Hey everyone. Well, here it is. The end to a fic I originally thought would be nothing special. The fic I believed would be lucky to get 100 reviews. Ladies and Gents, the final chapter of Zodiacs

This chapter is dedicated to everyone who supported this story, and made it what it was. None of this was possible without you guys! THANK YOU!!


'I want the remote!!'

This quote was repeated by many of the Authors as they fought for the remote in their hospital room. After going across the world to fight the Zodiacs, nearly all the Authors were in the hospital recovering. Unfortunately, all the authors bedridden happened to share one hue room

'Give me the remote! I'm gonna choose the channel!'

'Hey, there's a program I like on the discovery channel on now! We're watching that'

'Screw learning! Let's watch a sitcom!'

'Yea, Family Guys on right now'

'…..Not that sitcom'

'Let's find a movie or something to watch! That'll shut you all up!'

'Nah, watching Anime is better. Let's do that!'

'Hey, why don't we watch the Disney Channel!'


'Fine we won't. But if you give me the remote I'll find something good!


The TV remote blew apart, horrifying all the arguing Authors. They turned to see The Shadow Syndicate, who due to his enhanced healing wasn't bedridden, holding his pistol, which had smoke coming from its barely

'Will you little shits knock it off! Damn DM for forcing me to baby-sit you idiots!' TSS spat, his teams arguments annoyed him greatly

'Oh yea! Well if we can't argue over the remote, then we'll just argue over who'll get up and change the TV channel manually!' Looney retorted

'Oh really?' TSS nodded. He then aimed his pistol at the TV, and fired two shots to its screen, destroying the Authors only escape from boredom

'…….Vampires are evil' X sighed

Outside the room where the Authors were staying, DarkMagicianmon, the only other author not bedridden, talked to the doctor in charge

DM sighed 'I apologise for my teams behaviour. Things like this always happen when they're together'

'It's alright. But…I think one of the patients is missing' the Doctor pointed out. DM looked in, and saw that one bed was indeed empty

'Nukids bed….' DM whispered. He then took a sharp turn to his right and walked down the corridor

'Where are you going?' the Doctor asked

'To where every missing person goes in a hospital. The rooftop' DM said, walking off

DM made his way through the corridors and up the hospital stairs up to the rooftop. He walked out into the fresh air, and saw Nukid sitting on the floor, looking out to the world

'You know, coming out here to brood is pretty cliché' DM pointed out, walking over to Nukid

Nukid shrugged 'Better than down there. I swear they're so loud not even my narcolepsy can get me to sleep'

'Yea, I can't blame you really' DM laughed. He then noticed, that Nukid was holding the mask of Yamazaru in his hands

'You've still got that mask? What is it? Some trophy?' DM asked. Nukid shook his head, and looked at the mask

'Before Yama died, he filled this mask with what was left of his power, and then gave it to me. He said it held the 'spirit of the Zodiacs', and he wants me to get their revenge' Nukid explained

'Revenge? Against who?'

Nukids face darkened 'Drake…and Oldkid. One betrayed the Zodiacs, the other finished the team off. I suppose we'll need all the help we can get when we fight Drake again'

'Yea' DM agreed, before turning to Nukid in shock 'We? You mean….you're joining us?!'

'Well, I can hardly leave when I'm responsible for Oldkids birth can I? While that monster still lives, I'll stick with this team' Nukid proclaimed

'That's great! We'll need all the help we can get when we….face Drake' DM mumbled the last bit, seemingly triggering something sad

'What's up?' Nukid asked

'Nukid…for as long as there has been the Author Fighters, we've constantly fought Drake, and we've always beaten him. We ruined every plan he had, and we've always came out the winners. But this time….this time…' DM whispered, finding it to hard to say

'You lost' Nukid said for him. DM nodded

'Yea, even though we killed the Zodiacs, Drake not only got the 2nd stone tablet, he has four Darkside stronger than any I've ever seen! Drake is one stepped closer to being King Class, and all because we couldn't win!' DM cried

'…Is…is the Author Fighters losing such a surprise?' Nukid asked

'Well, we've never lost once before. This just means Drake and his crew are getting stronger. What happens when he gets too strong for us to handle?!' DM asked, he was worried and scared for his team

'Then get stronger' Nukid replied bluntly, surprising DM

'G..get stronger? What do you mean?' DM asked

'What else do I mean?! If you think the Authors Fighters are too weak, then you as our leader must make sure we are strong enough. It's fairly obvious that things are gonna get harder for us, so we've simply got to get tougher' Nukid preached

DM smiled 'Get tougher? Before it's always been a cake walk for us, but now our enemies are tougher, and we could very well lose. How will we know if we're strong enough?'

