the shadows once more he crouched and grasped the wad of paper noting a faint wave of residual warmth emanating from the iron. Wasn't long ago at all they were still here... son of a BITCH! he scowled shutting off the flashlight and tucking it under his arm while he moved to the window, uncrumpling the bit of paper.

It's a piece of a map, he realized noting a partial circle in red just about twenty miles east of their current location in New Castle. Well ain't that just... spooky... he frowned noting the area that had been circled, Lawrence. Too easy, waaay too easy and way too obvious. It's gotta be a trap... but why? And more importantly... what? Or would that be who?

He literally jumped and gasped when his phone went off in his pocket, "Yeah?" He answered breathlessly.


"Sam? Is that you?"

"Yeah, s'me..." the young man's voice came tiredly through.

"Oh man I am so glad to hear your voice... are you okay? What's goin' on?"

"Mmm tired Dean," he breathed sleepily, "had a vision... they're gone, whoever it is... they went to Lawrence... s'gonna be a near full moon when someone gets torn up there."

"Hold on," Dean touched the screen on his phone accessing the calendar and lunar phases, "Full moons' in four days Sam, how are you? Do you feel okay?"

"No, feel like hell... my head is pounding... gonna sleep Dean." He seemed to sigh just before the line went dead with a clumsy clatter.

"Sam?" He called then sighed, "Alright alright... I'm comin' just get some rest little brother, I'll be there when you wake up." His fist curled around the piece of map as he turned scanning the shack one more time then left to head back into town, back to his brother grateful for this reprieve in spite of the nagging fear for what was yet to come, chewing on the back of his brain.


"Agent Harrison I have been more than considerate of yours and your partner's needs but there is no way in clear conscience that I can allow you to take him out of this hospital!" Dr. Indiri ranted behind the closed door of the family conference room.

"I know that and you're right, but whoever's behind this stuff has MOVED ON! They're not here and they're going to bring this poison to another town if WE don't stop them!" Dean tried to reason then wondered why he was bothering. Two years ago he would have had Sam slip out in the dark of night and just picked him up at the side of the building but at least this time, there was more to consider than a stealthy get-away. From what the doctor had told him, Sam was going to need small doses of the anti-venin at regular intervals to keep him conscious and his synapses in tact and without the doctor's code or cooperation, he wasn't going to get what he needed.

"He's already signed the AMA papers doc... we have to stop this," Dean pulled out his own version of Sam's pleading puppy-dog eyes, "Please help us do that." and leaned ruthlessly on his sensitivities.


"right there?" Dean asked gingerly bouncing his fingertip against the vaguely rubbery feeling vein in the front of Sam's elbow.

"That's right." Dr. Indiri nodded smiling faintly.

"How far?" he asked.

"Just puncture the vein not more than couple millimeters... thankfully he has good vascularity."

"Don't worry Dean," Sam smiled tiredly, "I'll keep it under control."

"Darn right you will," the older man nodded and pocketed the two vials the doctor gave him, "Is this gonna be enough?"

"If it's not..." Dr. Indiri stopped himself and sighed, "most major hospitals will have a vial or two of it in stock." He turned to Sam, "You Agent Fischer are to take things very easy, NO exertion, NO undue stress, nothing that's going to elevate your blood pressure or raise your heart rate more than a walk down the hall do you understand?"

Both men nodded but the confusion on their faces called for a deeper explanation, "Whatever Pipeline's active agent is, it seems to metabolize the anti-venin rapidly enough, if you over-exert yourself you'll speed THAT process up maybe even to the point where it won't help at all..." he looked between them, "Now do you understand?"

The brothers nodded, their understanding just as visible as their confusion had been as they shook hands with the doctor and slid their jackets on.

"As soon as we find the antidote we'll be in touch," Dean promised and angled his little brother out the door and down the hall.


Lawrence, Pa.

"Dean?" Sam muttered rolling over in his bed, his eyes latching onto the silhouette of his big brother sitting at the desk outlined by the blue light of the computer screen.

"Yeah?" his head snapped up, "You okay?"

"I'm okay."

"What do you need Sam?" He turned to face the younger man.

"I need you to get some rest, we'll start tracking it down in the morning." He yawned and watched his brother carefully.

Dean didn't return his attention back to the computer screen, he didn't turn away and he didn't argue. He just sat there his eyes locked on Sam until the younger man sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed.

"What is it Dean?"

"Right." He shrugged listlessly.


"You're right, I know you are but I can't."

"You're exhausted, just as much as I am." Sam protested softly.

"Yeah but... I can't shut off, can't stop thinking... is this the way it always is inside your head?" he asked.

