Let's keep the show rolling. I hope you guys loved that last chapter. The best is yet to come. Keep reading keep reviewing and I'll keep it coming. I love you guys. Can't stay away from you guys. Some of you have been asking me when I am going to finish some of my other stories. In due time, my friends but since you've been waiting so patiently I promise to start working on it soon. Once I get this story to its climax, I'll get around to finishing that particular one that everyone seems to be a fan of. I have to reread it myself to remember how I wanted it to go. Anyway, one story at a time. Let's get it
Silver levitated through the air using his telekinesis with Blaze in tow. They flew at high speeds over a desert basin completely void of life. It was the desert base outside of Soleanna, the last place the duo ran into Dr. Eggman. It was the best place they thought to search for the doctor. The wreckage from some of the doctor's robots covered the terrain. Silver landed next to the head of one of Dr. Eggman's spikebots.
"We've been looking for hours, Silver. Where could he be hiding?" Blaze asked.
"I wish I had an answer for you," said Silver. "How does Sonic normally find him?"
"I think Dr. Eggman is the one who always finds him," said Blaze.
Silver sat down on a rock. "I wish he had a way to find us now."
Blaze walked over to the spikebot that was decapitated near them and picked it up. She examined the head. "What a piece of garbage." Blaze tosesd the spikebot's head a little past where Silver was sitting. The spikebot head suddenly beeped very loudly.
"What'd you just do?" asked Silver.
"I don't know, but it sounds like it just rebooted," said Blaze.
"That can't be what it did. It's only a head," said Silver. He telepathically moved the spike head right in front of his face. The head was dormant. It wasn't performing any movement of any kind. "Hmm."
A few moments later, a giant helicarrier with Eggman's logo painted on the side of it appeared in the sky. Silver and Blaze overheard the roar of the giant air ship's engine. They looked up and saw it approaching them.
"Hide!" said Blaze. Silver laid the head down in the sand, and he and Blaze both hid behind the rock Silver was sitting on. The giant airship opened up and a smaller air ship came out with the Eggman symbol painted next to the recycling emblem. There was a giant vacuum on the front of the ship. It was anatomically placed on the robot where a nose would be on a human. The recycling robot began sucking up the landscape, taking in some of the sandy terrain as well. The spikebot head was sucked into the airship in about ten seconds. The rock Silver and Blaze was being sucked in as well but Silver held it in place with a telekinetic hold. After the spikebot was retrieved the airship began to head back towards the helicarrier to dock. Blaze and Silver watched as the helicarrier made a u-turn in the air and left the same way it came.
"I bet that ship will lead us to Eggman's hideout," said Blaze.
"Let's follow it then," said Silver. He powered up and took to the air again with Blaze in tow staying out of range of the helicarrier only enough to avoid any possible scanners the helicarrier might have.
They followed the airship for about another hour before it finally reached a giant station that was hovering in the air. There were numerous ships patrolling back and forth around the station doing various tasks. A couple of egg hawks and egg albatrosses were spotted transporting what seemed to be metal parts to a giant factory located on the base of the station.
"Whoa! This is incredible," said Silver. "You got to give it to their Dr. Eggman. He sure can make some magnificent pieces of machinery."
"It's nice," said Blaze. "Let's rip it apart."
"Easy now," said Silver. "We have the element of surprise on our hands. We don't want to lose that."
Just then, an E-2000 came flying down behind them. "INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!"
"So much for that," said Blaze.
The E-2000 fired on them. Silver quickly dodged the beam and took to the air. He cut through several of the flying ship's flight paths with the E-2000 right on his tail firing laser beams as they went along. One shot actually hit the telekinetic energy that was keeping Silver and Blaze together. Blaze started falling from the sky.
"Blaze!" Silver changed directions midair trying to go after his friend, but he was shoulder checked by the E-2000 right into the bottom of the air station. Silver lost his concentration for a second and started falling towards the earth but he quickly regained focus and caught himself before he fell too far out of the clouds.
Blaze started falling headfirst toward the ground. She gained control of her falling body and managed to swing back so that her feet were back under her body. There was an egg hawk coming underneath her. She used her momentum and stuck a landing on top of the one flying closest to her. The egg hawk let out a couple of volleys of firepower but to no avail. It was powerless to fight an enemy on its back. It started riding erratically. Blaze held on for dear life.