'We don't, that's war for you DM. We've just gotta hope that when the time comes, we as a team can fight whatever Drake, Shade, or any other bad guy has planned' Nukid finished

'You know Nukid, I think you're gonna fit in just fine with us Authors' DM said, shaking Nukids hand, signifying his joining

'Well Nukid, we're all alive, we got a new member, and we've got the will to fight on!' I think it's time for us to sing a song to end this day' DM proclaimed. Music suddenly appeared around the rooftop, and DM stood forward to sing

DM: 'Man once sang to me
Look at you saving the world on your own
And I wonder how things gonna be
As the time here it passes so slo..'

'Wait a minute!' Nukid halted the singing, shock and horror on his face

'What's wrong Nukid?' DM asked, perplexed

'……Song?...Wh..why would we start singing from out of nowhere?' Nukid asked

'Well you see, when the Author Fighters fight has finished, we usually sing a song to celebrate and make each other feel better' DM explained

'….You're are joking of course? Right?' Nukid asked, thinking it was all a lie

'No I'm not! We do this all the time!'

'We? You mean the other authors do it too?' Nukid asked, mouth gaping

'Yes! It's a common thing between us Author Fighters!'

'E..even the guys?' Nukid whimpered

'Yes! Even the guys do it!' DM growled trying to get the message across

'….Right…' Nukid nodded, putting on a fake smile. He then made a turn and walked to the door and out of the roof

When Nukid close the door and was out of DM's sight, his face became covered with shock, and he held his head in true fear

'Wow, and I thought I was weird!'


Jean Kazuhiza- Drake Bell

Tara- Brian Beacock

We see Jean Kazuhza sitting on a bed as Nozomi slowly and carefully takes off the bandages that cover his body. She took one off his arm too hard, and Jean yelped in pain

'Ow! God damn these wounds!' Jean growled, while Nozomi felt sad

'I..I'm sorry for all this Jean….I know this wouldn't have happened to you if I'd been kidnapped' Nozomi muttered in guilt, but looked up when she felt Jeans hands on her face

'Never blame yourself for other peoples evil Nozomi! Besides, if I'd lost you, no bandage could've healed the pain I'd feel' Jean said lovingly, earning a kiss from his dear Nozomi

Warlord-Xana- Travis Willingham

Buta- Kyle Herbert

We see Warlord Xana smiling happily as a growling Homer Simpson pays him the money he owed in front of his own family

'47, 48, 49, 50! Happy now?!' Homer growled

'Hey, you owed me money. Besides you should be grateful, I did save your lives' Warlord noted

'That is true Homey. You should at least say thanks to Warlord' Marge urged her husband

Homer smiled 'Yea, thanks for what you did Warlord'

'No problem Homer. By the way, did you know light is faster than sound?' Warlord asked

'What? No it isn't!' Homer retorted

Warlord grinned mischievously 'Wanna make a bet on it?'

The Shadow Syndicate-Crispin Freeman

Hitsuji- Colleen O'Shaughnessey

We now see The Shadow Syndicate standing in the office of Hellsing, getting eyed angrily by Sir Integra

'So Shadow, thanks to your bloody teams incompetence, my house and Hellsing headquarters was attacked by a Darkside freak and valuable time and money was wasted. I've never seen such stupidity from a vampire!' Integra spat at TSS

TSS sighed 'Is that all, Sir Integra?'

'One more thing' Integra said, before her angry face turned to a gentle smile 'Thank you for helping us, Agent Shadow. We are in your debt, right Alucard?'

'Yes, we are' Alucards menacing voice said as the invincible entity appeared from out of the shadows, walking towards TSS

'You may still cling on to what humanity you had left boy, but you are turning out to be a tough vampire. Maybe one day, I'll be kicked off my pedestal as king of all Vampires!' Alucard laughed, showing his hand to TSS

'I'd do more than kick you off Alucard…' TSS smiled, shaking Alucards hand

'…I'd shoot your ass off!'

Iron-Mantis- Johnny Yong Bosh

Nezumi- Paul Eiding

We see Iron Mantis walking down a quiet street, talking to Crokis

'So Mantis , you still think you're the weakling of your group?' Crokis laughed, though still intrigued

'I realised something with my fight against Nezumi Crokis' Mantis stated

'Oh really? And what's that then?' Crokis asked

Mantis smiled 'That when you're with the Author Fighters, who's strongest and who's weakest mean nothing, because we have each other to fight for us!'

