![]() Author has written 24 stories for Final Fantasy XII, Star Ocean, Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Legend of Zelda, and Castlevania. I live in fifth layer of Hell, 26, gender-challenged and mostly bored due to the lack in innovating things in the place. I like KH, SOTET, FF in general, and whatever else happens to float my boat. I play alot of video games and hang onto the PC and write stories on paper that will probably never see a comp for it being too long. On the plus side, I am writing more stories for people like you to read on a PC so YAY! BTW: For Lunar Mirror, I do not mind if someone wants to turn it into a full-fledged story. Just contact me and tell me you want to. I wanna favorite it. ALL STORIES CURRENTLY ON HIATUS. I DON'T KNOW WHEN I'LL RETURN TO FINISH THEM. OR IF I WILL. Okay, I got like two ideas thats slowly working their way here. For those that want my work, please review my works you want updated and I may actually get faster. If not (Saint) Then I will be impossibly slow for lack of motivation. I DON'T CARE IF IT IS A FLAME ON THAT STORY! may make me want to type more simply to spite you! Thank you for your cooperation and have a nice day. Okay, these are some of the quotes I like, made up, or stolen from a game you probably never heard of. I'm good at that. "Oh, I'm sorry, were you waiting for me to give a damn?" -Ryudo from Grandia II "When in doubt, C4" -Jamie Savage, Mythbusters "Please don't make the assumption that I care." -Me "What you want me to do, sharpen a pointy stick?" -Ryudo again "I come in peace. I hope I don't leave in pieces." -Chris, very good friend of mine with his first visit with my parents and they have a REALLY big dog. A baby really. "The only way that will happen is if Hell froze over, pigs flew and I get laid." - Me on the impossibility of some things. "Thank you tax collector." -Me when I get interrupted. "Maggot." -Albel from SOTET. "Of all the military programs they got, Dalmasca gets the moron squad..." -Me talking about the beginning of the FF12 game. "Ya know, if I wanted my life analysed, I would have gone and visited my shrink." -Me to my uncle when he thought he was being cute. "Too bad the gun wasn't loaded..." -former quote on Neoseeker. "I am not a garden-variety genius, I am a super genius." -Me when I'm cocky. "I am a super genius, not a mad scientist" - Me being asked to solve something I can't. "Lloyd, can you be any more stupid?!" -Genis on Tales of Symphonia. I think I messed up but oh well. "Got it Memorized?" -Axel from KHII. A true quote classic. "Cry your pardon, Spear-thrower?" -Vincent to Cid in Cosa Nostra. "Mom, I hate to say this, but your car is either possessed, or just plain hates you." Me to my Mom when the car dies again. "If you know your demons, don't indulge them, Control them." I don't know where I found this, but I like! "I can't believe that Big Bird just killed me..." Me when I met the LV 99 Chocobo. "If I have to hear one more thing about bigfoot.." Me being highly annoyed about the guy in the monkey suit. All Dialogue of Balthier from XII most of the dialogue from GhostRider the Movie my all-time favorite from Pyro's profile: "For those of you who can't see my email address (poor dear Bahamut XD): renorocksrude@ Slashy, oui?" "There's a disturbance in the Pokeforce." -me in an rp with a friend. “Only a jackass can change the world.” -Auron of FFx-2 Fame. BTW PEOPLE! READ TAINTED BLOOD ON PYROCLASTIC DRAGON! THAT'S THE STORY PYRO AND I ARE WORKING ON! SLOWLY BUT SURELY! have a nice day!:D Sorry for the massive hiatus I took. I didnt' realize I have been gone for so long. I hope to get some fanfiction up soon, so don't worry all! However, what I'm till writing, please don't worry over the sudden change in everything. I just don't want to revise any of what I still have up. |