Silver saw the E-200 coming his way at high speeds. Silver maintained his position. He held his hand out and telekinetic energy started to take a form in his hand. The robot was still accelerating. He began charging his weapon as well. He was coming full speed with his shield in front of him, Silver's telekinetic energy finally took shape and had revealed itself to be a sword made of pure telekinetic energy. The robot was finally in striking distance. Silver took one heavy swipe of his sword and did a quick side step in the process. The E-2000 kept going past Silver and suddenly stopped. After about four seconds, the E-2000 starting coming apart down the middle. Silver had vertically sliced the robot in half. The robot quickly lost power and fell down to the surface below.
"Nice!" Silver said to himself.
Just then, he found himself under attack from several more of the egg fleet. He flew off, leading them on a chase around the station.
Blaze finally got the egg hawk to fly over the main area of the air station "I believe this is my stop." She activated her pyrokinesis and melted off the head of the egg hawk. Without the guidance system located in the brain of the machine, it lost control and spiraled down to the station and crashed on the surface. Blaze jumped off right before the impact. She landed right in the middle of the air station. There was the main entrance to the factory about half a mile from where she landed. She started toward the factory. Giant cannons came out of the ground like the ones on the sky deck of the egg carrier. They fired beam cannons at Blaze. She easily dodged the shots and activated her pyrokinesis. Blaze ran head first through three cannons leaving a simmering molten hole in each of the cannons which fell apart seconds after impact. More and more cannons came out of the ground and started shooting at Blaze. Blaze went from kicking the lid off a few close cannons and sending fireballs into ones further out. She was greatly outmaneuvering the volley of the cannons. A small army of egg knights and paws were assembled to the deck to address the threat.
"Now, this is what I'm talking about," said Blaze with a grin. She powered up so that her whole body was basically covered in flames. The egg knights swung their swords but Blaze's fire just melted it before it could even reach her skin. Blaze started spinning rapidly, making a fire tornado in the process. The egg pawns were immediately sucked into the vortex and disintegrated. The egg knights were unscathed by the fire vortex. They continued charging at Blaze when suddenly an egg ship came crashing down out of the sky right onto the egg knights. After the crash, Blaze looked and saw Silver hovering above the wreckage.
"Is this the best their Eggman can do?" Silver asked. "I can't believe that he gives Sonic so much trouble," said Silver.
"Don't let your guard down yet," said Blaze. "Look!"
The mothership of the air station opened its hatch and numerous amounts of Eggman's flying robots flew out of the hatch. There were balkries, buzz bombers, nebulae, Batbots, egg magicians, and many other robots of the eggman empire with the ability to fly. There were also some egg pawns riding around in their own egg mobiles.
"This should be more of a challenge," said Silver. He powered up and charged for the flying army. The robots all simultaneously fired projectile weapons at Silver. Silver smirked at the robots' feeble attempt at stopping him. Silver snatched up a dozen of the projectiles that were headed towards him and turned them back on the robots that fired them. A couple of egg pawn started to chase after Silver with his egg mobile. Silver gracefully kept himself ahead of the egg pawns and their firepower. One of the egg pawns fired a stream of fire straight at Silver. Silver's power had no effect on fire. The egg pawn kept chasing Silver around the station getting a little closer with their fire each shot. The egg pawn finally locked onto Silver's body. Just as the egg pawn fired, Silver elevated himself above the robot's sensors. Before the robot could redetect Silver, he came down behind the egg mobile and used his telekinesis to throw the egg pawn from its transportation. Silver commandeered the egg mobile and grabbed a hold of the it with his telekinesis, which he used to steer the egg mobile. He guided it straight into the egg mobile of the other egg pawn that was chasing him, making a last second ejection that nearly caused him to be within range of the explosion.
Down on the mother-ship, cannons were still being activated and quickly destroyed by the burning Blaze. She moved with great speed, staying two steps in front of the robot sensors. As the cannons fired shots, Blaze adjusted her course accordingly. She jumped over a volley of fire headed for her and skewered the firing cannon with a scissor kick. As she kept running, suddenly another cannon popped up in front of her, halting her in her tracks. She quickly turned right. Another cannon suddenly appeared in front of her once again. She changed directions a second time. Suddenly, three more cannons came from under the ground, and together, the five cannons formed a pentagonal shaped perimeter around Blaze in every direction. Blaze stood perfectly still in the middle of the pentagon. She kept her eyes on four of the five cannons. The final one that was in her blind spot behind her fired first. As the giant volley headed directly for Blaze, she somersaulted high into the air and above the perimeter. She came down and landed on the barrel of the cannon that fired the first shot. The cannon that was the closest to it on the right locked onto Blaze's body and fired the cannon. The graceful kitty somersaulted at the last second over the giant volley of fire which kept going and destroyed the first cannon. Next, the cannon straight across from the second cannon fired, which made Blaze have to jump from that cannon all the way over to the one that had just fired. Before Blaze could plant her feet on this cannon, two more volleys from the remaining two cannons were quickly closing in. Blaze managed to dodge the first one but she jumped right into path of the second volley of fire.
