Sailor Moon © Naoko Takeuchi
Digimon © Akiyoshi Hongo
Team Guardians © SupergamerGreg79
Epilogue: Saying Good-Bye
- Station Square -
A few days had passed. The scene shifts towards Station Square, where once again, everyone around here, including the rest of the world, was back to their normal selves after that destructive battle with three-headed Helios.
We move closer towards the entrance of the airport to see the seven Sailor Scouts, along with Darien whom were about to say good-bye to the people that were with them. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy Rose, the Babylon Rogues, Team Guardians, and Team Rockers.
"Are you girls leaving already?" Sonic asked.
"Yeah." Serena sighed heavily. "School will be starting again soon."
"And we can't miss it either." Mina added by rubbing the back of her head.
"And we really are gonna miss you guys." Raye said with a small frown.
"Don't worry about it." Knuckles said to her. "You guys can come back anytime you want."
"Yeah. And we won't forget you, either." Sonic with a thumbs up.
"Thank you. It means a lot." Serena smiled.
"But we are gonna take back our boards that we used in that Extreme Gear tournament in Twinkle Park with us." Mina said with a smile. "You know, just as a reminder so that we don't forget you."
"Good thinking." Sonic said with a thumbs up.
Then, Darien came up with an idea. "Let's take one group photo together before we leave. That way you'll have something to remember us by."
"But somebody is gonna have to use a camera." Ami noticed.
"Leave that to me." Armand replied. "I can do that for you."
"Thanks." Darien replied as he handed the camera to Armand before joining our heroes.
As Armand got the camera ready, our heroes got together into a large group, excluding the other Extreme Gear teams, who did not participate in he group picture. The lens began to flash, signalling that it was ready to take their picture.
"Okay, everyone. Smile." Armand said to them.
The group smiled as the camera made a big flash. Then, a medium-sized picture was sent out of the camera as Armand pulled it out. Sonic came over and took the picture from the purple tiger. The others looked to see if the picture was clear. After a couple of moments, the picture was cleared and there was our group of heroes with as it showed them smiling.
Sonic whistled loudly. "Now this is a picture worth a thousand words."
"I couldn't agree more." Knuckles added with a nod.
Amara checked her watch. "We have to get going. The plane will leave in five minutes."
Everyone got Amara's message, and they knew this was their last chance to say good-bye to each other.
Sonic was approached by Serena, Raye, and Mina.
"We're gonna miss you, Sonic." Serena said with a sad smile.
"It was good to know that we got a chance to fight with you against Black Doom and Mephiles." Raye said with a smile.
"And it was nice to ride these cool boards." Mina laughed a bit.
"Good to hear you say that." Sonic said with a thumbs up.
Serena and Mina got down on their one knee and hugged him tightly. Sonic choked a bit, seeing as their grip was a little too tight.
"T-thanks." Sonic said between chokes. "You can...let go now."
Tails was approached by Ami. Tails rubbed the back of his head with a frown.
"I'm sorry that you have to go." Tails said with a small sigh.
"I know." Ami nodded slowly. "But don't worry. I won't forget how we worked together."
"Yeah." Tails said with a smile. "Two minds think alike!"
As the two gave one last hug, Knuckles and Lita approached each other. They gave each other a long look before giving each other one good handshake.
"Your tough, for a lady." Knuckles said after a moment of silence.
"Same to you, for an echidna." Lita replied back.
Amy Rose and Darien approached each other. The pink hedgehog was kinda sad to see her friend go, but she kept a bright face on herself.
"I'm gonna miss you, Darien." Amy said to him.
"I'm gonna miss you, too, Amy." Darien replied.
"I'm glad you were there when I was injured." Amy nodded with a smile.
"It's what friends do." Darien smiled.
The two shared a small hug with each other. After they were done hugging, the scouts joined together.
"Well, I guess this is it." Serena rubbed the back of her head.
"I guess so." Sonic shrugged.
"Well, good-bye!" Mina waved at them. "We'll miss you!"
"We'll miss you, too!" Amy Rose waved back.