Sam cocked his head to the side and made his way to the table unsteadily, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that shit's real Sam, what it does... its all real."

Slowly the younger man nodded, "Yeah." He sat beside his brother, "It's not the first time I've been inside your head. Did you know that?"

"No." Dean shook his head.

"It doesn't surprise you though," Sam smiled and sipped from the pint on the table.


Sam's easy smile spread into a deep grin that echoed the origin of those mile deep dimples, "Explains a lot though."

Taking his turn sipping from the pint he grinned back at his baby brother.

"Your mind... it's..." they spoke together.

"Surprisingly organized." Sam said.

"Surprisingly disorganized." Dean chuckled.

Whether it was the late hour, the recent emotional trials and tribulations, or just a moment in time between brothers a simple 'prffft' grew into a low chuckle that deepened the dimples in one and brightened the eyes of the other. Moments later each of John's boys found themselves trying to escape the laughter by stumbling around the room. Occasionally they latched onto one another before falling dizzily and clutching their stomachs on one of the beds, sighing away the giggles until they sat side by side on the floor, leaning back, and still unable to look at one another without setting off another round of laughter.

Some time not long after, neither of them knew exactly when, the Winchester brothers drifted off to sleep.


Twenty-Three Hours Later.

"B.P's 88 over 50 and falling... pulse is at 190 thready and fading fast. He lost a TON of blood."

Light stabbed him in the eyes one at a time sending shockwaves into his brain in spite of the fuzzy gray haze that looked like it was erasing the world. Some of that gray, the darker patches even seemed to be circling over head like vultures.

Sound rumbled somewhere in the distance, voices vibrating through him, maybe even through his very molecules. There was something sliding around behind the eraser marks in his vision and he thought maybe it was the world but for the moment he couldn't be sure.

Red suddenly spotted his vision and the rumbling noises took on tone. One of those tones was directed at him, kinda close.

Sam... please find my brother...

"What the hell did this? Did something escape from the zoo?" the ER attending demanded of the EMTs.

The eraser marks over the world grew darker and on his left a single constant note began to sound.

"He's crashing!"


"Mmm, unnnnh.... pl...s," he pushed tremulously at the gloves his brother's blood had made over his arms, "D... nuh..." he couldn't breathe. Air didn't seem to want to move into or out of his body. He shook his head violently, sweat and blood soaked hair slapping against his head, it couldn't be true, it just couldn't.

His heart felt like it was going to explode it was beating so fast, his vision swam and he would've sworn flames were licking his whole body. He could even see the piercing lances of light as if someone was shining them into his own eyes. They hurt his brain.

His head wanted to explode, the pressure was blinding and deafening, and he could have sworn he could feel the sutures of his skull moving, trying to give his brain room to breathe.

His chest quivered and the breath stopped in his throat as the world blinked out of existence.

DEAN!... what have I done?



Madness – chpt 10.

by: sifi



"SAMMY!" Dean screamed shoving and beating at Bobby's restraint.

"Dean No!"

"NO NO NO! Lemme Go!" he hollered pushing and shoving at the older man until he'd squirmed free of his grip and was soon to erupt from beneath the jacket.

"Dean! Damnit boy!" Bobby lurched and tackled him as gently as possible. He winced feeling Dean groan and his breath hitch under his weight. Fear pounded even harder when Dean's breathing stopped, halted for a few seconds by whatever pain he was feeling. "Wait damnit!" Bobby commanded into his ear.

"Bobby!" Dean cried helplessly as the debris finished falling and the older man raised himself up.

"Are you alright? Lemme look at you..."

Dean shook his head, his movements molasses slow as he raised himself up to all fours, shaking his head and searching for a crack or a break in the rock wall that had sealed the entrance to the cave.

"Sam..." he breathed sweeping sweat and dirt off his face then with Bobbys' help got to his feet.

"Can you feel him?"

"Help me Bobby, we gotta get to him." Half bent over he moved toward the entrance.

"Can you still feel him Dean?" Bobby asked holding the younger man tightly to him, giving him the support he needed.

John's eldest shook his head, "I don't know... I can't... I ..." his gaze measured the volume of rock and rubble. He broke from Bobby's grip, planning his foot and hand holds and ground his teeth against the pulling of bundles of stitches as he reached up. Blood seeped into the dressing in a few places from the couple tumbles he'd taken, his exertion and the tackle as gentle as it had been.

A band of tan moved off to the side as Bobby grabbed Dean, "Dean! Damnit boy listen to me!" pulling him gently off the rocks until they stood eye to eye. "LISTEN..." he raised his arm pointing at the hovering bundle of insects, "Look. Maybe there's another entrance."