"Ahh!" Blaze exclaimed as she was sent crashing to the ground. Blaze groaned in agony. Blaze was slightly dazed from the fall. She shook it off quickly but not before she was met by a third volley. Blaze started running but the fireball hit the ground and caused a small explosion that knocked Blaze back twenty more feet. Blaze laid in an aura of smoke. She was slow to get up.
"Blaze!" Silver saw Blaze go down from above. He stopped fighting Eggman's robots and started descending down to the deck where Blaze lay. He was so focused on Blaze that he didn't notice an anti-aircraft gun that was sticking out of the side of the sky station. It locked onto Silver's heat signature and fired a shot that collided with Silver's back. It was a direct hit. He was sent spiraling down to the deck at an alarming rate. He kept his psychic aura up around him, which took the blunt of the impact from the fall. He fell and landed about ten feet away from Blaze. The pain he did feel from the fall was still enough to cause him moderate discomfort. He was slow to get up as well. Blaze walked over to him. She had a little singed fur but otherwise seemed to be okay.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
Silver grunted. "Yeah, I will be. Thanks." He brushed himself off.
"I guess we underestimated Dr. Eggman's capabilities when it comes to making quality robots, huh?" Blaze asked.
"Yeah, let's get serious," said Silver.
"Let's him them with a fireball special," said Blaze. She powered up. Flames burst from her temple and out her hands. Silver charged his telekinesis. He created a telekinetic field around Blaze and launched her like a cannonball directly at the base of one of the remaining cannons. The cannons both fired a shot, but Blaze was coming at them so fast that they had no time to get their shots off before Blaze tore through both cannons, melting the metal as she ran directly through them as they were firing their shots. They both exploded one after the other and exploded into several charred pieces. Blaze did not stop her advance. She actually increased her speed to where all you could see was a fireball with the naked eye. A small army of egg pawns came out of the main entrance and was charging towards the fireball Blaze. Most of them had shields. The ones that did not have shields had blaster guns. Blaze met the pawns and showed no mercy as she pierced right through the middle of the army. She never even slowed down as the egg pawns in her path all melted on impact, shield and all. Blaze headed toward the main entrance to the sky station. The armor coated door that served as the entrance to the sky station was no match for the scorching kitty. The door melted all the way to the hinges, which were welded to the wall themselves. Blaze trekked down the hallway corridor that served as the main path for the dispersion of Eggman's robots. A loud siren sounded off once Blaze had entered the facility.
Several hunter drones and egg fighters filled the hallways along with rhinoliners, egg bishops, and egg launchers. Blaze burned through the hallways. She was so hot that her presence set off the sprinkler system inside the system. It was feint but Silver could hear the fire alarm going off under the security alarm from outside. He was finishing off the leftover flying robots that were left over as well as the remaining egg pawns on the surface. Silver started by using the remaining egg pawns like projectiles and throwing them at some of the flying robots. Once he ran out of pawns, he took to the air and picked back up where he left off slashing up Eggman's robots.
Blaze was tearing through the assembly lines inside of the station. Everything she touched turned into a smoldering pile of ashes. Several automatic turrets were summoned from their compartments within the wall as part of the sky station's defense grid. The turrets kept firing away trying their best to hit Blaze but she was too fast for them. She performed a homing attack on the turrets, her flames causing each one to explode on contact with her body. She landed on her feet after destroying the last turret. There was a significant amount of damage behind Blaze. She was making a point. She kept advancing until she came up to a room that was labeled 'Egg Core'. She walked through the door and saw a giant egg shaped capsule that contained what appeared to be raw energy. There was not a doubt in Blaze's mind that this was the power core of the whole sky station. She approached the capsule cautiously. She was expecting some kind of trap. The closer she got to the capsule the quieter the room got. When she was about five feet away, she shrugged and powered up. Before she could strike, however, a voice called out to her.
"Intruder, stop right there!" said the voice.
The sound of the voice sent chills down her spine. For a moment, she thought that she had gone mad but she turned around to find Shadow the Hedgehog standing behind her. He was staring directly at her with a blank expression on his face.