Th Sailor Scouts, along with Darien, Luna, and Artemis headed inside the doors of the airport before they closed in on them. When they were finally gone, Sonic and his friends turned towards the other Extreme Gear teams.
"We better get going, too." Wave said. "We can't do much by just standing here."
"Yeah. And I'm gonna be ready on when the day when we cross paths again!" Storm said as he bashed his fists together.
"I'll be ready." Knuckles said with a smirk, as he cracked his knuckles.
As Jet and his team got on their boards, the green hawk made one last glance towards Sonic.
"Just remember. I will take back what's rightfully mine; the title of world's fastest. We'll meet again...Sonic the Hedgehog!" Jet noted as he and his team rode away towards the ocean.
As the Babylon Rouges took off, Armand and his team approached Sonic.
"We'll be leaving too." Armand said as he extended his hand towards Sonic. "And who knows? We might see each other again one day."
Sonic extended his hand to Armand and shook his hand in return. "I look forward to it. And if you need a rematch, all you have to do is ask."
"Oh don't worry, we'll be ready to go by that time!" Gyrax said with a smirk.
"And we won't go easy on you, either!" Daryl said with a cocky grin on his face.
After hearing what they had to say, Armand and his team got on their boards and took off in a different direction.
Once they were gone, Team Rockers were the only ones that had not yet left.
"Well?" Sonic asked. "Is there anything you like to say to us?"
They didn't say anything for a moment. That was, until Yamkir broke the silence.
"Yeah. Just to let you know, we are still the greatest Extreme Gear riders in the world!" Yamkir replied as he and his team turned their heads towards the sky, having a moment to themselves. "And when we do meet again, we'll show you how we rock."
"And just because you beat us, doesn't mean your better than us." Xion told them. "We're still the better team."
"Ya better be careful, laddies." Robin warned them with a grin. "When we say something, we mean it."
After saying their peace, Team Rockers got on their boards.
"Now team, let's rock on!" Yamkir smirked as he and his team took off in a different direction.
All three teams were gone, which left only Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. As they were about to leave, the airplane that our Sailor Scouts were in took off at the same time. Our heroes turned to see the girls, along with Darien, Luna, and Artemis waving at them from their windows. The three heroes returned it by waving back at them.
"I'm sure gonna miss them." Tails said.
"Don't worry about it, buddy." Sonic told him as he looked at the group picture he was carrying. "With this, we'll always remember them."
"Yeah." Knuckles nodded. "But what about those kids and...uh, what did you call those things again?"
"Digimon." Tails answered him. "And as for them, I think Izzy said he would take care of it."
"Really? How?" Knuckles asked.
"I'm sure he'll think of something." Sonic replied. "He's a genius, after all."
- Rio Salaz -
The scene shifts towards the Western town of Rio Salaz. In the middle of the town, there was a large round machine that stood next to Eggman and Izzy. Everyone had gathered around to see this themselves, including Shadow, Rouge, and Omega. Silver and Blaze had already returned to the present, but not before saying good-bye to our heroes, first.
"I'm glad all of you could make it here." Eggman greeted before continuing. "After a few days of development, me and my fellow genius, Izzy, have made the ultimate dimension-traveling machine. We call it the Digital-Egg."
"This machine here will take you to any dimension you want to go." Izzy explained.
"Wait!" Tai interrupted him. "You mean, this machine will take us back to the Digital World?"
"That's right." Izzy nodded. "I have set the coordinates where it will take us back to the Digital World."
"And now, I will power up the machine." The scientific genius said as he pressed a few buttons on the pad.
After he did that, the machine began to power up with energy. Everyone watched as a large round source of energy was revolving around the part of the machine before fulling forming itself.
"The gateway to the Digital World is now open." Eggman announced. "I think now is the time to say your good-byes."
Matt and Larcen looked at each other for a moment before giving each other one last handshake.
"It's good to have known you." Larcen said to him.
"You too." Matt replied with a smile. "And I promise to keep that secret of yours."
"Thanks." Larcen nodded.
"We will surely miss you and your friends." Gabumon told the dark blue hedgehog.
"Yeah. Take care of yourselves." Larcen waved at them.
With T.K. and Pataman, the two were approached by Marisa.
