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![]() Author has written 18 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog. Hello, I am SupergamerGreg79, a novice writer on fanfiction.net (but I'm getting better at this). You can also call me the Insane Insighter (this is due to the ideas I can come up with). I have read a lot of stories (especially those by Babylon Sky Hawk and Kiba Sniper, be sure to read their stories) and decided to try my hand. I hope I do a good job. Age: 19 Sex: Male (what else?) Favorite gaming series: Mario, Metroid, Sonic, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, F-Zero, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Battalion Wars...and the list goes on. Favorite TV shows: Sonic X, Walker: Texas Ranger, Ninja Warrior, Unbeatable Banzuke, Survivor TV Series. There are more, but I can't remember them. Favorite bands and favorite song from that band: DragonForce (Through the Fire and Flames), Led Zeppelin (Stairway to Heaven), Lynyrd Skynyrd (Free Bird), Cheap Trick (The Flame), Avenged Sevenfold (Beast and the Harlot), 3 Doors Down (Away From The Sun), and Three Days Grace (Animal I Have Become). These are the main ones, though there are others, and I don't feel like listing them. The main stories I will be writing will be Sonic fanfics, but I may do one for another gaming series. My first actual story, Sonic Rush: New Version, kicks off a series. As each story is completed, another story will start. Just thought I would let you know. Update rule: Whenever I have a chapter completed...whenever that happens. Disclaimer (this is for all of the stories I have created or will create): OCs belong to their respective authors. Any gaming series characters that I use belong to the company that created them. I put this in my profile so I would no longer have to include them in each chapter because it gets old, and I don't like having to do that. I'm sure some of you authors feel the same. My Friend Codes (PM me if you want me on your list) Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 2450-1894-8943 I'll add on more as I get them. Friends on the site (If the author's name is in bold, it means if you don't read their stories, my friends on the site will join me and come after you. You should read all of their stories, but the bold name denotes an author whose stories you MUST read if you want to read very good stories): Babylon Sky Hawk: the one who inspired me to create my own account and start my own stories, his stories will leave you wanting the next chapter. He also has some great OCs and can think of new OCs faster than you can read DarkspineSilver92's shortest chapter (which to this day I have NO idea which one that is). Read his stories, I guarantee you won't regret it. If you're a new writer, and I start you off on a story (like I did with ms.smiely.and.qwerty's Sonic Riders: Alternate Dimensions), I suggest going to him if I recommend it. Trust me on this one: When he does something, he knows what he's doing. His best OC is Rector, because he's Rector, and that's all he needs to be. Kiba Sniper: The one that got Babylon Sky Hawk started, she has a knack for creating unknown stories. Reading her stories inspired me, though not as much as Babylon Sky Hawk. She doesn't update much, but when she does, you won't regret reading the next chapter. Her best OC is Tomo the Chameleon, because she's a ninja like Espio. Note: She also has a habit of messing up my name, replacing 79 with 94. She doesn't mean it, though. Aika08: Don't know much about her, but she has reviewed my stories. She doesn't write much, but her stories are good. She's also the biggest JetxWave fan I know, and as such will love any story/chapter that includes that couple. Dark Maelstrom: Great storywriter. Tends to have short chapters but he works them out well. Overall, his stories rock, and are highly recommended. To me, his best OC is a tie between Zeus and Gemini. Formerly DarkspineSilver92. Emily Blue Paw: Don't know much, but she does have a few good stories. She has a few OCs, one of which has a romantic affair with my first OC, Armand. (Well, in my story, anyway) Her best OC is Emily. She's the one in love with Armand. Symphony-of-Delirium: Formerly Ms.Smiley.and.Qwerty, two authors and friends who have died. They were incredible writers, and their stories shall be remembered forever. 