"Shadow! You escaped!" A big smile crept onto Blaze's face. She was very happy to see him. It seemed like an eternity since he held her in her arms. Tears began forming in the kitty's eyes. She completely powered down and started running towards Shadow, who still just stood there with a blank expression on his face. She embraced him with a warm embrace, the warmest she had given anyone in a very long time. Shadow did not return the embrace. As Blaze continued hugging the hedgehog, she noticed that something did not feel right about Shadow. His body felt very cold and his fur was hard like he had scales. "Shadow, what's happened to you?" Blaze asked. Shadow grabbed Blaze by her neck. He was suffocating the oxygen out of her with his cold metal claws. Without oxygen, she could not conjure up her flame. He lifted her off the ground and held her up as high as he could. As Blaze gasped for air and struggled to get free, she performed the only move that was available to her. She delivered a roundhouse kick into the side of Shadow's skull. Shadow's head was turned to its side. He instantly dropped Blaze who quickly gasped for air. Shadow took a couple steps back before grabbing his head and turning it back forward. He then proceeded to fire three tracer missiles from the palm of his hand.
"What? You're not Shadow. You're some kind of fake copy," said Blaze. She instantly charged up her power and proceeded to attack the Shadow android. The Shadow android was quite powerful, trading blow for blow with Blaze. When Blaze tried her twisting kick attack but the Shadow android countered with a homing attack. Blaze threw a couple of fiery punches which were all blocked by the Shadow android. The android turned its hand into a Gattling Gun and fired at Blaze with precise accuracy. Blaze somersaulted backwards to avoid the barrage of bullets being sprayed by the android. When she landed, she was met with an elbow to the gut by the android. As Blaze was landing, he quickly propelled himself over to the cat and checked her with great force. It caused her to kneel in great agony. Before she could recover, the android attacked again. This time he met her with a homing attack. Blaze tried to get out of the way, but the android made contact with the side of her head and the force knocked her back towards the wall. She was down.
Outside, Silver was finishing up the last of the sky station's flying guards. The last E-2000 fired off a laser in Silver's general direction. Silver easily predicted the move to be coming and he quickly avoided to the side. He took one of the lances from one of the disposed egg pawns and threw it right through the chest plate of the E-2000, causing him to short circuit and explode.
"Piece of cake," said Silver.
Silver looked off in the distance. He could see a small circular aircraft apporaching the sky station. It was being piloted by no one other than Dr. Eggman, who had a rather perturbed look on his face. As he got closer, Silver could tell more clearly who it was. A small smirk came over his face.
"The eagle has landed," said Silver. He flew up a little higher to meet Dr. Eggman head-on. He levitated right in front of Eggman's flight path, causing him to stop right above the sky station.
"So, you're the one who's been destroying my things," said Dr. Eggman in a low raspy voice. "Well, I hope you had a fun day at the park, hedgehog, because this old man is about to teach you a lesson in respecting other people's property."
"I have zero respect for anyone who dares to hurt my friends. If you didn't want to have to deal with me, you should've never went after my friends," said Silver.
"What are you babbling about? Aren't you that flying hedgehog from Sonic's little clique? Platinum, if I'm not mistaken. Right?" asked Dr. Eggman.
"My name is Silver," said the hedgehog. "I'd tell you not to forget it but you won't have to remember it for very long."
"That's mighty big talk from such a tiny hedgehog. What's the matter? Sonic can't fight his own battles any more? Now, he sends his sidekicks to battle for him?" Dr. Eggman teased.
"I'm much too powerful to be Sonic's sidekick. I'm more of a freelance type of hero. I fight for those who aren't able to fight for themselves," said Silver.
"As far as I'm concerned, you're just another whipping boy, young hedgehog. Allow me to show you why it wasn't wise to cross me," said Eggman. He fired a laser from the center of his egg mobile. Silver dodged to the left. Then, he grabbed the egg mobile with his psychic hold.
"It's no use," said Silver. He sent the egg mobile flying into the sky station below. Dr. Eggman crashed right into the side wall of the sky station, creating a gaping hole in the foundation and letting out a loud scream in the process. A big cloud of smoke and dust filled the hole that Silver made in the sky station with Dr. Eggman's egg mobile. For a few minutes, Dr. Eggman did not resurface. Silver thought that he had won. He started descending in the search for Dr. Eggman's body and Blaze as well. "That was easier than I expected it to be."
