Name: Charles Roberts Age: 31 Location: Detroit, Michigan I just started doing fan fiction for my self and I created Lighting Force Agence and I like Tiny Toons, Ananamaniacs, Rescue Rangers and Rescue Rangers X, Sonic The Hedgehog, Digmon, All Dogs go to heven Searies pokemon, and other cartoons excep the one I don't like Barney the Pupal Dinsoure he week. And right now I allready finnshes all of fan fiction I will put a list of my fan fics. A Preview of ICWF Toonasmanina (Done) Lighting Roberts Crossover Fanfiction 2 (Done) Lighting Roberts Crossover Fanfiction 2 (Done) Lighting Roberts Crossover Fanfiction 3 (Done) Lighting Roberts Crossover Fanfiction 5 (Done) Battle Royal Live from Nashville, Tennessee (Done) Braw Zone III from Chicago, Illinois (Done) Buster the Bunny a Sonic the Hedgehog Parody 1 (Done) Buster the Bunny a Sonic the Hedgehog Parody E. 3 (Done) Cannonaball 4 Test Drive (WNP) Dead man Road (Done) From Bunny to Dwan (Done) ICWF PPV. The World is Arising (Done) IWCF Beat Down (Done) LFA Croups Evilrizer 9000000 seares Part 1 (Done) LFA Transformers 2005 (Done) LFA VS Evil Barney (Done) Lighting Force Agency VS Master X (Done) Lighting Force Agency VS Master XII (Done) Lighting Roberts Crossover Fanfiction (Done) men and women battle royal in Baltimore, MD 1 (Done) men and women battle royal in Baltimore, MD 2 (Done) purple dinosaur take over the world LFA version (Done) Shape Shifters VS LFA (Done) Space Wars Crossover (Done) Spy Hard Parody (done) Teen Toons (done) The American Fighter a American nija Crossover (Done) The Night of the Vampires Fox Specal eddition (Done) The Return of Dr. Havey Street AKA Cat-ta III (Done) The Return of Walke Talkey (Done) The Returnd of Chancellord (Done) The Vampire crossover (Done) The Vampire Hotel TTA/Anamaiacs/Dalamations/LFA (Done) Title: The Returned of Evil Mickey Mouse and Max (done) Toon Wrestling (Done) Toon Wrestling:INCWF Braw Zone (Done) Toonmorphs (Done) Triple A Bio (Done) TripleAAA (WNP) TUGG crossover with the LFA-Transformers (Done) TUGG VS Tiger Persons (Done) Nanaorobots (1-30-2003) (Comming Soon) It my 50th Fan Fiction Teen Toons Crossover. I reach a Millestone so next I am going to write next 50th More Fan Fiction to reach 100th. and My next Fan fic it will have a Mix of Black Mask, Romo Must Die, and Matrix it all started when Alexander Amrington Dies but Five Years Later in a Future Detroit-Acme Acers He came back to life to get Reving on the one who kill him Montana Max will Play as the Bad Guy and Reunite with his Love Fifi La Fume. So it call the Goast of Alexander Armington. That means he can't be killed he allready Dead. Allies Jussonic Neo Rabbit Red Dragon Zero Nine Star Trek Man Danta Bunny Robert R6 Ninfant Gore V-Dog, Jussonic and Neo Rabbit are my Alies and help me with my Fan Fics. Justin Lawston is a Dumb Head He allway Mest with me and Jussonic Fan Fics. Red Dragon Zero is my Amego He put my Chartures in his fan fics. Enemy/Flamer list (For the ones who want to Flame me or bash me and also annoying too) Justin Lawston I am doing the UNDF Defender Seares too Couples in the Defender Seares Charles Roberts/Sally Acorn Alexander Amrington II/Fifi La Fume-Armington Anthors Armington/Blaze the Cat-Armignton Razor Armington II/Tammy Squrrial Sky Armington/Dot Warrner Shadow Hedgehog/Cream Rabbit (22) Derrick Armington/Vanilla Rabbit Sonic/Amy Tails/Cosmo Knuckals/Rouge Antowan/Bunnie Rabbot Smith Armington/Lupe Wolf Chip/Gadget Dale/Foxglove Buster/Babs Plucky/Shirly My Sonic OC Charters Typhoon The Cat Look like Charles, but a Cat Person now, How did he become a Cat well he did made love to Blaze the Cat as he transformed into a Cat like