The incessant beeping of Vincent's alarm woke them both up, although the unhappy groans made it clear that neither of them wanted to do so. Vincent was the only one who had a class or at least, made the effort to go to said class, so he rolled out of bed and onto the floor. Once he had removed the imminent threat of falling back asleep, it took him around twenty minutes to pull himself together enough to get dressed. At one point he managed to stare into the distance and almost fall asleep again while putting his pants on, thus making Vincent swear to never stay up this late again. This was a promise that he by no means intended to keep, but he felt better making it anyway.

He slung his backpack on his shoulder and at that point remembered that Cid had, again, spent the night. Too groggy and tired to give the possible implications of this happening for what seemed like the billionth time, he instead just checked to see if Cid was still sleeping. Cid in fact was doing just that and looked quite happy that way. Vincent felt very jealous of his slumber and wished more then anything that he could just skip his class and fall asleep on the floor.

But of course, he had this paper...

He grabbed his Walkman and walked out to his first class, pumping the volume as high as possible to try and keep himself awake.

He found himself in his Art History auditorium without very clear memories of getting there.

Never staying up that late again...

The Art History class required a lecture hall, for reasons Vincent was far too tired to contemplate. He found a seat as far away from everyone else as possible, realized that he was late, and settled down to nap for the rest of the class. Normally this class was boring enough to put Vincent to sleep anyway, so he didn't view this as any great loss.

When today's designated speaker decided to stop blabbering on about some artist or another, Relm came up to the podium. Vincent wasn't sure who else manned the Art Department but he was quite sure he didn't care enough to find out.

He drifted in and out of consciousness while Relm talked about something he didn't think was important, then reminded everyone about their respective projects. Then she asked that everyone come up and put their paper on the stage.

Vincent sighed and finally moved from his fairly comfortable position to look through the papers and books in his backpack. He used his claw-tips to rifle through his fairly impressive collection of printouts, handouts, and pointless outdated worksheets in search of his essay.

Not finding it, he searched again, then twice more.

There is nothing quite as jarring as realizing that one has just forgotten something very, very important.

Now very awake, Vincent checked through his papers again and found nothing. A quick glance showed that no one else seemed to be having this problem.

Think back, think back.

He had finished typing a line, although he couldn't remember now what it said, and he had saved the file...

But did he print it? He didn't remember. Vincent wished he had and wished that his memory would show him as much, but sadly he just remembered saving and sleeping. Perhaps he hadn't printed it because he worried the noise might wake Cid. That would be so ironic.

In his exhausted state in the morning, he must have just assumed that he had put the papers in his bag.

Now moving on to full-blown panic, Vincent quickly weighed his options. There were no nearby printers, except perhaps near the mailroom computer lounge, and his dorm was not within convenient or plausible distance in order to print this essay on time. As he was now very aware, Relm did not have the utmost of patience in dealing with Vincent. At this point Vincent was willing to try for the very unlikely extension, or at least a chance to explain that he just needed to print the paper and would be back very shortly.

As class ended and the great mass of students left, Vincent kept an eye out for the colorful bandana that Relm always wore. The woman was standing and speaking with Tellah and some other faculty member Vincent did not recognize, although he didn't seem too important.

Vincent couldn't help but feel one of those paranoid twinges and felt fairly sure that Relm and Tellah could only be talking about Cid and Vincent. Regardless, Vincent gathered his things and resolved to talk to Relm confidently and explain things as quickly as he possibly could. With any luck, he could pull this off.

He stepped up onto the stage, approaching the conversing teachers carefully.

"I know! No respect, simply no respect at all..." Tellah trailed off when he noticed Vincent standing awkwardly nearby, and Relm turned. She faked a very obvious smile.

"Oh, Vincent! Hello. How are you?"

"I'm fine." Vincent adjusted his backpack. "Listen, I...I typed up the paper last night, as the assignment stated, but I fear I forgot to print it this morning...I stayed up rather late last night finishing it, and it must have slipped my mind...I was wondering if I could go and print it out quickly and then I could give it to you."

