Reviews for Sica
Guest chapter 17 . 5/25/2018
intjsherlocked chapter 11 . 5/5/2018
Wow! You write the characters so well that I feel like I'm watching Jensen, Jared, and JDM on screen! You are so talented! :)
intjsherlocked chapter 5 . 5/5/2018
I find myself holding my breath while reading this. Amazing story so far, I'm looking forward to reading the rest!
Spidergirl99 chapter 6 . 2/26/2018
soundoftragedy chapter 17 . 11/14/2017
Blossom9 chapter 1 . 1/23/2017
Wow. I just love when I find a story as well planned and well written ad this. You have done a fantastic job all around. Congrats on an amazing story!
JaniceC678 chapter 17 . 3/29/2015
As I've commented in so much detail earlier, I loved this story. The big action sequence was great but what was the final crowning jewel was Sam's true coming of age moment when he realized what it meant to put someone else ahead of himself. True sign of a boy becoming a young man! Great job.
JaniceC678 chapter 14 . 3/29/2015
I don't even know if you're still reading reviews on this or not, but seriously...loving this! You capture them all so well in a TOTALLY believable manner! Sam's fear and insecurity at seeing John lose it, as well as DEAN even being scared by it is great. Dean is so often portrayed as the always-strong protector of Sam in teen!chester stories, it's nice to see him as an also vulnerable and not quite grown up yet teenager with insecurities of his own. It's also nice to see a story where John IS still a true father-figure to Sam, despite their differences. Again, many such stories have Dean taking over that role, so this is a nice change up to that aspect of many stories. Loving it. (One far after the fact as to not matter in the least, can buy an EMF meter at almost any hardware store. Electricians use them all the time.)
JaniceC678 chapter 12 . 3/29/2015
Wow...the intensity of this chapter was just overwhelming! Who doesn't remember being 13 and having to confess to having screwed up badly...and in the case of the Winchesters, that's life-and-death stuff. You got a perfect John reaction - angry, irate, disappointed, vebally lashing out, but not completely out of control and not abusive. Good job. The scene at the very end where, even though he's furious, Sam is so desperate for his father to stay and he actually does so, actually made me a bit teary.
JaniceC678 chapter 9 . 3/22/2015
Man, I have SO much I need to be doing this afternoon, but this story has completely sucked me in! I can picture the characters behaving exactly this way during this period. I can easily believe adolescent Sammy COULD be sullen and bratty at times - just like a lot of kids that age, and under THEIR circumstances it's even more believable. And John, as we all know, would never win father of the year, but I like the balance you've kept with him being gruff and harsh, but not abusive. (okay...maybe a bit emotionally abusive, but again...strange circumstances so I'll cut him a LITTLE slack, LOL!) And poor Dean caught in the middle!

And for all Sammy wants to be grown up, he does still have a lot to learn about trusting sympathetic ghosts, obviously. Hard lesson to learn. MUST stop for now, but looking forward to continuing later or tomorrow.
Ryla chapter 17 . 2/6/2015
Nice story, great job! Thanks for your hard work!
mkm12 chapter 17 . 12/9/2014
I absolutely loved this. I haven't really gotten in to any pre-series stories, but I really enjoyed this one. Fantastic writing and you really captured everybody's characters. Your depiction of John I thought was spot on and very well thought out. Overall... great stuff! Thanks for the read :)
sh91767 chapter 17 . 11/1/2014
Love the story and the in depth character development of each Winchester, as well as Pastor Jim. However, I think a more apt description of Sammy would be unhappy, not obnoxious. He has no control or say over a life he hates, and well he should. He has to live in constant fear, there is no stability, unlike Dean who loves the life. If he strikes out in a childish manner, oh well, why wouldn't he, he's a child. Yes, it's wrong he takes his unhappiness out on Dean, but what other outlet does he have, and it's not like anyone tries to understand where he's coming from. However, once again, your writing was wonderful and I loved this story. I even appreciated John's position in this story, but still feel sorry for Sam. Imagine living a life you hate everyday with no relief.
Rebegirl chapter 17 . 7/31/2014
Great story. I loved the way that you had all three Winchesters be so interesting and multidimensional. No one was all good, or all bad, all right or all wrong. Well done.
kori michelle chapter 12 . 7/7/2014
I find it funny that john blames dean for not telling him that he couldn't find sam for an hour. I wonder if john realizes that if he didn't hold dean responsible for every stupid thing sam did then maybe dean would of been more upfront with the information. john just as much to blame as sam is...
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