Blaze, He wearing a White Shirt, Jeans with Waves on it and Blue and white Sneakers like Sonics, He can Run Fast, Flying, Using Wave Powers, Martial Skills and Cat Reflexives too also love Blaze the Cat too Charles Roberts Experament 921 Charles is a Version of Stitch, He was created by Dr. Hamsterville by Steeling Charles and Stitch Blood Stample and mix it togever Forming Exparment 920 aka Charles, He have a Power Ranger Morpher on his Arm as he can become any Power Rangers oppistebe to them also have Super Speed, Super Stringht, Martal Arts, But he do have good and Evil inside of him also a Battle in there as the good trying to beat the evil but it not enought to do that also he can trans forme into a Black Dragon Verson of Charles Red Dragon His Good Side had Eyes on Marie as he fell in love with her but his evil side love Tooie, Only way to bring him to good is Jumba Evil to Good Ray Gun that can help Charles to Deffeted his Inerdeamons also his evil side My Author slef Chalres Roberts Age: 27 Hight: 6'2 Weight:213 From: Detroit, Michigan Skils: Computers, Martal Arts and Intel Powers: Turning into a Dragon and Back into a Human, Dragon Powers (Flying, Fire) Shin Human Powers SSH34 and Jumper Powers he can jump anyware in the world Weapons: AK-47 and Dragon Sword also Light Swords too Transports: 2008 Ford Mustang GTO Lover: Blaze the Cat Friends/Crush: Annabella (From All Dogs go to Hevean) Second Friend/Crush: Bunnie Rabboit (Sonic Saturday AM) Third Friend/Crush: Vanilla Rabbit (Sonic X) New Love/HAte Relasion Ship: Belladonna (From All Dogs Go to Hevean) TWAE Pay Per Views June-Border Wars July-Storm Warning August- International Braw September-Fall Bash October-Super braw November-Thanksgiving Bash December-Hollow Day Fight January-Battle Royal February-Presidents Bash March-Extreme Wars April-Toonstamaina May-Spring Zone Super braw Series (Pin-7 Submisson 10 DQ-3) Points Plucky Duck 7 Skiles Prower 7 Buster Bunnie Rio Tails Prower Alexander Hedgehog Sliver The Hedgehog Shadow The Hedgehog Michael Armington Scott Armington II Bully Chris Griffin Anthors Armington II A-Truth David Cash Armington TWA Extream/Heat roster Extreme TWAE World Champion-Alexander Armington III TWAE TV Champion-David Kash Armington TWAE Tag Team Champions-Beer Money Inc. (Larry Armington and Michael Armington and Scott Armington II) TWAE Extreme Champion-Duke Nukem TWAE Internatonial Champion-Johny Pew TWAE Knockout Champion-Fox TWAE North and South Champ-Anthros Armington II Bully Chris Giffrin Fifi La Fume (Vice Owner of TWAE) Brian Giffrin Tayiana Tusknearo Scourge The Hedgehog Sonic The Hedgehog Cold Blood Tim Possibal Sky Armington Pizza Cats Alexander Armington II Knuckles Rouge the Bat Tails Prower Rio Samba De Ameigo Lola Bunnie Babs Bunnie Prince John Daffy Duck Buster Bunnie Plucky Duck Charles Roberts (GM of Extream) Heat Heat X-Divison Champion-Physco Weasel Heat Tag Team Champs-Nack and Physco Heat Woman’s Champ-Nic Weasel Heat Undesputed Knock out Tag Team Champs-Sherri and Terri Heat King of the Ring Champion-Bart Simpson Bugs Bunnie (GM of heat) Wile E Coyote (Heat Commentator) Elmer Fudd (Heat Commentator) Brak Bean Cream Calamity Coyote Furball Cat Yakko Warner Wakko Warner Dot Warner Pepe Le Pew (Booking) Lola Bunnie (Vice GM) Danny Phantom Sam Tucker Foley Valery Gray Nightmare Seven (Mandy, Hellios, Rubella, Black Cervo, Misty, Ember McLane, Marceline, and Jinx) Cody Anderson Duncan Omi Clay Rumondo Kim Chase Young E. Honda Col. Armstorng Col. Mustang Wolverine Green Lantern (Hail Jordan) THIS Account is DEAD now. New one is Dragon Roberts. Also I Be Doing Wrestling Fan Fics only. My Stories will be on DA and other sites. |