"Oh dear." Relm looked disappointed and already Vincent knew there was no hope for him. "You read the syllabus, didn't you? I don't accept late papers."

"I know but..." He knew this was useless, but he decided he may as well try anyway. "I wrote it and finished it on time, I just didn't print out the paper itself-"

"I would like to believe you, Vincent, but there's no way of proving that. If a paper is not here by the end of the class period, it's late and suffers a grade penalty. I explained it the first day and I can't make any exceptions."

He rubbed at his forehead, irritability and desperation meshing in his exhausted thoughts. "I spent all night typing it, I just didn't print it. I there any way that I could get it to you without taking the penalty."

"I'm sorry, Vincent, but I've made my policy clear." She didn't sound too sorry to Vincent. Maybe that was just him. "I'm afraid you'll have to bring it in later and just take the penalty."

"All right." Vincent certainly didn't think this was all right. Of all the classes he was currently taking, this was not one that he could afford taking unnecessary penalties in. Considering his dismal track record in his normal Art class and Hojo's quite obvious dislike for him, having his grade lowered for something so trivial was not all right. But as it was, he knew that Relm had the syllabus on her side so there was little he could do. He had read it the first day but never thought the problem would arise for him. "I'll try and get it to you on time..."

"You do that." Relm turned back to Tellah, ending the conversation. Vincent narrowed his eyes but said nothing. He turned and headed back to his room to print the paper.

I hate this so much.

When Vincent got back to his room, he found Cid missing. Guessing that he must have woken up and headed to class without him, he didn't worry too much. Cid could take care of himself.

He printed the paper while he quietly seethed.

I can't believe this. I can't believe this. I spend all night typing this paper about someone I don't care about only to have my grade docked because I forgot to print it. It doesn't change when I wrote it...

He knew his anger was somewhat misplaced as he had been the one who forgot to print the paper in the first place, but he still felt that Relm could have been more lenient. Then again, he never liked Relm.

He resolved to drop the paper off at the Art Building before heading to Prof. Hojo's class. As he walked along, he mumbled to himself angrily below his breath, continuing his somewhat unfounded dislike for Relm and her policies. Stress was beginning to weigh heavily on him regarding scholastic matters and, added with interpersonal relationships, he was beginning to feel the toll.

"Not the best day for you, is it?" A familiar voice came from behind him.

Vincent turned quickly to see Sephiroth shadowing him perfectly, smiling at him in a peculiar way.

"What do you want?" He tried to cover the fact he had been surprised.

"First you work all night on a paper you hate, and then it turns out the grade gets cut anyway. And now, you're off to visit Hojo, whom I have heard has vowed to make you two his personal subjects for today. Not the best day for you at all."

"Why should I believe anything you say?" Vincent stared at his feet and tried to ignore Sephiroth. "You lied to us before about the Weapons, you're probably lying now."

"I could be, yes. It's wise of you to realize that's a possibility now." Sephiroth quickened his pace so that he walked alongside Vincent. "Although, you should probably consider that I have nothing to gain from telling you this information."

"If it's true. And if it isn't, you get the satisfaction of seeing Highwind and I acting as if it were."

"I don't get enjoyment from such petty things." Sephiroth stared at the sky. "There are other easier people to tweak if I wanted such entertainment. No, you two are a special case."

"You keep saying that. I don't believe you."

"You don't have to believe me. You can still hear me. After all, you didn't believe me earlier when I mentioned Reeve and Cid, and yet I noticed your behavior changed quite noticeably around them afterwards..."

Ugh, that brought back a wave of bad memories. "I don't want to talk about this. Stop stalking us."

"As I said before, I don't stalk people, I gather information. At any rate, I also feel I should warn you that Thorn will be at your class today, although he'll be in no state to function. I must be going now though. I will see you again, and that's not a trite farewell."