"I can assure you that things are about to get much worse." Dr. Eggman's voice was coming from behind the sky station. As Silver looked over the sky station's horizon, he saw a giant mechanical bird rise from behind the smoke. It was all chrome with the eggman empire logo on its giant chest plate. It had both rocket powered thrusters and fully functional metal wings. The detail on the wings were superb as well as the eyes. The mechanical feathers provided the machine with substantial flying capabilities despite its massive size. It's beak was short and curved like the beak of a chicken. It had long mechanical arms with razor sharp talons attached at the end of each hand. The cockpit was located in the head of the phoenix where its brain would be. "Behold, the instrument of your demise."
Boss: Egg Phoenix:
Dr. Eggman started his assault with a move that Silver recognized from a past fight with the good doctor. The Egg Phoenix launched about a hundred missiles from the many compartments in its wings. Silver couldn't help but laugh at the good doctor's feeble attempt to blast him with projectiles.
"Do you have any attack that isn't predictable?" He readied his telekinesis. When the missiles were in range, he stopped all of the missiles in their tracks. Then, he quickly turned most of the missiles around and launched them right back at the Egg Phoenix. Dr. Eggman raised its wing and deflected all of the missiles fired back at him for no damage.
"Did you really think it would be that easy?" Dr. Eggman asked with a chuckle. He moved his wing from his view to see that Silver had vanished. "Where did he go?"
"Right here, Eggman," said Silver. Dr. Eggman looked up to find Silver hovering over the head of the phoenix with five of missiles still in tow. He launched all five of them simultaneously at the cockpit for a direct hit.
"Aaah!" The Egg Phoenix rattled erratically. It took a couple seconds for the machine to recover from the hit. When it did, Silver moved out of range.
"Quite frankly, no. I wasn't expecting this to be easy but if you keep making it simple for me, I might change my mind," said Silver.
"Nothing about me is easy young hedgehog. You shall see soon enough," said Dr. Eggman. He fired the missiles again. This time, he fired twice as many as before. The missiles rapidly approached Silver. He chuckled.
"When will you learn?" Silver said. He grabbed all of the missiles yet again and prepared to launch them back at Dr. Eggman like before. This time, however, Dr. Eggman fired a blue laser from the eyes of the Egg Phoenix. The missiles hit by the laser exploded on impact and started a domino effect that caused a mass explosion around Silver. He was surrounded by smoke and debris from the missiles. The firepower from the missile scorched his skin and forced him to have to erect a telekinetic shield around himself to avoid any serious injuries. While Silver was distracted trying to protect himself, Dr. Eggman used the Egg Phoenix's infrared vision to detect Silver's heat signature in the smoke. Once the Egg Phoenix was locked on, he charged at Silver with full force. Silver never saw him coming. The Egg Phoenix had some agility about itself despite its massive bulky build. The Egg Phoenix grabbed Silver in its talons and charged Silver into the already crumbling wall of the sky station. The impact of the slam caused the wall to crumble completely, taking Silver under with it.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Foolish hedgehog," said Dr. Eggman.
Back inside the station, Blaze was getting up off the floor. She coughed up a tiny bit of blood and shook off her disorientation. The Shadow android was standing in the center of the room, staring blankly at Blaze.
"You caught me off guard. I mistook you for a noble creature but you're nothing but a heartless faker. You really don't have any will of your own. It must be real sad to be you," said Blaze. She finally stood straight. She stumbled for a second but quickly caught her balance. A smile crept upon her face.
"Serving Dr. Robotnik is a noble cause. He is the reason for my existence. I live only to serve his will," said the Shadow android.
"Typical. Like I said. You have no soul," said Blaze. "Only a spark with circuits and computer codes. Your very existence is a stain on Shadow's legacy."
The Shadow Android lunged at Blaze with extreme speed. Halfway to Blaze, it started a homing attack aimed directly at Blaze's temple. When the android neared Blaze, she leaned back as far as her back would bend. The android missed completely. As the android passed over Blaze, she took her right leg and gave the android a good soccer kick. The shadow android went flying into the air, where it became unwound. Blaze quickly catapulted off of the wall and met the Shadow android in the air, where she managed to scratch it very quickly in its face before delivering a blazing roundhouse kick that sent the Shadow android flying directly into the egg shaped power core capsule. The impact of the android hitting the capsule caused the casing that contained the raw energy to shatter into several pieces. The raw energy encased within the capsule started flowing violently all throughout the room. Jolts of raw energy flowed into the android's body. Unfortuantely, the Shadow android's power cell was not built to withstand that type of power. The raw energy flowed steadily through the Shadow android, causing it to seize uncontrollably until the energy eventually burned out the android's systems. It exploded in a fiery fashion, causing a domino effect of chain explosions to occur all throughout the station. All of the systems inside the station were getting too much power and simply overheating. From the wall turrets to the systems that operated the lights, everything was overloading.
