Castlevania: Eternal Sorrow Chapter 11

Welcome to another 'exciting' edition of Castlevania: Eternal Sorrow. Last time, Soma came close to finding out about the former owner of the castle and Andrew has to choose between one Elizabeth and another. Will Andrew figure out the real one? Will Soma finally understand why he was brought into this whole mess? And will Walter finally prove himself useful? Find out the answers to these questions and more…RIGHT NOW! Once again, I don't own Castlevania or Eternal night or the characters therein.

Soma delivered one final slash to the already bloodied monster. Medusa fell with a terrible cry, the massive head on the ground in its death spasms. "Now answer me. What do you know about Walter Bernhard? Joachim is the new lord of the castle, but who are you talking about?"

Medusa looked up at him with glazing eyes. "I don't know what you want me to say. Was it not Walter who stole your maiden from the village?"

"What do you mean village? Mina and I live in Tokyo city."

"…City? What is a city?"

Soma looked down at the fallen head, a curious idea occurring to him. "…What year do you think it is?"

"I can't tell how long I rested for, but it cannot be any later than year 1300."

Soma sighed, "Well that explains a lot. The year is 2037."

Medusa's eyes widened in shock, "So long…how could it have been so long since that man with the whip beat me? What could have prevented Lord Walter from reviving the castle for so long…" With a final scream, Medusa turned to stone, and was silent forevermore.

The sound of light clapping drew Soma's attention to the other side of the chamber. Joachim stood there, applauding Soma's defeat of the Garden guardian. "Well done, little boy. I knew you were good, but I didn't think you could take out a guardian with such ease."

"Joachim…" Soma approached the silver haired vampire. "Who was she talking about? Who was Walter?"

"Exactly as she said, the former lord of this castle, before he was killed by a vampire hunter he sorely underestimated; Leon Belmont, the ancestor of your friend Julius."

"But from what she said, it sounds like this Walter had the same ability as Dracula to revive himself from the grave. What exactly happened?"

Joachim shrugged, "He was too trusting, and was betrayed in a horrible way; it seems he was just a pawn in someone else's plan just as Leon was a pawn of both plans."

"So what happened? Who betrayed him? And what does this have to do with de-inheriting myself from the Dark Lord's title?"

Joachim held up a finger. "That's a conversation for another time, my little friend. Until then, I'd suggest going to the topmost floor of this garden, where the lightning never fails to crash. It's on the map I gave you."

Soma shot him a questioning look "Why should I do this?"

"It's just a little something to help you level the playing field against your ultimate opponent. You'll understand what I mean when you see who you're up against."

"And then I can have Mina back?"

"Yes, of course, with my heartfelt thanks and apologies for the inconvenience. Until then, young prince…" Joachim faded into his signature purple mist, leaving Soma alone in the chamber with the fallen legend.

Andrew looked between the two women puzzled. Both were identical in their

physical characteristics and their voices were identical. So how was he supposed to find out who the real one was?

*You know Walter, a little help would be greatly appreciated. Like right now.*

Sorry, but I'm afraid you'll have to figure it out on your own. It's really not as hard as you think it is. Keep in mind though, Joachim has likely briefed her on everything that has happened within the castle walls and so asking her questions on her time here will not avail you. Think about what you know or suspect about her, and things she's done OUTSIDE the castle and the truth will fit like a new suit.

Andrew, deciding that he didn't want to talk to the pompous voice in his head much longer, got to thinking about the situation. One of the Elizabeths tried to siddle up close to him but was knocked away by the other who screamed something about 'demon hussie', though Andrew was too deep in thought about Walter's words. *If I know Walter, and I do, he does want me to win and figure this out…he likely left me a clue…(Suddenly he snapped his fingers and laughed aloud, startling the two Elizabeths) "Well, that was stupid of me! How could I forget that?"

They both stare at him questioningly until he throws his arm around one of their shoulders. "Tell me, what was the first thing you said to me in the castle?"

The Elizabeth he's got his arm around brightens up, "I know that easy! You helped me up, guessed my name was Elizabeth and I said 'Yes, but how?'

Andrew hugs her tightly. "Bingo! It's obvious that you're the real one." The other Elizabeth starts to cry and the other throws her arms around him. But far from smiling, Andrew eyes the girl suspiciously while her head is over his shoulder.