12/22/09. Their friend, under the new name, will try to continue them. Icy Knuckles: Has a great story about Knuckles and Rouge called The Price, and a few other great stories, along with a few coming up. Read them. Best OC is Galeon, because he's one of the most levelheaded OCs and one of the coolest Babylon Rogues. DJ-SlashMusika21: Became my friend not too long ago. He writes good stories. Read them, I guarantee you won't be sorry. Best OC is Shyra Tenku the Cat. She's got awesome powers, a scythe, a Released Form, plus she works alongside my favorite Sonic character, E-123 Omega. Author was formerly SlashBandicoot43. BabylonianShadows93: Just became my friend. She has some interesting stories, and is a good writer. She hasn't gotten many reviews, so I decided to be the first constant reviewer. I'm sure she'll gain more friends as she goes along. The Brawler: Became a friend not too long ago. He's a Sonic x Elise fan, so that scores okay with me. He has some great stories, so read them. Sonic Phantom: Also became my friend not too long ago. He's also a Sonic x Elise fan, and he has some good stories of his own. Blue Kaous: Been a friend for a while, but I had yet to add him on. He has some great exciting stories, and great plots to go along with them. Be sure to read his stories, or else! Valenor: I am sad to say this, but Valenor has died. His brother will take over his account, but we shall always miss him. He had some great stories, and I know his brother will continue them well. Plus, he was an incredible friend, and I am deeply affected by the loss. Rest in peace, friend. 1/4/10. ForceWalker: Has now become one of my best friends on the site. He has some great stories, plus he can help anyone out. Definitely someone you want as a friend. Best OC is Hope the Hedgehog, a hedgehog with famous parents and a rough past involving them, and cool powers and abilities. His past really reaches out to me, because it's similar to my OC Armand's past. That's all I can think of for now. Top 5 Sonic Characters (5 being super awesome, 1 being the best character ever to come in): 5: Shadow: Duh. 4: Silver: How often do you come across a psychokinetic hedgehog. 3: Blaze: She's a fiery cat, literally. 2: Jet: He's Jet. Enough said. 1: Omega: He's a robot, and an awesome one at that. Top 5 OCs (5 being super awesome, 1 being the best OC ever created): 5: Galeon (Icy Knuckles): He's a great OC. 4: Emily (Emily Blue Paw): She has a crush on Armand. 3: Gemini (DarkspineSilver92): This guy rules. 2: Damien (SlashBandicoot43): Damien is one of the best I've come across. 1: Rector (Babylon Sky Hawk): He's Rector. Enough said. Favorite Sonic couples (Like: 8-10; Okay with: 4-7; Dislike: 0-3) Sonic x Blaze (9): If Sonic x Amy doesn't work out, this is next. Tails x Cream (9): They're perfect for each other, plus it's obvious. Knuckles x Rouge (10): You can sense the relationship. Shadow x Kumori (8): Kumori belongs to Babylon Sky Hawk, and they match up well. Silver x Blaze (9): Duh! Charmy x Raine (9): Raine belongs to Babylon Sky Hawk, and this couple works. Jet x Wave (9): I don't need to say any more. Armand x Emily (10): Armand (tiger) belongs to me; Emily (cheetah) belongs to Emily Blue Paw. If you ask me or Emily Blue Paw, we'll tell you they make a really good couple. Mintra x Vanilla (8): I (now) own Mintra, plus I've somewhat used this. Basil x Velocity (9): qwerty owns Velocity, and I came up with the pairing. Rector x Shade (8): Rector belongs to Babylon Sky Hawk, and they seem to work well together. Daryl (my OC) x Elise: I think this couple works out well, even though I haven't used it yet. Least Favorite Sonic Couples: Shadow x Blaze (2): NO WAY! Wave x Storm (1): NOT GONNA HAPPEN! Charmy x Cream (1): Yeah right. You won't find me liking this couple. Ever. Sonic x Rouge (2): I don't even need to explain myself on this one. Tails x Cosmo (2): Officially don't like it, even though I know people are okay with it. Anyone x Eggman (0): IDIOTIC ARE THE PEOPLE WHO COME UP WITH THIS! (No offense to those who have come up with an OC, though I still don't like it) Any yaoi/yuri couples (1): That's just wrong! Especially anything involving Shadow, Jet, and/or Knuckles. Sonic Couples I'm okay with: Shadow x Rouge (7): Play some of the games and you can see this. (I sense a love triangle of KnucklesxRougexShadow.) Knuckles x Shade (7): If you played Sonic Chronicles, you can detect a hint. But you have to really be paying attention. It wouldn't surprise me if this couple happened in a sequel, which