Drawing a shaky breath Dean nodded and tried to keep it together even going so far as to try and reach out with his mind to see if he could feel Sam while they followed the demi-god's denizens around toward the far side of the foothill.


The first thing he noticed was pain. There wasn't part of his body that didn't hurt, from his throat all the way to his toenails and up to his hair. The next thing he noticed was a presence.

The air was dry and dusty crawling into his throat making him want to cough but he just didn't have the energy for it. Slowly his eyelids started to lift but the orange and black dancing glow he expected wasn't present.

"Wake up now... you need to start to move..."

"Mmmnean?" he groaned frowning as his gaze fixed on a flash of white hovering above him.

"Mmm?" slowly angles and curves began to re-order themselves into a nightmare visage that brought him fully awake. "Guh!"

"It is I my King... Imdugud," the creature, in its natural form, its countenance a jagged sinister rabid canine with knife filled jaws of serrated fangs, hovered inches from his face.

"Mmmdugud?" he pushed himself with horrible difficulty onto his elbows grateful and relieved that his hands were no longer bound though his wrists burned.

"Yes. Your father and mentor are outside..." his gaze rolled upward leading Sam's there as well toward the ceiling where his great stony wings were spread above the slab on which he lay, rocks and rubble sliding over the edges intermittently, "you need to finish untying yourself, I'm afraid the Asag won't have an opportunity." He motioned somewhere toward the foot of the pallet where presumably the creature was at the very least, incapacitated.

Working hard to shake off the effects of the venom Sam sat up noting the Assyrian was holding his wings up with his hands now as sweat rolled down its huge body.

"S'my clothes?" Sam grumbled fumbling with the ties around his ankles.

"We have more dire concerns my King." He grunted.

"Wh...what happened? There was someone... a woman...oh God..." he groaned as it started coming back to him and he rolled from the pallet onto his knees then pressed his hands to his chest and belly, hoping to feel that his insides were still inside where they belonged.

"Lamashtu." that canine head nodded as Sam pulled himself to his feet.

"Lilith to us right? They're one and the same?" Sam asked half twisted over his own feet, his hands clutching tight to the shoulder harnesses of the creature's breast plate. His eyes slid up until his neck was craning as his face turned down in horror, "My God she's pregnant."

That rabid dog face nodded in the dark and in spite of its ferocity managed to look sorrowful, "It is." His arms trembled under the weight of the cave roof and the strain told on his face, "My King... hold tight to me."

Understanding crossed Sam's features as he pulled himself firmly against the enormous creature and felt him tremble as his arms and wings collapsed, both wrapping around the fragile human body and leaning forward until the man was on the ground with the ancient one bowed over him, a living umbrella on hands and knees his wings at rest on the floor but still extended and providing protection.

"That's better," Imdugud grunted, fighting the pummeling of the cave's roof falling around them.

"We're buried alive... how is that better?" Sam asked.

"We're alive." The Assyrian grimaced, "And if I know my King he will most certainly move earth to get to you."

"At the very least," Sam nodded then cocked his head to the side, "has it stopped falling?"

The demi-god nodded, his teeth gritting hard and his jaw muscle jumping, "I believe so." Slowly he turned his head, the upper elbow joint of his wing flicking back to throw off some dust and debris and giving him a chance to peer out into the blackness.


"Sam..." Dean breathed, his fingers and forearms aching as he clutched into the hill with one hand while the other grasped at rocks and small boulders sweeping them out of the cave entrance on the left side while Bobby worked on the right.

Occasionally a locust or two would dart into the slowly deepening opening, how long it took to return would tell him that they hadn't yet broken through to any main chamber.

They have to be safe, Imdugud has to be in there with him or else they wouldn't still be here... he'll protect Sam...

"Dean." Bobby frowned then tossed a small bit of twisted black metal to him.

He nodded recognizing the trigger clamp from a grenade almost instantly. "You think she did it?"

"Well it definitely wasn't a natural occurrence."

"Why? She has what she wanted..." he shook his head biting his lips to keep his fears inside then noting the older hunter's 'are you kidding?' expression nodded, "I know. We get distracted, she gets away clean." He took a deep breath and nodded sweeping an armful of smaller stones and dirt out of the widening hole, "I'm gonna kill her Bobby."

"Get in line kid," the older man snarled nearing the end of his rope with these ancient creatures and the ways they were intent to screw up the boys' lives. Oh hell there's that too... do I tell him? he wondered fleetingly as his newest knowledge raced through his head again, not right now. Save Sam first. Damn that son of a bitch for telling me!