"I'm gonna miss you, T.K. And you as well, Patamon." Marisa grew a little teary eyed as she leaned down and hugged them both.
"Don't cry, Marisa." T.K. smiled. "I won't forget you."
"Neither will I. You were fun to hang around with." Patamon added with a smile.
"Thank you." Marisa replied with a smile.
Sora and Biyomon were approached by Louise Harmon. The young girl was kinda sad to go, but she didn't cry about it. Neither did her Digimon friend.
"Well, I guess we have to go." Sora said slowly.
Louise smiled at her as she gave Sora a big hug. "We'll miss you, Sora."
"What about me?" Biyomon asked.
"Don't worry." Louise replied as she leaned down and rubbed Biyomon's head. "I didn't forget about you either."
Biyomon smiled happily. "Thanks. I won't forget you either."
With Joe and Gomamon, the two were approached by Samson the Swallow.
" I guess this is good-bye and all. So, uh..." Joe rubbed the back of his head, trying to figure out what to say next. "Man, I'm not good at this stuff."
"Don't worry about him, Samson." Gomamon reassured him. "What he means to say is we're gonna miss you guys."
"Thanks for the compliment, amigos." Samson said as he puffed some smoke from his cigar. "I would give you guys a cigar as a parting gift, but I don't think you kids are old enough for that. So instead..." He reached from behind him and pulled out a large can of spaghetti and meatballs. "Here. Perhaps you could use this when you get hungry."
"Oh wow..." Gomamon said surprisingly. "This is neat! Thanks a lot!"
"Yeah." Joe smiled as he took the large can put it in his backpack. "Thanks for the gift."
"It was my pleasure, amigo." Samson replied with a grin.
With Mimi and Palmon, the two girls were approached by Larcen and Marisa. Mimi always was sad at something like good-byes.
"Oh geez..." Mimi grew teary eyed. "I'm really gonna miss you guys!"
"Come on, Mimi. Don't cry." Palmon said, trying to calm her emotions down. Even she was feeling a little sad herself.
Marisa smiled a little and hugged Mimi, whom returned it. "Don't worry, Mimi. I'm not gonna forget you."
"Neither will I. Despite..." Larcen then remembered the time when they were painting the town when she snapped at him. " know..."
Mimi wiped away her tears and smiled. "Thank you. And your actually quite nice, despite acting so cold all the time."
"Thanks...I guess." Larcen tilted his head a bit, trying not to make another bad comment.
Izzy and Tentomon were approached by Louise Harmon and Kera. Izzy lowered his head a bit, feeling sad about having to leave his new friends behind.
"I...I don't know what to say." Izzy started to grow teary eyed himself. And he usually doesn't cry a lot.
"Izzy." Louise said gently as she got to one knee and smiled at him. "You helped us the most out of all us. If you hadn't discovered about the temple of the Black Dragon, or even learned about the Dragon Sword's nature, we would not have been here right now. And I want to thank you, personally."
Izzy sniffed a bit, trying to wipe away the tears that were about to come out of his eyes. He then wrapped his arms around Louise and hugged the sage. The older human female returned the hug as the two shared a short moment together before breaking it up.
Kera spoke next. "And thank you for showing me that stuff about my sword as well. Now I'll learn to take good care of it from now on."
"That's good to hear." Tentomon said with a sigh of relief. "We don't want another awakening of something horrible like that Black Dragon.'
"I hear ya." Kera nodded.
Finally, we scan over to Tai, Kari and their Digimon partners, as they were approached by Shadow, Rouge, and Omega.
"Well, it was fun while it lasted, right?" Tai said with a silly smile.
"Yeah. Fighting a few dragons, black aliens, the usual." Rouge said with a shrug.
Agumon looked up at Omega. "Hey, was nice fighting alongside you."
Omega's eyes looked down at Agumon. "No problems at all. Your fire power was overwhelmingly powerful."
"Aw...thanks." Agumon laughed a bit.
Kari and Gatmon approached Shadow. The black hedgehog and the small human girl looked at each other for a moment. Then, Kari gave Shadow a long warm hug. Shadow returned it by placing one arm on her back. The stayed like this for several moments before breaking it up.