Vincent rolled his eyes in annoyance and Sephiroth vanished, much as he had their first meeting. Vincent actually had not been paying the most attention when Sephiroth left, so perhaps his disappearance this time was not so unusual. Either way, he was gone and that was a good thing for now.

What did Sephiroth want?

He found his thoughts changing from their oft-run path of hatred for his teachers and his life in general, focusing instead on a somewhat pressing and more disturbing problem.

Sephiroth obviously has interest in my life and in Highwind's, although he claims to watch everybody. He must have a web of informants...that would be the only possibility. He slipped his paper into Relm's mailbox and headed to his other class. But why would I hold such fascination for him? What is it about me that makes me so interesting, as he puts it? He must have something to gain from me, but what? What could I give him?

When he walked into the classroom, he found himself a few minutes early. Some students were already there, but not the great majority, and Hojo was readying papers for the day's lecture.

Cid was not there, but he could see the red jester cap on a nearby desk. Apparently Thorn had somehow found the energy to drag himself to class, but was taking the extra time before it began to take a quick nap. Vincent did not blame him considering.

Well, there was one point that Sephiroth proved to be correct on. Vincent was not about to trust him regardless.

As he passed Prof. Hojo, he could feel him stare.

"Valentine, where's your other half?" At the sound of his voice Vincent's mood worsened. Another point for Sephiroth. He knew this wouldn't be pleasant. "It's odd the two of you would be apart."

"He should be coming soon." Vincent mumbled, well aware that no response he gave would be able to stop the class from whispering about him.

He headed to the back and sat down, and Prof. Hojo smirked to himself. No, this wouldn't be pleasant at all.

The class began and Cid still hadn't shown up. It figured that he would be late.

"If everyone checked their syllabus, they should know that there is a paper due today, correct?"

Several people jolted much like Vincent had earlier that day at the realization that no, no they had not checked their syllabus. Luckily, Vincent had tried to get ahead in this class because he hated it so very much and therefore, he did have the paper. Prof. Hojo glanced at him but seemed disappointed to not see the familiar fear. He looked around the room for an easier target.


Oh no...

The sleepy jester barely stirred at the voice, but then slowly lifted his head. He blinked at Prof. Hojo a few times as if silently asking him to repeat himself.

Since he had not really asked a full question, Prof. Hojo decided to ask again, thus saving Thorn some embarrassment. "I notice your brother is missing. It's odd that our defined pairs would be so split today. Regardless, you do have your paper, don't you?"

Vincent was sure that, even if Thorn had the paper, Zorn would not, considering what had happened recently, but Thorn showed no sign of worry. He blinked at the professor again before digging around in his backpack.

"Yes..." One word replies were safe for him.

Prof. Hojo again looked vaguely disappointed, having expected Thorn to either say more or not have the assignment, so he attempted to engage a conversation again.

"Where is your brother, by the way? This is the first time the two of you have missed any of my classes."

Hojo taught more then one class? Vincent's respect for the small jesters grew as he tried to think of dealing with Hojo more then once in a twenty-four hour period.

Thorn pulled out a few papers and put them on his desk, staring down at them intently. Vincent recognized that look from this morning. He was staring into space, too tired to consciously organize what was happening. Eventually Thorn snapped his head back up and looked at Prof. Hojo.

"Sick." Another dodge and another escape from more potential public embarrassment.

"Your brother's sick?" Prof. Hojo seemed intent on focusing on Thorn as his target since he was being so obstinate in his resistance. "How so?"

Thorn held out the papers and did not say anything. Prof. Hojo took it from him with a short quick motion. He adjusted his glasses for a moment before asking Thorn yet another question.

"So Thorn did his homework regardless of not being able to come to class? Quite the talent your brother's got."

There was an awkward silence. Prof. Hojo's smile indicated that he knew exactly how he had misspoken.

Thorn looked utterly miserable and quite hurt. This was apparently a weakness that Hojo had not previously exploited, although he was sure that would change in the future.

"I...Thorn I am...sick is Zorn...not me..."

