Author has written 23 stories for 21 Jump Street, Stargate: Atlantis, Supernatural, and Hobbit. Hey, y'all! I figured it was time to update. It's been a while. Summer is over, my play is finished, and my daughter is in college. What to do? Maybe I should write! There's a thought. Hmm. What can I put Sam and Dean through next...? A little about me: I work full time in banking as a trainer, have a wonderful husband who completely understands my need to write and, and have a beautiful daughter who is just as much a fan as I am. Gotta love it. I am also treasurer for two non-profit organizations. Hey, they find out I'm in banking and they hand me the books. Go figure. So, you see why time is limited. If only I didn't have to sleep. I'd be like Dean Winchester on caffeine after two days of no sleep. I'm a huge Supernatural fan (in case you couldn't tell). That's all I'm writing right now. Although I'm quite the Sammy-girl, I adore both boys. I'm an hurt/comfort addict, so that's what I write, with some action and suspense tucked in there, too. :) Many thanks to my dear friend and editor extraordinaire K Hanna Korossy, who edits all my work, and to Scullspeare and Phx for their awesome help with plotting. You guys are the best! Thanks! AJ |