"I have to get out of here fast," said Blaze.
She ran quickly back through the base being careful to avoid any computer operated system that may have still be on and malfunctioning. The station was exploding all around her. She dodged left and right to avoid all the falling debris that was coming from the ceiling and walls. There was a collapse in the roof of one of the corridors of the base that blocked the way that Blaze had come in.
"I must find another way out," she said.
She ran back through the way she came with all of the base foundation coming down all around her. She disappeared into a cloud of dust and smoke. Back outside, Dr. Eggman was scouting the sky station, looking for a damage report from one of his egg scanners.
"What's the damage report?" Dr. Eggman asked his systems inside the Egg Phoenix. He heard a huge explosion come from inside the base.
"Blast!" said Dr. Eggman. "That hedgehog must not have been working alone. While I was schooling this young hedgehog, his accomplice must've been working his way inside." Dr. Eggman looked over to where the security door had been melted to form a gaping hole. "If they've destroyed the power core, then where are they now?"
As if one cue, Blaze came jetting out of the flying badnik hatch that launched the first wave of Eggman's flying robots. As if driven by instinct, she jettisoned right onto the cockpit of the Egg Phoenix. She stood atop the robot instantly recognizing Dr. Eggman once she looked down.
"Dr. Eggman!" Blaze shouted.
"So it was you who destroyed my production factory," said Dr Eggman. "You'll pay dearly for having crossed me."
"Where's Silver?" Blaze asked.
"Hahahahahaha. Wouldn't you like to know?" Dr. Eggman mocked. He readied the Egg Phoenix. He tried to strike Blaze with the Phoenix's talon and ended up knocking himself upside the head in a humiliating fashion. Blaze somersaulted effortlessly into the air and came down with a spinning fire kick that caused significant damage to the cockpit including a quite noticeable crack that was starting to spread on the surface. The impact of the kick knocked the Egg Phoenix back about ten yards. Blaze used the momentum from her kick to land gracefully onto the sky deck. The Egg Phoenix hovered overhead.
"Your fighting skill even with these machines to aid you is quite sloppy, Eggman. Give up now. You can't win," said Blaze.
"Such big talk for such a tiny kitty cat. Very well. If you insist, I'll turn up the heat and end this quickly," said Dr. Eggman. "Activate Phoenix Mode!" Dr. Eggman pushed a button inside the cockpit. As soon as he touched it, the Egg Phoenix was engulfed in giant blue flames. The flames were burning in such a way that it resembled the bird of legend in which its name derived. In Phoenix Mode, the Egg Phoenix is twice as fast as before and burns as hot as lava. "Let's have some filet-o-cat."
The purple cat stood her ground. "I hope for your sake you don't burn up in that thing. Not all of us are suited to take the heat." She powered up with flames shooting from her hands and feet.
Out of sight in a pile of rubble, Silver the Hedgehog used a psychic blast to move a few pieces of debris out of the way so he could make a path to the surface. He had erected a telekinetic shield right before the rubble collided with his body. It softened the blow but did not stop it. That much pressure had caused a serious strain on Silver's telekinetic focus, causing him to momentarily black out. He finally awoke groggy, with the weight of the rubble still pressing down on him. There wasn't much air, so Silver used the last of his strength to shove a straight line of metal from the station's wall and sent it flying. He emerged from the rubble, falling onto the nearby ground and coughing from all the dust he had inhaled while climbing out of the rubble.
"God, I need a Tylenol. I think I just caught a migraine," said Silver. "This will make it hard to focus, but I have to beat Eggman for the guys. I do owe one to Sonic from that whole Iblis Trigger nonsense. I got to snap out of it. Can't let this slow me down." Silver saw the glowing blue Egg Phoenix. Then, he looked down and saw Blaze standing right in it's attack radius. "Blaze!"