"Oh, my apologies. The two of you DO look so similar. And as you would have it, seem to have identical writing styles..."

Vincent was positive now that Thorn had somehow done Zorn's homework, although he had no way of proving as such. Thankfully, before Thorn could try to defend himself, something interrupted the entire gathering.

Cid did have a tendency to make an entrance. He came in panting and managed to slam the door against the opposite wall loud enough to get everyone's attention twice over. He smiled in triumph anyway, then noticed the amount of students and Prof. Hojo's withering stare.

A pause.

"I'm late, aren't I?"

"That you are."

Thorn was now forgotten for this easier target. Thorn took this respite gratefully and rested his head on his arms again, probably to try and nap some more.

"Well, you know. I tried, but in the end, who the $%# cares? Anyway, here's the paper." Cid handed him the sheets before Prof. Hojo could even ask. He stared at them in disgust before snatching them from his hands. "So you can't get on my case about that."

"Take your seat, Highwind."

Cid smiled and headed to his typical place beside Vincent. Prof. Hojo watched their progress without much expression, but it was obvious that he was planning something.

Only five minutes had passed since Cid sat down that he began whispering to Vincent. "I think I know how to help the twins."

Vincent was not eager to have attention focused on him again, particularly by Prof. Hojo, so he debated ignoring Cid or just trying to cut the conversation off as soon as possible.

"Great." He decided this was the most diplomatic way. He glanced up at Hojo, who had not noticed them so far.

"I went and talked to Catface before class, and he said that the people at the mail room always need help and the twins work there at a time when I think we're both free, so I think we can take over their shifts."

Of course, one word had to prompt a veritable speech. It was too late by this point, as Prof. Hojo had heard the soft noise and found something new to latch on to.

"Highwind, what are you talking about back there?"

"Nothing." Cid leaned back in his chair and folded his arms behind his head. "Nothin' at all."

"Oh? I don't think so." Prof. Hojo turned his full attention to Cid, who acted as if he didn't notice. The rest of the class had fallen silent, now used to these constant arguments and attacks. "I heard you whispering to Mr. Valentine quite loudly. Would you care to share with us what you were talking about?"

"#$&, how grade-school is that?" Cid rolled his eyes. "No, I wouldn't, thank you."

The other students in the class, save Thorn who was most likely asleep, watched in interest. Prof. Hojo picking on Cid was always interesting since Cid often mouthed off right back.

"Oh, I see." Prof. Hojo handled his arrogance without a single hesitation. "You were discussing private matters with him?"

Vincent buried his face in his hands, not wanting anyone to see how embarrassed he was. Cid had not expected Prof. Hojo to twist his words that way and now was more offended then he tried to admit.

"No, they weren't #$&ing private matters whatever the #$& that means, I was talking about us taking a part-time job if you're so #$& curious."

"A part-time job?" Prof. Hojo inclined his head at Cid in mock curiousity. "Whenever would you find the time, considering you can't find enough to make it to my class promptly?"

"It's none of your business." Cid was tempted to add a few choice words to the end of that sentence but restrained himself.

Vincent at this point didn't care who "won" the argument as long as both parties involved stopped talking.

"So what job would you be referring too? It's hard to think of any that would require the use of two such companions as yourselves at the same time."

"It's none of your business." Cid repeated more firmly and Prof. Hojo shrugged.

"Well, even if you don't want to share the details with me, I'm sure that any experience you and Mr. Valentine share will be quite rewarding, don't you agree?"

Snickering followed that and Cid muttered beneath his breath, most likely as embarrassed as Vincent but better at hiding it.

Apparently having accomplished his goal of ruining someone's day, Prof. Hojo turned back to his lecture and Cid remained silent for the rest of the class. Thankfully, he and Thorn escaped Prof. Hojo's notice and the class ended without any further conflict.

"You were saying?" Vincent asked as he gathered his things. Cid looked at him for a moment before smiling.