"I'm afraid you don't have any choice if you wish to survive. Her poison will liquefy you from the inside out... I can see the pain on your face and your wounds are not only refusing to heal but they are bleeding even more as time passes." Imdugud frowned over his shoulder while both his hands and wings dug and swept through rubble, seeking the body of the Asag.

"I don't know if I'll be able to keep it down... I already feel like throwing up." Sam panted.

"Then I will partially digest it and feed it to you."

Sam crawled around to the far side of the pallet where moments later wet splatter told the Assyrian all he needed to know. "...'anks for that..." Sam panted flopping onto the ground and groaning, "We should be trying to dig out."

"Hopefully by the time I have tended to your vessel's health we'll know from which way they are approaching and I'll be able to make it go more quickly."

Slowly, haltingly Sam clawed his way back to the creature, blood sliding in thickening ropes from the tears Lilith had made in his skin, "Anti-venin..." he muttered setting his hands on a pile of debris to Imdugud's right. "Why are you doing this?" He asked, "You were born to do evil, drought, pestilence..." he shook his head his face twisted in confusion, barely able to remember to dig let alone what they were looking for.

"All creatures exist in balance my King you know this. If the balance falters the world falls." His clawed hand fell on something soft, "I think I've found her." He grinned then quickly frowned as Sam slid down to the cave floor with dark ribbons of blood painting his lower face.

"Oh good..." he breathed faintly.

"My King?" Imdugud reached out with his right hand, cupping Sam's jaw while his left gave a series of sharp yanks on whatever bit of the Asag it held until part of the limb snapped and he was able to rip it free.

Working quickly he dug one of his talons under the skin, his aim to slice and tear and come as close to pureeing the muscle inside as possible. When he could draw his finger out of the end of the limb and feel it covered in tiny, almost gelatinous bits of meat he moved to where Sam lay. A moment later, folded back inside his host he picked up the young hunter's torso and held it against his chest.

"Sam... c'mon Sam open your eyes... you have to eat this."

But the boy's head rolled from side to side against him, "Fine we'll do this the hard way," he sighed. Scooping out an egg sized glob of meat from the fleshy glove he pried Sam's mouth open and swept the bolus inside then held it shut and squeezed his nose closed too, forcing him to swallow before he'd be allowed to draw another breath.

The practice worked and a moment later Sam leaned gasping against Imdugud's chest, breathing through his mouth and fighting the urge to throw up.

"Just a little more," the demi-god scooped up another egg sized glob.

"Nuh... no more..."

"Listen to me, her own flesh is the only antidote to the poison." He explained again then once more pried the young Winchester's mouth open and slid the meat inside, holding him closed again until he swallowed.

"...gonna puke," Sam groaned.

"Breathe through your mouth and rest a moment," he dragged down one of the skins from the pallet and draped it over the young man, "I'll return shortly I think I hear something."

Sam grunted and was out again while Imdugud made his way toward the rear of the cave, exactly where he'd been heading when the explosions went off forcing him back inside.


"Dean get back!" Bobby urged grabbing the young man by the scruff of the neck and hauling him off the pulsing pile of rubble. "Get your gun up!" He ordered knowing something was coming through the wall, just not sure what or who.

They stood several yards away as the rocky bits of earth that sealed the entrance seemed to unzip from the top down, enormous stony talons parting the way as one parts a curtain.

"Imdugud!" Dean breathed and lurched forward, never before considering that he'd be grateful perhaps even delighted to see that rabid looking canine demon's face. The demi-god gave a nod then turned back toward the darkness while Bobby's hand remained firmly latched to the back of Dean's jacket.

When the Assyrian turned back again and the light hit him once more he had Sam wrapped in something dark and cradled easily in his arms.

"No..." Dean breathed shrugging out of the jacket and racing toward the huge creature.

"He is alive." Imdugud announced quickly, carrying the unconscious man off to a soft looking grassy spot near the tree line where he lowered himself to his knees but did not put the boy down.

"Sam..." Dean knelt, looking into that filthy, bloody and scratched up face. He swept a shank of hair from his little brother's eyes as a jagged tear near his neck caught his attention. Frowning he turned back the flaps of hide following the rends and filling his sight with filthy, dirt and blood caked ribbons of flesh.

"I was able to feed him some of the antidote for the Asag's poison," he pulled something from his waistband and handed the severed lower leg to Bobby, "He may require more."

"Uh..." Bobby grimaced holding the limb and frowning at the feel of it, it felt like ground meat inside a balloon, not at all what he'd expect.

"The flesh of the creature is the only cure for its poison." He explained.

"Oh," Bobby nodded, "Eeew."