Roscoso- Johnny Yong Bosh

Oushi- Kevin Michael Richardson

We see Roscoso sitting in his ship along with Marissa and the rest of the Space Warriors

'Man that sure was a close one back then! If Ross hadn't came we'd be goners!' Kirby cheered

'Stop it you guys! It was nothing!' Ross laughed

'Don't say that Ross! The power you showed when you took out that Oushi was amazing!' Marissa exclaimed

'Yea…' Ross sighed, looking at his hands '…That's the power of the Pokemorphs'

Erinbubble- Tara Strong

Charles Roberts- Wesley Snipes

Slpytlak- Herself

Alyssalioness- Hilary Duff

Doragon- David Vincent

We now see Charles, Shelby, Erin and Alyssa watch as the Hunstclan are lead into prisons for their crimes

'I would've gotten away with it all, had that damn Darkside not failed! One day, I swear the world will be rid of all magical creatures' Huntsmaster proclaimed before being chucked in a cell

'He's right you know. Hadn't we won, that Doragon would've killed everyone back then' Shelby trembled, but Charles patted her comforting

'But we did win, and that's all that matters. Right girls?' Charles asked Erin and Alyssa

'Yea!!' both girls nodded

Airnaruto45- Jack Black

Usagi- Tony Oliver

We see Airnaruto in Konaho watching Naruto train along with Sakura Haruno

'Dammit! Why did I let that damn Darkside beat me?! How can I become Hokage if I let bastards like him win?!' Naruto growled, performing press ups on the ground

'Don't beat yourself up about it Naruto. That Darkside got into our heads, and I nearly lost too' Air assured Naruto

'But you didn't Air, and for that we owe you our lives!' Sakura thanked Air

'Yea, we owe you one Air!' Naruto thanked, giving a thumbs up

'Think nothing of it' Air replied, giving his own thumbs up

TLSoulDude- Joaquin Phoenix

Dimensiondude- Jason Griffith

Lunatic121- Maile Flannigan

Inu- Chris Patton

We see the Fictor Brothers sill in hospital, talking about the past few days

'Hey TL, when you went Ultima, did you enjoy killing that Inu' Looney asked

'….Part of me did, since you know…he did hurt you two. I guess in the end, Insanity did beat insanity' TL sighed

'Yea, and in your case TL, insanity can be a good thing to have' D-Dude told his brother

X Prodigy- Jason Statham

Izulu- Keith Silverstein

We see X Prodigy and Team Faust, resting after havin to rebuild the Author Fighter base by themselves!

'Man DM is hard when it comes to punishment! Making all do all that was unfair!' Ichigo growled

'It wasn't unfair Ichigo. The reason we had to was because we weren't strong enough to protect the base like we should've' Kevin explained

'That's right' X nodded, looking to the sky

'That why when Team Faust fights again, we'll be twice as tough!'

Ranger24- Shannon McComrick

Ondori- Tom Gibis

We see Ranger24 walking down a street, when the Blue Team follow shortly behind

'Do you think he's still mad at us Church?' Tucker asked

'At us? He wants Caboose dead! Not us too' Church spat

'I don't know why! All I said was Ranger like to beat cocks!' Caboose exclaimed, rather loud

'WHAT WAS THAT?!!' Ranger roared, turning and chasing Caboose across the city

DarkMagicianmon- Christian Bale

Hikari Ino- Stephanie Sheh

Hebi- Mary Elizabeth McGlynn

Uma- Tara Platt

DarkMagicianmon and Hikari Ino stood outside the newly built AF base, hand in hand

'Even if it's broken to bits, we'll just build it again! Right Sempai?' Hikari said lovingly to DM

'Right, and the same can be said for our team! We'll keep fighting no matter what. In the end, we're just one family!' DM said happily

'I love you Sempai'

'And I love you Hime' DM replied, as the two kissed

Maria Scotts- Michelle Ruff

Sofia Scotts- Dorothy Elias-Fahn

We now see Sofia, walking away from AF base, but not before looking to the sky, and smiling

'I hope you've finally found what you needed, Nukid' Sofia whispered happily, before leaving

Nukid- Vic Mignogna

Yamazaru- Paul St. Peter

On top of Author Fighter, we see Nukid looking towards the vast world, holding the mask Yama gave him. A lot had happened to Nukid, and now, everything was coming to him clearly

'When you died, I lost all reason to fight. I wanted desperately to fight for something, and to atone for my sins' Nukid said slowly, before giving a smile

'And then I found myself here, with these Author Fighters, fighting for a better world, exactly what I once fought for too' Nukid looked high to the sky, and a single tear went down his cheek

'Thanks, Maria…..'


Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Stone Tablet Trilogy

Author Fighters: Rasets legacy