"Oh yeah! Yeah, I talked with the guy down at the mail room and he says we can take the twins' shift on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but we'll have to hurry down there. I told him all about the #$& they've been through and he says he won't dock their pay or anything."

"That's great." Vincent felt relieved that he could lessen the pressure on the jester twins even a little. Comparatively, Vincent's own flagging grades were no problem.

"Yeah, it shouldn't be too hard. I mean, we just sort stuff, so..."

As the two of them walked down towards the door, they noticed Thorn still resting against the table. The two stopped and stared at him for a few moments.

"Should we wake him up?"

"#$& if I'm touching him, I remember what happened last time."

"Oh! Hi guys!" They turned to see Reeve entering the room, cautiously avoiding Prof. Hojo as much as possible. Hojo did not seem to notice him. "I'm here to pick up Thorn."

"Well, that shouldn't be too hard. He's fallen asleep."

Reeve sighed and scratched at the base of his ears. "Yeah, I tried to get him to sleep yesterday, but every time I took my eyes off him he was trying to get up or escape or work or something. I could knock him out sometimes with those pills and all, but I can't keep him out ALL the time. I thought he'd at least sleep through the night, but I woke up and found him doing homework at three a.m." As if to emphasis the point, Reeve yawned. "Either way, Dr. Kiros told me to take him back to the room after each class and make sure he stays there, so..."

"How's Zorn doing?" Vincent stared down at Thorn. Was he working on his brother's homework at the same time Vincent was working on his paper?

"He's exactly the same in terms of not wanting to sleep. He's a bit more afraid though of something, but Thorn won't tell me what and Zorn's not talking either. It's like they're afraid if they don't do their work something or someone's going to eat their brains." Reeve wiggled his fingers in an ominous way. "He also says that he wants to be with his brother again, but that's no surprise really."

"How long do you have to take care of them?" Cid watched as Reeve slowly made his way to Thorn's chair. Aware that he reacted badly to being touched, he whispered to him softly.

"Hey Thorn, it's me, Cait Sith. You know me, I'm your friend. We're going back to the room now, okay? Don't worry about a thing, I've got you."

Thorn mumbled something unintelligible, but he did not fight back when Reeve slid him out of his seat and picked him up. Apparently those simple words were comforting enough.

"Anyway, what?"

"How long you got 'em for?" Cid repeated. Reeve nodded his head at the doorway and the four made their way into the hallway.

"I don't know really. Dr. Kiros says that Zorn's kind of delirious and keeps talking about weird stuff, about how something'll get him if he doesn't do his work. I guess until the two of them can do work and not go crazy or pass out."

"I don't envy you, considering. They're the most determined people I know."

"Ah, they're good people, just a little crazy sometimes. Where you guys going?" Reeve turned as Cid and Vincent broke off their little group outside.

"We're going to take over Z an' T's mailroom shift. May as well try and help and all."

"That's a good idea!" Reeve smiled brightly and shifted Thorn's weight. "I'll ask some other people if they want to help too. Considering how many random jobs they do here, I might as well."

"Sounds good to me."

"We'll see you later, Cait Sith."


Reeve walked off, Thorn's red jester cap contrasting sharply with his black hair. Cid and Vincent watched him go before continuing on their way.

"I wonder why they get along so well."


"The twins and Cait Sith." Vincent just wanted something to talk about, so had brought up the first thing on his mind. "Their personalities don't seem to really mesh at all. I wonder why they're such friends."

"Holy $&#, Vin." Cid stared at Vincent with an unbelieving smile. "You think they're friends cause their personalities are the same? #$&% no, it's cause they're total opposites! I mean #$&, just look at us!"

Vincent smiled to himself. "You're right, I guess that was a bit presumptuous of me."

Cid continued to ramble on about great duos who were total opposites to Vincent, but he wasn't really listening.

I guess that's why I like being with you so're nothing like me.

