Blind ambitions

A buttery sunlight filtered through the leaves as I walked, creating splotchy patterns on my dark green tunic. I shifted the sword on my back weakly and leaned against a tree.

Doesn't a hero ever get a break?

I guess not. Not for the hero of Hyrule, at least.

The hero of Hyrule. Link. That's me.

I ran my fingers through my golden blonde hair and sighed. Surely he had to be around here somewhere. Damn that Vaati, doesn't he ever learn?

He's been causing a lot of trouble at Hyrule town lately. Robberies, rape, you name it. He even tried to capture the princess a couple of times. The princess of Hyrule, Zelda, told me to go out and capture him.

Ah, Zelda. She's always so kind to the people.

I heard a small rustle from a bush. I turned around, about to check the shrub, and paused.

He's right behind me.

I saw his long, periwinkle hair when I went to check the bush.

"Nice try, Vaati, but I saw you before I turned around." I smirked.

"Oh, well isn't that just a pity?" A voice sneered behind me.

I spun around and drew my sword.

Vaati sighed, flipping his silky periwinkle hair to the side and hovering up from where he stood, his dark blue cape whipping behind him delicately. Why'd he have to be so… nevermind.

"As one of Hyrule's noble knights, I am putting you under arrest for robberies, sexual assault, capturing of royal family members…" I hated saying that speech, but it's apparently 'mandatory.'

Stupid rules.

Vaati ignored pretty much all I said and leaned forward slightly. "Ooh, I like your eyes, Link. They're so pretty…" He said in a taunting tone.

I nearly dropped my sword and blinked dumbly for a few seconds. "…P-pardon?"

The wind mage smirked, looking over my dumbfounded expression with a satisfied smile. "Like what you see?" He asked. I gawked, obviously annoyed.

"I'd rather be… blind, then have to look at your disgusting face!" I blurted out, regretting every word.

"Really now?" Vaati crossed his arms and pouted cutely. "Well, then, your wish is my command!" He cried, throwing his hands up over his head. A silvery black light built up in them, "You'll never see the light of day again, Link!"