there is going to be one. Sonic x Elise (5): This couple happened in Sonic '06, and believe it or not, I support this couple, though I'm always for Sonic x Amy (or Sonic x Blaze, if Sonic x Amy doesn't work out for some reason). Tails x Wave (6): They have a lot in common. Plus Tails could be within a couple years of Wave's age. Silver x Amy (5): Last resort. Nothing else. Knuckles x Tikal (5): I can see why. Vector x Vanilla (5): Don't care about it, really. Other notes about the couples' list: If you have a different or opposite feeling about any of the couples listed on any list, go ahead and flame me about it if you so desire. You will be ignored. That being said, I do respect others' opinions, so if you like a couple I don't, or vice versa, that's your choice. My OCs (first appearance is in parentheses. Does NOT include oneshots unless I decide it. Also, appearances are in story chronological order.) Heroes: Axel Cyrus the Boar. A brown boar who lets his powerful abilities do the talking. He wears red armor, blue pants, white shoes, and white gloves which are his weapons. He has 3 special abilities: Quake Punch (punch that causes earthquake), Meteor Drive (strong punch), and his best move, Scatter Drill (rocks come from out of nowhere and hit all unfortunate opponents). Do NOT call him a pig. He hates that and WILL come after you if you call him that. His power and hard-headed attitude makes him the power type of Team Berserker. (First appearance: Sonic Rush: New Version, chapter 17) Basil Giles the Fox. An orange fox who uses a water sword and has a shield that blocks attacks. He wears a grey leather shirt, black shorts, black shoes (he changes shoe color occasionally), and brown gloves. He cares about Tails as if he (Tails) was a little brother. These are his best abilities: Aqua Beam (water comes out of a cannon on his arm), Cross Bubble (traps opponent in an X-shaped bubble), and his best move, Hydro Blaster (huge water blast that is strong and can even push Knuckles a little). He can also fly using a water lasso that he twirls above his head. He has a crush on Velocity (owned by qwerty). His flight ability makes him the flying type of Team Berserker. (First appearance: Sonic Rush: New Version, chapter 17) Team Blast: Element Crush Armand uses Mega Laser (fire effect), Axel uses Scatter Drill (earth), and Basil uses Hydro Blaster (water). All 3 attacks surround the opposition and leaves them no escape. Gerald the Hedgehog (real): Sonic's brother. Yellow in color, everything else is same. He turns green in super form. This Gerald is the real one. (First appearance: Sonic the Hedgehog: Exiled chapter 9) (Super Form first appearance: Same chapter.) Tobias Novak the Tiger: Same appearance as Armand. He is Armand's father, as well as a legendary hero. See how his hero life played out in The Legend of Tobias Novak. Thomas the Fox: Basil's father. Same appearance. Is not married. (First appearance: Sonic Rush: New Version (during flashback.) Jason the Boar: Axel's father. Same appearance as Axel. Married to Sophia the Boar. (First appearance: Sonic Rush: New Version (flashback). Sophia first appears in The Legend of Tobias Novak. Thunder the Albatross (Kiba gave me the name): Storm's father. Brother to Maelstrom. Died at the hands of the Rogue Riders. (First appearance: The Legend of Tobias Novak.) Sub-heroes: Gerald the Hedgehog (unknown): A hedgehog with a yellow suit and helmet. The helmet has a visor that allows a few functions. Unknown, but seems to have some connection to Sonic, calling him his brother. Secretly, this Gerald is actually Sonic himself. (First appearance: Sonic the Hedgehog: Exiled chapter 2) Jack the Bear: Same appearance as Draco. He is Draco's father. (First appearance: The Legend of Tobias Novak.) James the Cheetah: Emily's stepfather. Emily's real father, Alonso Leot, a good friend of James, died. After that, James took Emily to live with him. When Emily was 5 years old, James told Emily about what had happened to her real father. Ironically, Emily didn't meet Armand until the tournament, but Tobias knew James for a long while. Gyrax the Cat: He's the guardian of the Apotos Gaia Gate, and takes his job seriously. He is friends with most of the people in Apotos, and will defend them if they are attacked by someone evil. He'll eventually join Team Berserker as a second speed type. Villains: Strike the Tiger (Thanks to DarkspineSilver92 for this villain.): A 22-year