The mailroom always seemed to be a busy place, but particularly at this shift. It was at this time that most packages had arrived and most classes got out, so most people were there to get gifts and boxes from home. The supervisor gave them a very quick rundown of what the twins did and how to do it, and Cid and Vincent caught on quickly. Vincent decided to handle getting the boxes and Cid would handle the list and signatures. This fit their personalities fairly well and they went about their business without complaint.

"Hey, look at this." Vincent had been moving older boxes around while searching for 462 when an envelope fell from a higher shelf. "It looks like it was pinned against the wall."

"Weird." Cid didn't look as he was too busy taking down someone's ID number. "What's it say?"

"I'm not just has a sending address, but no return address. Weird. Do you think Zorn and Thorn were supposed to mail it?"

"Eh, probably. It must have gotten lost in the shuffle. Just send it out anyway."

Vincent thought it strange, but put it into the box of outgoing mail. As he did, he noticed a small black K marked on the back flap of the envelope.

"Do you know anyone whose name starts with 'K'?"

"Unless your #$ of a roommate spells Cloud with a 'K,' no one comes to mind. Why?"

"I think that's who...never mind." Vincent shook his head. It was probably none of his business anyway.

"Wait, there's Kefka." Cid snapped his fingers at the recollection. Vincent shook his head.

"No, I don't think this is his."

"It's not important anyway, Vin. Just forget about it." Cid shrugged and Vincent mimicked the movement, hoping to mimic the carelessness that inspired it.

Still, he felt rather curious...why would they have hidden the letter like that? Maybe it was just misplaced but something felt odd about the whole business.

"Excuse me?" A smooth voice immediately caught Vincent's attention and he turned. It wasn't Sephiroth, as he had assumed, but someone who looked rather similar to him. Same long flowing silver hair, although this man had decided to decorate it with some random feathers. Then again, there were odder fashions at this school, so feathers and an all-leather attire weren't too peculiar.

"Yeah?" Cid obviously didn't trust the newcomer and with good reason. Something about his gaze was very unsettling to them both. Vincent couldn't help but feel like he wanted something very personal and there was no way of preventing him from getting it. It's not the best feeling in the world.

"Perhaps I am mistaken, but don't the two jesters work here at this hour?" He inclined his head and stared at the two of them with half-lidded eyes.

"Z an' T? Yeah, but we're takin' over their shift for now. Who are you anyway?"

"Oh, I must have forgotten." Kuja held out a thin hand to Cid, who did not make any move to take it. "My name is Kuja. I simply wanted to speak with my two favorite jesters, but they aren't here. How very upsetting."

When Cid did not take his hand, Kuja let it move back to brush a loose strand of hair from his face.

"They may not be here for a while." Vincent ventured to speak and regretted it soon afterwards. Kuja stared directly at him and Vincent did not like the look in his eyes.

"Then perhaps you could be so kind as to tell me where they are."

Vincent did not think that was a good idea and neither did Cid, but they weren't sure how to say that without sounding paranoid. "You just want to talk to them?"

"Oh yes." Kuja smiled at Cid in a strange way that made him incredibly uncomfortable. "We're friends, you see. Our relationship goes back some time and I am...worried about them. I would like to know if they are all right."

Vincent wanted to accuse Kuja of lying, but did not have the courage or the appropriate information to do so without feeling like an idiot. Everything about Kuja seemed to indicate that he used whatever was around him to his own gain, and Vincent felt more sure that Kuja was merely using the twins then anything else in his life. Did Reeve know about this? Why would the twins associate with someone this sexually creepy anyway? Unless...

"Highwind..." Vincent whispered to him, keeping an eye on Kuja at all times. Kuja seemed rather amused at the proceedings. "I think Zorn and Thorn work for him."

"#$&...he looks like a total #$&$..."

"Well, even if he does, we should tell him what happened...if Zorn and Thorn do work for him, he should know, right? Maybe we can take their job for him too."

"It's worth a shot I guess...%$#, I don't like him though, he gives me the #$&#ing creeps."