"Oh, I'm so glad you figured it out? What tipped you off?"

"Well, I just took one look at the coat you got for me, the one I'm wearing now…" The other Elizabeth's head snaps up and comprehension dawns on her "…and remembered that what you said after that was?"

"Don't worry, the coat's on me!" The room echoes in awkward silence. The Elizabeth in Andrew's arms looks over at the other and wonders why she's grinning like a maniac. "What? What's wrong? I did say that, right?"

Andrew lets her out of the hug and puts an arm around her shoulder to comfort her. "Oh well, Elizabeth actually said "it's on me' but that's close enough, right?"

The Elizabeth chuckles nervously, "Yeah, of course it is."

Andrew then glares at her, "Or it would be, if not for the fact that outside the castle, where Joachim can't see, Elizabeth bought me a shirt of Chain Mail, I got the coat when I first got here. In short…" He quickly draws the Dark Vorpal Blade and slashes her across the chest. "You done goofed." The real Elizabeth rushes over to Andrew, who knocks aside the imposter, and gives her a hug. "Sorry I couldn't fill you in sooner."

Elizabeth just hugs him tightly. "I understand, element of surprise. Just make it up to me later."

Andrew lightly blushes at the implications, but his blood quickly runs cold at the sound behind the two of them. The Elizabeth is rising from the floor, cackling in a sinister and evil tone. "So, mortal, you tricked me into a slip of the tongue. That was clever…I'm surprised you could do it without any help."

Andrew smirks at her, "What can I say, I'm cool like that. So, apparently you can take getting cut in the chest no problem. Don't you think it's time to drop the act? With that alarming amount of blood you're pumping, there's no way I can't tell who the real one is anymore."

The fake shrugs, "Maybe so, but I think you forget what you stand against…" As she talks, she is emitting a pheromone that affects Andrew in the worst of ways. It takes all his will power to not rush to her side. "My goodness, such strong will for one so young…but if you come to me, I promise pleasures you will never forget…" The urge to join her grows stronger, visibly showing on his face, causing Elizabeth to hold onto him tighter.

The fake begins running her hands over her fake Elizabeth body, which emits a retort from Elizabeth, "Hey, keep your hands to yourself! ...I mean, off my body…damn it, just show yourself!"

The fake looks surprised, "My, you want me to take him THAT badly? If you insist, I won't drag this out any longer…" Her façade as Elizabeth melts away, revealing a figure dressed in black skin tight clothing that's exceptionally revealing. A pair of batwings emerges from her back. Andrew and Elizabeth take one look at the succubus and both of their eyes grow round as saucers. The succubus crooks a finger at him, "Now come to me, slave!"

Once again, the room is thick with an awkward silence as neither Andrew nor Elizabeth make a move and only gawk at the succubus. Elizabeth breaks the silence with an unexpected, "You're just too cute! But you shouldn't dress up like that!"

The succubus' face goes slackjaw in horror, "I'm sorry, what?"

Andrew starts laughing hard, "It's-it's a KID? Joachim put his money on a kid? In the throne room, Joachim can only bury his head in shame at his succubus.

The succubus goes red in the face. "Who are you calling a kid? I'm 13 years old you know, legally a teenager!" This statement causes Andrew to laugh even harder and even Elizabeth to crack a grin. The Succubus stomps her foot on the ground in a tantrum, "No, no, NO! I'm a demon of pure lust and fear! Bow to me!"

Elizabeth pats her on the head, "Look sweetie, why don't we get you a change of clothes and send you home, this is no place for a girl your age."

A vein pops in the young succubus' head, "You did NOT just go there, thunder thighs! I will END you!" She puts her fingers between her teeth and issues a shrill whistle. Moments later, the sword wielding giant from the previous room bursts in, breaking down the door and roaring with rage. Andrew and Elizabeth quickly back away from the menace, taking up defensive stances. The young succubus giggles and flutters onto the Devoted One's shoulder. "The curtains up, the actors are on stage, the opera begins…"

Well, THAT certainly took a long time, now didn't it? Well, better mate than never. Now let's see what our newly sorted out couple can do against this deadly duo…After I sort out my sanity.