old black tiger with a long gray swishing tail and gray muzzle. Wears a white vest and white pants. Adorns two wrist beam shooters with three metal plates coming out of the ring and going backwards over his wrist. Wears a green plate that is held from both ears and has functions like radar map, and communication. Also features lock on for battle. Has regular gloves and white boots. Is ruthless and cold, and feels no remorse. Has a violent temper. His two beam wrist shooters allow him to shoot rapid beams, which are different from lasers, as they can curve sligtly and can grow when in mid-flight. He can shoot rapidly with both of them, can take off one, and make beam blades come out of each to make a staff. He can also fire a massive beam that can track opponents. He can also teleport quickly to weak spots while shooting beams with his great agility. Crysis the Lion: A yellow-colored lion with a brown-colored mane, he's evil to the core. Originally a good guy, he went too far on an experiment, which caused a transformation that made him evil. He can control a mixture of each element, making him have no real weakness, and he can even combine elements into his own attacks. Though he doesn't have the abilities of most heroes, he has some of his own. He's covered in black clothing. He can jump really far, has high speed, and can teleport at will. Plus, if he combines enought elementals together (including the non-elementals), he can destroy the entire universe. (First appearance: The Legend of Tobias Novak.) Note about OCs: If you have permission to use one of my OCs in a story, you can use him/her for that story only. You must ask permission to use my OCs in other stories. Also, if you use my OCs in a way that doesn't fit with how I designed them, either change it, or forfeit use of the OC. Stories (In chronological order) Stories completed/in progress. Nega's Assault Series: Sonic Rush: New Version (complete): When 2 unknown beings come to Sonic's world, the heroes learn of a world crisis. Can they save the worlds, or is it the end for all? (Chapters: 18) Sonic the Hedgehog: Exiled (complete): Sonic has been wrongly exiled for a false accusation by the mayor. Is it true, or is this some ploy? And if so, who's the mastermind? (Chapters:10) Sonic Riders: Ultimate Tournament Revised (complete): A new Extreme Gear tournament has appeared. Many teams have entered. Can Sonic win it, or will someone else win it? And is there more to this tournament than a wish as a prize? And if so, who will be responsible? (Chapters: 30). This story has been edited to fall within the fanfiction guidelines. Sonic Rush Adventure: The Other Dimension (complete): While flying over the ocean in the Tornado, Sonic and Tails get caught up in a storm and land on a beach. The only problem is, the beach isn't in their world. (Chapters: 15) The Four Hero Army (complete): An attack on Station Square leaves most of the heroes, nearly every civilian, and the military, all dead. Amy is one of the few survivors, and she'll have to find the courage to avenge her friends, alongside three other active heroes, along with various allies. (Chapters: 24) War of Vengeance (in progress): Nega declares one last battle, but the battle becomes an all-out war. Armand sees this opportunity to finally avenge his father, but he'll need every one of his friends at his side if he wants to succeed. (Chapters: 50 planned) Stories to come: Zero Gravity Ultimate Tournament: A new tournament has been called, and extra precautions have been taken to ensure that nothing goes wrong in it. Some veterans return, and newcomers try their luck. Who will win? (Corruption Series) Corruption: The Beginning: After a strange meteor crashes into Earth, nearly every hero becomes infected with a blue toxin from another world known as Phazon. Knuckles is determined to get rid of the corruption, but he'll have to battle his corrupted friends along the way. (Corruption Series) Corruption 2: The War Continues: Knuckles has dealt the first major blow to the corruption, only to find out that his war against Phazon has only begun. Now, to revive his friends, Knuckles will have to team up with a bounty hunter from another universe, Samus Aran. (Corruption Series) Corruption 3: The Final Stand: With Samus's help, Knuckles is one step closer to clearing Earth of corruption. Now, he has to find a way to destroy the Phazon meteor, clear the planet, and revive the rest of his friends. Only