Kuja merely leaned against the counter and stared at the two of them, as if measuring which one would be more useful. He stared at Vincent quite hard.

"Well, have you reached a decision?"

"The twins work for you, don't they?" Vincent didn't like having Kuja stare at him, but wanted to ask as quickly as possible in hopes it would make him leave.

Kuja blinked and then smiled slowly. "I suppose you could say that."

"Well, they can't work for you right now." Cid's tone indicated he thought this was a good thing. "Zorn had a #$&#in' mental breakdown and Thorn's #$&ed up too as a result. They've got doctors trying to get 'em to sleep an' #$&#, so they won't be back for a while."

"Oh." Kuja looked displeased. It was an unpleasant change in his demeanor. While before he had given an aura of pure sexuality, this time it was underlain with the possibility of quite real pain if someone crossed him. He was not a man to be messed with. "How...unfortunate. I don't suppose you know where they are so I can inform them as to how to make up their work hours?"

"We could try to make it up for you if you want." Vincent did not feel comfortable in telling Kuja where they were, particularly now that he seemed so potentially violent.

Kuja laughed. "No, I'm afraid you aren't...knowledgeable enough to help me. I need to speak with the jester twins."

"Well, I know where one of 'em is." Cid muttered reluctantly. "The other one is off with some #$&, I don't know who, but Zorn is with Doc Kiros at the health center."

Kuja blinked at him a few times, then smiled again. "Thank you very much, Mr...I don't believe I caught your name."

They didn't feel comfortable about giving their names either, but staying silent would seem very suspicious. "I'm Cid Highwind and this is my bud, Vin."

"Vincent Valentine." Vincent finished, although he did not want to.

"Well then, thank you, Mr. Highwind." Kuja reached out and placed a hand on Cid's shoulder. He jumped visibly at the contact, but it was brief. Kuja pulled away and waved as he walked off, silver hair swaying with his movements.

Cid brushed off his shoulder with a great deal of distaste as Vincent watched him go.

"You don't think we made a mistake, do you?"

"#$&, I dunno, I'm just glad that creepy #$'s gone. #$&."

A few moments went by in silence.

"I guess we should get back to work..." Vincent mumbled and Cid nodded, and the two returned woodenly to what they had been doing.

I hope I did the right thing...I hope Kuja doesn't do something horrible to them...but would he really have a need to be so upset? It's not their fault they worked themselves until they broke really...he would have no right to get mad at them...but then again, you don't really need a right to be mad at someone. I hope he doesn't hurt him. I'll never forgive myself.

Both of them could not put Kuja out of their minds.


"Got it..."

Vincent slid the large box off the shelf with distracted hands and ended up dropping it on the floor. Thankfully, it was large enough so that the fall wasn't too damaging, although the box's owner was not happy about it at all.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...I just wasn't paying attention."

"Jesus, Vin..." Cid said with no anger. He reached out to pick up the box at the same time that Vincent did.

Their hands touched for a moment on the top of the box, and at the contact the two stared at each other for a few seconds. As Vincent stared at him, he felt a very strange sense of warmth that was wholly unfamiliar, and he looked away immediately. This sentiment seemed echoed by Cid who turned away as well.

It was ironic how they could have spent so much time near each other, even sleeping in the same bed, and yet a single accidental touch was what indicated another level of possibility.

Why do I like being with you so much?

A question that had been lingering on Vincent's mind for days now had a possible answer. Not one that he was ready to consider, but it was still there.

Why does my face feel hot?

Author's Note: Been almost a whole year since I've updated this. HURRAH. I actually do have plans for this and I know where it's going. I'm just a slacker. I was actually inspired to write this because a person did some incredibly beautiful fanart for me (www-deviantart-com/deviation/7989080/ switch - for .) and talked about how, even though she was Portugese, she really enjoyed this fic and wanted me to update. It made me realize that this fic has really made a lot of people happy, and I really should do something for everyone. So this update goes out to Lily-Carrol. Thanks fer reminding me why I started writing this in da first place.