The Egg Phoenix charged at Blaze at lightning speed. Blaze started running laterally trying to throw the machine off course. It altered course to keep on course with its target. As the Phoenix neared Blaze, she ducked, allowing the Phoenix to go right over her. She felt the heat from the Phoenix as it went overhead. It was definitely hot. It was just as hot as she was. Maybe hotter. The phoenix turned around as it was preparing for another charge. When Eggman turned around, he activated the laser eyes. Blaze zigzagged and dodged around the lasers quite gracefully. Eggman came through, sending waves of blue flames along the ground as he passed over. There was no ducking this time. When the phoenix came close, Blaze used her pyrokinesis to get a boost and she jumped clean over the phoenix. The phoenix was now glowing with the intensity of a mobius wildfire. The heat that the phoenix was giving off was able to be felt even near Silver at this point. Blaze prepped herself as the phoenix came back around for another pass. She couldn't find a way to strike Dr. Eggman. She needed an offensive strategy. With the metal engulfed in flames, the Egg Phoenix was invulnerable to most attacks.
The Egg Phoenix unleashed wave after wave of heat projectiles from its wings. They came at a high speed. Blaze's speed was still fully functional. She went on to dodge the waves with ease until the sky station jerked hard, causing Blaze to fall to her knees. The anti-gravity device that Dr. Eggman was using to keep the sky station afloat was slowly running out of auxiliary power. Within a few minutes, the station is going to be completely out of power and will fall to the ground. The last projectiles lightly singed Blaze's fur. She was already lightly covered in soot from her battle inside the factory with the Shadow Android. She paused for a second because singed fur hurt like hell. She didn't notice that the Egg Phoenix had fired its projectile missiles. A missile impacted Blaze's right arm for a direct impact. The force of the impact caused Blaze to get knocked back twenty-five yards. Her left arm was damaged badly. Her left shoulder had been cut open and was bleeding at an accelerated rate. Thankfully, the heat from the missile had already cauterized the wound and the healing process had begun, but it still hurt like hell. Blaze winced in pain. The Egg Phoenix hovered over her with its wings fully extended. They burned with a passion that would have rivaled even the mighty Iblis. The phoenix let out a mighty screech that sounded like a real bird of prey as it charged up a massive fireball from its torso region. Blaze stood, clutching her shoulder. She was partially paralyzed with pain so her movement wasn't nearly as fast as it was. She moved as fast as she could but the sensors from the Egg Phoenix wasn't having any trouble keeping up with her movement patterns. It could not miss from this close range.
"Say goodbye, pussycat!" Dr. Eggman jeered.
"NOOOOOOO!" Silver the Hedgehog came flying through with a rather big piece of spherical shaped debris. With all of his might, he thrusted the debris forward, aiming direct at the cockpit. Dr. Eggman did not see Silver until the ball of metal collided with the bulletproof glass of the cockpit, causing a small fragment of the cockpit to break off from where the previous crack had been formed. The debris also caused the Egg Phoenix's fire laser to miss its mark. It shot wildly off course, tearing a rift throughout the sky station that caused it to be split into two separate sides. The side that did not have Blaze on it fell instantly due to the auxiliary power being cut off from it. It fell to the ground with tremendous speed.
Silver noticed the crack in the Egg Phoenix. He focused his telekinesis on the smaller cracked portions of the cockpit and tore them off to form a big gaping hole in the Egg Phoenix. The blue flame from the Egg Phoenix's body started seeping through to the cockpit where Eggman was sitting. Without the glass to block the fire, it completely engulfed the Egg Phoenix. The controls and interior of the Egg Phoenix were ablaze. The safety measures had begun to fail. The Egg Phoenix started spiraling out of control.
"NO! This can't be happening again!" Eggman yelled as he hit the eject button. He ejected his egg mobile from the Egg Phoenix only to discover that it was ablaze as well. Its circuits had quickly fried as well as it started to descend towards the planet.
The other half of the sky station that Blaze was standing upon had ran out of power. Blaze could feel the surface trembling as it began to fall to the planet. Blaze got the best running start she could possibly muster and jumped.
"SILVER!" She called out.
Silver came swooping through in time to snag her in his telekinetic hold. The Egg Phoenix exploded in a fiery blaze that lit up the evening sky. Looking directly into it as it exploded could have caused temporary blindness. Silver floated through the sky with Blaze in tow. As soon as they were a safe distance away from the exploding robot and the falling egg base, Silver turned to check on Blaze.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"Blaze winced in pain. "Yeah, I'll live. Let's make sure Dr. Eggman doesn't get away. I need to repay him for what he did to me.
"You don't have to worry. He won't get far," said Silver.
They searched the sky for a couple of minutes and found the egg mobile slowly descending into the ocean below. Silver scurried over to the egg mobile only to find that it had been abandoned.
