This is the prologue to my DP/MLP x-over.


Danny Phantom (c) Butch Hartman

My Little Pony (c) Hasbro

Mysterious Unicorn Pony (c) Me

Story (c) Me

It could've been an ordinary Saturday. Just a regular old Saturday with a few ghosts to catch and otherwise not much. It would've been. But of course, that wouldn't be the case.

A small portal opened behind a building in Amity Park. A glowing green hoof first came out, then the rest of a unicorn. She had a long, sharp horn and a mark on her flank of a skull. A cape covered her back and had a hood to conceal her face. But through the darkness of the hood, you could see she had yellow eyes that seemed creepily calculating. For a moment, she paused and closed her eyes. After a moment, she smiled cruelly, though no one could see it. A necklace with a bright red and yellow gem situated around her neck glowed momentarily as the portal behind her closed.

With a smirk, she took off for the sky. Sure beats the point of being a pegasus when you're a ghost, the unicorn mused to herself. Now to cause some trouble...

She knew all she had to do was find that ghost...something called a human and his other...human friends. Those three where the only thing she had to deal with for the moment- then the next phase could go through...

The pony noticed various humans as she flew over- invisible with her...newly acquired ghost abilities. She almost scowled at the memory of how she became a full ghost pony, but shook it off. Her eyes were peeled for her targets. Then she stopped. What luck she had today! For her eyes caught onto a group of teenagers- the boy with the black hair in the group the half ghost she had heard about from research in the Ghost Zone- the other two were his friends and helped him hunt. All I have to do is get them out of the picture and I'll be free to take over three worlds- first here and the Ghost Zone. Then Equestria will be so easy to overrun. These hapless brats won't know what hit them.

She was about to descend upon them to do what she was planning, but she paused. A blue puff came out of the black haired boy's mouth. Immediately he and his friends began to ready themselves for a ghost attack. Danny looked to his friends.

"I don't see anything yet, but c'mon. Cover me." he mumbled to Sam and Tucker. They nodded and ran into a nearby alleyway. Right before Danny could transform, the one after them decided to make herself present before them. The three jumped as they saw the unicorn pony appear before them silently. They stared at each other for a minute, the two groups.

"Who are you?" Sam asked. "What are you? Some sort of unicorn ghost?"

She still said nothing. "...My name is...none of your business. Farewell." she said quietly. Her gem on her necklace glowed again as well as her horn, and the next thing the trio knew, they had fallen through some sort of portal that came out from under their feet. They were only conscious for a second to barely register what happened when everything disappeared and turned black.