this time, he won't be alone in his battle. Gaia's Return: Dark Gaia has somehow returned from the planet, more determined than ever to cover the world in darkness. Sonic, once again affected, resolves to destroy Dark Gaia once and for all; only this time, he's not the only one affected. The Grand Evil: With Dark Gaia sealed within the planet once again, the heroes can finally relax. But a new evil by the name of Nazo has started to unleash destruction, and the heroes will have to pull together to beat him, and his legion. A Peaceful Life: After Nazo's death, the heroes can finally relax once again. See how the days after Nazo's death went for all of them. Future Evil: The Twilight Crusaders: It has been 17 years since Nazo was killed, and a new generation of heroes have been born. But when a new evil rises, the next-gen heroes will have to team up with their parents and clear the universe of all evil, once and for all. My first story: Surprise Confession after a Date (oneshot) (complete): This was the first fanfic I ever did. This was a test to see how good a fanfic writer I was. This was my first fanfic ever, so if you read it, go easy in the review. OR ELSE! Just kidding. Other stories: The Legend of Tobias Novak (complete): This story follows Armand's father Tobias and his friends through Tobias's marriage to Alicia, all the way to his death, and to Nega's final defeat until Sonic Rush. Story takes place in the Nega's Assault Series. Includes a few battles not involving Tobias. (Chapters: 10) A Special Birthday Gift (oneshot) (complete): On Wave's birthday, Jet and Cream are forced to get married through a threat by Dr. Eggman. What happens when an old enemy becomes an ally? And what is Jet's birthday gift to Wave? Jet x Wave. Care of Friends (oneshot) (complete):After a hard battle against Eggman, Shadow helps a badly injured Sonic to Amy's house. Sonic/Shadow friendship, Sonic/Amy romance. You'll have to read the story for this to make sense. A Guardian's Care (oneshot) (complete): Rouge has been suspended from GUN, and Knuckles invites her to his house on Angel Island for the night. But Knuckles has been keeping a secret. Can he reveal it? Knuckles x Rouge. An Apology of Love (oneshot) (complete):Silver and Blaze get into an argument, causing Blaze to leave in anger/sadness. Silver goes to Tails for advice, and Blaze tells Cream about it. What can they do? Silver x Blaze, along with some Tails x Cream. A Rainy Romance (oneshot) (complete): Tails allows Cream to stay with him during a thunderstorm, but he has an untold secret. Will he be able to reveal it? And is Cream thinking the same thing? Tails x Cream. This is the last oneshot romance story for the main 5 couples. A Real Gem (oneshot) (complete): Emily (Emily Blue Paw's OC) wants to buy something special for Armand (my OC). But when a wanted robber robs the store she's buying the gift from, her life is in danger. Can Shadow, Omega, and Armand save her and catch the robber? Armand x Emily. One Last Love (oneshot) (complete): Amy is dead, and Sonic thinks there's no one else left for him. But what happens when he comes across someone with a similar past? Sonic x Blaze. No Longer the Last (oneshot) (complete): Knuckles is guarding the Master Emerald one evening when Eggman attacks. Knuckles battles it, but can't win without the help of Shade. Will they win? Knuckles x Shade. Aquaball Championship (takes place before Zero Gravity tournament): The Aquaball (my modified version of Final Fantasy X's Blitzball) Championship is up for grabs. Will the Station Square Aeronites, led by Basil, lead his team to the top? Or will they fall short? (Chapters: 3 planned, and maybe an extra one) Corruption: Origins: A story dealing with how Dark Samus came to be, as well as Samus's first encounter with the deadly radioactive substance known as Phazon. Takes place before the Corruption series, but ties in with it. (Chapters: Unknown) Holoska Winter Games: Based on Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games. Holoska has received the rights to host an Olympic Winter Games tourney, and Sonic and company are participating as well. Who else might join the Games? And who will be overall champion? (Chapters: Unknown) Other Stuff: What's my bag? Quality over quantity. I prefer short, exciting chapters than long, boring ones. That said, long and exciting chapters are great. |
Community: | The 5 Main Sonic Couples |
Focus: | Games Sonic the Hedgehog |