Reviews for It Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin'
Sallyannerenee chapter 3 . 6/24/2015
I loved this one! Protective Dean, hurt Sam, brother bonding in just the right way, and even a slice of a good Daddy John. Thank you. This is how I see John, gruff and damaged, but he loves his boys. Dean would never be so loyal and loving to John if he was as abusive to Sammy like some authors love to write. Loved also when Dean knelt down to hold Sam's ankle for reassurance, Sam was so out of it at that point, but he still responded to Dean. Happy sighs.
Sphinixius chapter 3 . 6/17/2014
Really, really fantastic story. Loved all the flashbacks, especially the one at the end.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1/2013
Great story!
Lindelas chapter 3 . 11/24/2012
Oh wow! This was such a beautiful study of Sam and John. Thank you!
gallifreayan chapter 3 . 7/20/2012
CUTE! i almost died reading that last paragraph!
thethreebroomsticks69 chapter 3 . 4/8/2012
This was really good! And I think what gave it that extra something were all those flashbacks. I think there are very few authors who portray John Winchester accurately (well, accurately enough for me (which is still biased, I suppose) but oh well) and I really like the way the memories just kind of wove in and out the story.
Ginnylove9990 chapter 3 . 11/6/2011
Now I love this one. You did a great job. Please keep up the great work.
zekeschance chapter 3 . 10/15/2011
This was amazing! Made me tear up. Loved your hurt Sam and protective Dean. Of course there's nothing better is there. I also appreciated how you wrote Sam's memories of John. I could feel John's emotions when he gave the watch to Sam. And holding his son in his arms? What thoughts were running in his mind, from when Sam was a baby to that moment? Just a very good, well written story. I loved it! Thanks so much.
Rolletti chapter 3 . 8/29/2011
This story had me gushing through out the whole thing. Love the emotions you created while sticking to characterization.

Great writing,

Shannanigans chapter 1 . 6/14/2011
'Sides, a guy his size isn't a Sammy unless he wasn't always a guy his size."

My favorite line!
NightShadow131 chapter 3 . 6/11/2011
Talk about the quickest updates! And the slowest review. ;-; I sorry! I was very excited to see a new story, and then two more chapters, though! n.n

I just love your stories - how you portray the brothers and their relationship. I especially liked the flashbacks with John, and how you kept him stern but still fatherly. The watch with an inscription was a great idea, and even though he doesn't wear it anymore I thought it was perfect. It was a nice touch with him refusing to trash it and then with Dean fixing it. He must have lost a lot in the fire.

I loved the line, "'Sides, a guy his size isn't a Sammy unless he wasn't always a guy his size." Perfect. That's one of my favorite lines ever, and describes everything between them perfectly.

Congrats on getting your story published in the fanzine, btw! That's great. n.n

Can't wait for the next story! n.n
Sparkiebunny chapter 3 . 6/10/2011
Amazing fic! LOVED IT! :D :D :D
Nana56 chapter 3 . 6/10/2011

And yeah, it was in Chicago that Jared auctioned off his watch. I don't think he expected to get much as he was speechless after the first bid of $500. Jensen had to take over. It was his S 3 watch and the lady that won it paid $3500! When she came out of the autograph session, she also had his shirt! He was back there in a black T-shirt and looking mighty fine. He was overcome that it brought so much money! Good day! :)

Awesome, awesome fic! Can't go wrong with some hurt!Sammy and terrified/worried!Dean. Or Vice Versa. :D

Good to have Sam care so much for something his dad gave him and to remember the good times. John may have been a pain in the ass and hard man, but he loved his boys! There's NO doubt about that!

Nicely done. :)
calcium77 chapter 3 . 6/8/2011
That was just a terrific story! I was reading it on the sly at work today on my phone...and the ending made me tear up. I hope nobody saw that. (or that I was goofing off)

THanks so much for sharing. I loved all the flashbacks. Nice to see John being a nice dad :-) As always, you do a great job capturing Sam and Dean. I can always see your stories as actual episodes (I wish...that would be great if they did some of your stories. THey would be great episodes )

THanks again!

PADavis chapter 3 . 6/8/2011
I loved this in the mag and loved it all once again reading it on ff. I especially liked this: 'Sides, a guy his size isn't a Sammy unless he wasn't always a guy his size. A lot said in few words. The flashbacks to a supportive and comforting John were a nice touch.

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