"I'm really gonna miss you, Shadow." Kari smiled at him.
Shadow didn't say anything for a moment. Then, he finally spoke up. "I'll miss you, too."
Gatomon stared at the black hedgehog herself. Shadow stared at her back, saying nothing for several moments.
"We'll see you later." Gatomon said.
"You as well." Shadow replied.
After saying their good-byes, the DigiDestined made their way towards the center of the Digital-Egg as the light began to consume them.
"Good-bye, everyone!" Tai shouted as he and his friends waved at them.
The others returned the wave as the light slowly started to dematerialize them. After they were finally consumed by the light, the machine shut itself down.
"What do we do now?" Decoe asked.
"Yeah. Now that everything is back to normal, we should be getting out of here, too." Bocoe added.
"Oh, your quite right my humble assistant." Eggman grinned as he patted Bocoe's head a couple of times.
"Where are you going?" Shadow questioned.
"Me? Why, if I'm going to build my Eggman Empire, I need to come up with an in-genius plan!" Eggman answered as he grabbed out a button and pressed it.
The Egg Walker from before was now completely repaired as Eggman, Decoe, and Bocoe got on the Egg Walker before it hovered into the air and flew away from the Western town.
Once they were out of sight, Shadow looked around to see that the only ones left were Louise, Marisa, Larcen, Samson, Kera, and the Digital-Egg that was standing in the middle of town.
"What do we do now, Shadow?" Rouge asked.
Shadow turned towards the two GUN agents. "Let's head back to GUN Headquarters. I'm sure that the commander is waiting for us."
As the three approached the entrance of town, they stopped.
"Chaos Control!"
With those words said, Shadow and the others disappeared within the blink of the light.
Marisa only stared at the bright sky as Larcen stood next to her.
"Are you all right, Marisa?" Larcen asked.
"Yeah. I'm OK." Marisa paused for a moment. "Larcen?"
"What is it?" Larcen asked.
"You remember that dream I had. About my Mom getting...well, you know..." Marisa trailed off.
"Yeah. I remember." Larcen replied. "What about it?"
"...Nothing." Marisa shook her head. "I guess you were right though."
"About what?" Larcen wondered.
"It was all just a nightmare." Marisa replied as she turned to him with a smile. "It wasn't real, after all."
"Glad to hear that." Larcen smiled back.
"Marisa!" Louise called out.
"What is it, Mom?" Marisa asked.
"Do you want to improve your magic? I can help you." Louise said to her.
"OK, sure!" Marisa nodded before turning to Larcen. "I'll see ya around, Larcen."
Larcen nodded once as Marisa went over to her Mom. He smiled, finally relieved to hear that Marisa was no longer in fear of this nightmare.
- ??? -
The final scene shifts towards a dark place. The only thing we could see here were hieroglyphics, torches, and a few figures wearing dark robes, covering their faces. They appeared to be druids. We scan through this maze of druids to appear at an unknown door.
Inside we see only two figures. One was wearing a dark robe, like the other druids, but you could see a strand of black hair coming from his head. and the other was a dark-colored bat, whom was wearing a dark-black hat, dark black-boots, and has light-blue eyes.
"It seems like Black Doom and Mephiles have been defeated." The unknown druid said.
"And the Black Dragon? What of it?" The bat questioned.
"I'm afraid it has been defeated and can no longer be brought back to life." The druid replied with a slight hint of disappointment in it's voice.
"It matters not. They were fools to think they could control something that even over powers them." The bat said.
"Should we arise now?" The druid asked.
"No. Now is not the time." The bat replied. "I will decide that when the time comes."
"Very well. Then I shall take my leave of you." The druid bowed before exiting out the door.
The bat's eyes widened at his fullest. "And when the time comes for us to awaken again, the world will fall into darkness. And anyone who gets in the way shall...Rest. In. Peace." The bat said darkly as his eyes rolled in the back of his head before fading into black.
The End
A long adventure ends, but An unknown force is hiding in the shadows. Who are these dark druids and who is their master? Until then, stayed tuned in to the upcoming stories, Tennis Riders and Lord of Darkness!
Please, read and review.