Dean shook his head, his eyes fixed on the vicious slashes in his boy's body, tracing them, assessing the damage and recalling how it felt when his own flesh had been tearing like that, in almost exactly the same pattern too.

"Where are his clothes?" he asked blushing deeply when he realized the younger man was naked beneath the hide.

"This is how I found him." Imdugud shrugged then looked between Dean and Bobby, "Lamashtu has succeeded. It IS pregnant from his seed. He knows this." He nodded and rose to his feet, the care with which he cradled the youngest Winchester at extreme odds with the hatred blazing on his face, "The child can NOT be allowed to be born."

"What kind of time frame are we looking at here? Is she gonna have some super demonic speedy gestation or something?"

"She should be bound by the limits of her host... eight to nine months," he sighed and began walking, carrying Sam back toward the car with Dean and Bobby beside him, "The sooner the better though...I will begin the hunt immediately."

Dean stopped and turned the demi-god to face him, "Where do you think she'll go?"

"I don't know," he shook his head, "but one thing is almost certain my King," a slow and sinister smile full of violent promise warped those canine features, "I do not believe she will leave the host now that she has what she wants, and if that is indeed the case, it may be our best chance to kill her as well as the spawn."

In the creature's arms, Sam's head tossed to the side and his brows furrowed while a sound of denial touched the air.

Dean ran his hand over Sam's forehead, "It's alright little bro, I'm sorry Sam, but this isn't how you'd wanna be a daddy anyway."

To the side Bobby's breath hitched and he pinched mist from the corners of his eyes, his lips pressed so tightly they were hidden by his beard and moustache, he glanced at Imdugud for a second before his eyes darted away and he gave a faint shake of the head.

The Assyrian's almost imperceptible nod was all the acknowledgement he needed.

The exchange went unnoticed by either Winchester.

"Come now... he needs medical attention," Imdugud nodded and continued his trek to the car wondering at how good it felt to walk freely in his natural form and wondering on a deeper level what would come of these two vessels of kings when all the facts were laid out. He knew it would happen sooner or later and in spite of his own origins, his own purpose, he liked these humans, and his allegiance to the divinities they housed was something he'd never wish to change. Over five thousand years... I must be getting soft in my old age.

"What're you gonna do if you find her?" Dean asked once Sam was safely deposited in the back seat.

That dark and sinister smile stretched the creature's mouth once more and lit his eyes with foul promise, "Truly it is better if you do not know my King... but rest assured, when I find her and have killed them both you will be the first to hear." The demon of the Southern Winds glanced at the youngest Winchester, "What are you going to tell him?"

Dean frowned but nodded, "The truth." He shrugged looking from Imdugud to Bobby, "No matter how much it hurts... if it was me? I'd want to know."



The brush of his little brother's hand against his forearm brought Dean fully awake. He stretched a deep kink out of his back and leaned forward peering into the younger man's face.

"Hey." Sam greeted with a sleepy and tremulous smile.

"Hey," Dean nodded feeling the bulky puffiness of his eyelids and hoping his brother wouldn't notice. "Welcome back."


Dean watched the young man's mouth bow downward, his lips trembling as his eyes started to leak.

"She told me you were dead... tried to make me believe it... knew she was lying."

"You're okay..." Dean thumbed a break in the silvery stream, "it's over."

"No..." he shook his head, "It's not... I almost killed you Dean."

"It wasn't you Sam."

The youngest Winchester nodded, "It was my power... I couldn't stop her... and those kids... in the park... in the car..." he shook his head, "there was nothing..." helpless, I was completely helpless... and how do I tell you the rest Dean? How do I tell you what she did? What she stole from you?

"Listen to me Sam, it's not your fault, YOU didn't do those things... you were used... turned into a tool. She jacked into your powers with her poison and used them to do those things to those people," He angled his little brother's face until they were eye to eye, "YOU didn't do those things. YOU didn't hurt anyone, YOU didn't whip those kids into a homicidal frenzy it was HER poison that did that. It wasn't just your body she was fuckin' with Sammy, she wanted you to believe you did those things, that you made those people go nuts... that you killed me... but I'm not dead little brother I'm right here and I'm not goin' anywhere."

The sweet oblivion of drug induced sleep was calling to the young man, drawing him out of the light and into the warm dark cocoon of nothingness. Slowly he shook his head, his leaden lids falling closed again, "S'not the worst Dean... there's more she did..." his voice faded into his inner darkness as Dean leaned back scrubbing his face with his hands.

"I know Sam... I know everything she did." He whispered pawing his own tears away.

Just outside the door Bobby drew a steadying breath and backed away, giving the older man a few minutes to get himself together. There'd be time to come up with a plan later.



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Thank You.
