Castlevania: Eternal Sorrow

This is my first fanfic! Please r/r! Note: I do not own any of the characters in the Castlevania series. Any original characters are mine and any copying of them will result in a combo attack from every single character in this fanfic.


Chapter 1: Return of an ancient castle

Andrew sighed as he looked out the window of the classroom. It was another boring day as usual in good old Tokyo of 2037. It had been five years since he had transferred to Japan from America as a foreign exchange student. His workload here was easily a thousand times harder than it was in America, but with a little self-discipline and a desire to learn anything he could, he managed to get through it with high grades. Today the history class was covering events during the Holy Crusades in Europe. For some reason he knew all of it as if he had actually witnessed it.

Teacher: "Alright, who can tell me what were the results of the crusades?"

"That's easy enough," a voice echoed in Andrew's head, "The crusaders traded with their Muslim adversaries which eventually led to the spread of knowledge and an end to the Dark Ages." Andrew raised his hand and gave the answer to the teacher, who told him that he was correct. Andrew had always heard the voice in his head since he was very young. His parents had been worried at first, but a psychological test easily disproved the theory of insanity. He now thought of it as the way his mind relayed information. The teacher then looked over to Soma Cruz, another exchange student, and told him to pay attention. Soma then hurriedly turned his attention back to the class and away from his friend, Mina Hakuba. Andrew had known Soma ever since he had arrived in Japan. He thought of Soma as a pretty nice guy, if somewhat secretive. He also knew that he had a huge crush on Mina, even if neither he nor Mina would admit it. Recently, though, they had begun to spend a great deal more time talking with each other and less time with him. The dismissal bell rang and the students filed out of the classroom to enjoy the rest of their Saturday. Mina leaves Soma as he walks up to a man in a black tuxedo. Andrew quickly runs after them.

Andrew: "Hey Soma! Wait up!" Andrew ran to catch up with Soma who was talking with the man in a black tuxedo. "Hey Soma, How's it going?"

Soma: "Ah, Andrew hello. Nice to see you again…"

Andrew: "…Um, didn't you just see me in class?

Soma: "You know what I mean! Hey, Andrew, could you hold on for just a second, I need to have a word with my friend here.

Man: "Actually, I'd like to have a word with this one too, Soma." The man extends his hand to Andrew. "My name is Genya Arikado. It's nice to meet you." Andrew shakes the man's hand and notices how deathly cold it is. He also gets a good look at the man. He is a tall, thin man with a face as pale as newly fallen snow. Nonetheless, he has a very beautiful face with long, jet-black hair trailing down his back.

Andrew: "Nice to meet you, too. So, what do I need to talk with you about?"

Soma: "Yes Genya, what did you want to talk about?"

Arikado: There have been rumors of a castle appearing in the middle of Europe. The area around the castle is surrounded in eternal night."

Soma: "You have got to be kidding me…"

Arikado: "Do not worry, this is not Castlevania…

Andrew: "Castlevania? Isn't that supposed to be the castle of the mythological Dracula?

Arikado: "You may want to reconsider what part of Dracula is mythological. At any rate, the castle raised is in a forest called Eternal Night…" Suddenly, a sword flies out at Arikado, sticking into his arm. Arikado gasps in pain and whirls around at the source. A figure is hiding in the shadows, watching the three of them. Another two swords seem to appear from thin air and attack Arikado, who dodges the swords just in time. "Joachim…"


So, what do you guys think? I'll post the next chapter very soon, so you won't have to wait very long.