"It's empty. Where could he have gone to?" Silver asked.
"There." Blaze used her left arm to point down below. There was someone about a half of a mile below them with a parachute on. The logo on the parachute was the Eggman Empire insignia. Silver took about thirty seconds to descend down to where Eggman was slowly parachuting to the surface. He looked up to see the light blue telekinetic glow of Silver and Blaze who had slowed so that they were descending at the same speed as Dr. Eggman.
"What did I do in a previous life to deserve such torment from so many pests? First, Sonic, then Tails and the rest of you. Why can't you guys just find a new hobby? Find some other genius's plans to constantly ruin time after time again because I've had it. I quit. I can't take it anymore. I need a vacation before I actually kill someone!" said Dr. Eggman.
"That's a pretty interesting choice of words you used then. There seems to be a lot of killing going around lately," Silver said.
"What does that have to do with me? People are born and die every day. That's how the process works," said Dr. Eggman.
"Sometimes, they have a little help with the dying part. Some unwanted help. Get my drift, Eggman," said Blaze.
"Get what drift? What does any of what you're spouting have to do with me? Who has died that you think I killed? I assure you both that I have not killed in a very long time. In fact, I have an unbeknown respect and admiration for anthropomorphs. You guys really help biologists understand the evolutionary process. In fact, once I build my Eggman Empire, I actually have plans to do some genetic research on Sonic the Hedgehog himself. I will dissect him and use his DNA to create the ultimate army.
"You're one sick bastard," said Silver.
"If you want to capture Sonic for yourself, then why did you have him and Shadow sent to prison?" asked Blaze.
Dr. Eggman raised an eyebrow. "You want to run that by me again? Sonic the Hedgehog, my admirable adversary, is now in the custody of the United Federation? So, he cannot interfere with any of my plans anymore?" Dr. Eggman started laughing hysterically. It was the happiest anyone had ever seen the guy. For a guy who was at the mercy of two powerful foes in mid-air, he was sure taking it very well. It was almost like he had been waiting his whole life to hear news this good. Silver and Blaze looked at each other in confusion.
"This is news to you?" Blaze asked.
"Wow! You guys are serious. He's really in jail? What'd he do? Unpaid speeding tickets?" Dr. Eggman was busting a gut. He was finding Sonic's predicament quite laughable. "I guess it is true what they say. You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain."
"That's enough mockery. There's nothing funny about being wrongfully accused of a crime. You wouldn't be laughing if it was you," said Silver.
"Well, I guess we'll never know will we?" Dr. Eggman boasted. "Now, if my hunch is correct, and it normally is, there's only one anthropomorphic prison in the world, and it's based on the island of Azaria, a very prime piece of real estate. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, the warden of that prison is….. Oh this is too good to be true. This is definitely the happiest day of my life. Life truly is good." Dr. Eggman started into another laughing fit. He couldn't control himself.
"Stop laughing and tell us who the warden is," Silver demanded, but Dr. Eggman just kept on laughing. Silver grabbed him by his collar. "I'm not playing any games with you. Either tell us what we want to know or we break your parachute and watch how fast you can drop." Dr. Eggman was still laughing out of control. Tears were forming in his eyes. The news was so enchanting that he could not even hear Silver over his own laughter. Blaze had had enough. She levitated over to Dr. Eggman and gave him one of the meanest hay-makers Silver had ever seen. Silver almost had to use his telekinetic ability to keep his jaw from dropping. Dr. Eggman's head bounced like a speed bag in the gym. When his head finally stopped bobbling, the duo saw that the punch had knocked him out cold. "Way to go, Blaze. You cold-cocked him.
"I'm sorry. I was tired of hearing him talk. Besides, he shot me in the arm. He's lucky I don't burn his face off," said Blaze.
Silver sighed. "Well, he's no good to us until he wakes up. We'd better land and put him somewhere secure until we can ask him more questions."
"Agreed." said Blaze. She turned around and gave Dr. Eggman's unconscious body another haymaker to the jaw which knocked about five milliliters of saliva from his mouth. Silver looked at her with worry. "Ok, that was the last one. I promise."
That took way longer than expected, and before you comment telling me so, let me apologize in advance for that. It was a combination of writer's block and finding time to write. It's been a hassle but I promised you guys that I wouldn't quit so here's my evidence for that. Onto the next chapter and my future updates. These stories will be completed. My word as a writer. I hope this chapter was worth the wait.