It's time to wrap this story up. I want to thank everyone who had read and reviewed this story. If it weren't for you all, this story would have been stopped.
Disclaimer: You all know it.
Chapter 10: Final Legend: The Rouge Riders' Defeat.
Armand had just told everyone about Nega's humiliating defeat at the hands of Armand, Axel, Basil, Zeus, Mintra, and Hurricane. The big thing that surprised them was the fact that Armand transformed into a super form at a young age. Now Armand was ready to finish the legend.
"After we beat Nega, we never saw him again until the world crisis." Armand told everyone.
"A super form at age nine?" Emily asked. "I never thought that would happen."
"I know. And it was all thanks to my dad." Armand told her. "Now, there's one last part of this story, and it involved the Rouge Riders."
Jet, Wave, and Storm immediately looked up.
"Do they die in this story?" Jet asked.
"If you mean the Rogue Riders, then yes. If you mean Accel and Mech, then no." Armand replied. "In fact, I think you'll be surprised."
"Well, don't keep us waiting. Let's hear the story." Wave said.
"Alright. The story is what Accel told me a few weeks after the Rogue Riders' deaths." Armand said.
6 years from present day, 2 years after Nega's defeat…
"From what Accel told me, he and Mech were riding their boards to where the Rogue Riders were rumored to be." Armand narrated. "They were determined to defeat the Rogue Riders, even if they died in the process."
Accel and Mech were riding their boards out in the forest, located near the desert. They had just passed the oasis that was between the two environments.
"Why Redd would hide in a forest is beyond me." Accel said to Mech.
"Well, think about it, buddy. The forest is dense, and there's no telling what anyone can find out here." Mech replied. "It's a perfect place for an ambush."
"I guess you're right." Accel said. "Well, I guess we better keep going. Knowing Redd, he's probably expecting us to come find him. He's probably got reinforcements ready should he start to lose."
"You know the guy. All he needs is himself and his two remaining buddies. Remember that Tyson and Donald were killed by you last time." Mech reminded.
"I remember that. When I killed them, I had no regrets. Besides, it's what they get for killing Thunder."
"Amen to that, buddy."
Accel and Mech continued through the forest, hoping to find the base's location. It didn't take them long, partially due to them finding a sign that said 'Rogue Riders' Base! Enter if you wish to die!'
"Well, somebody has a death wish." Accel commented as they sped up.
They didn't have to go much farther. They found a large base with the usual black Babylonian treasure jar outside the door. The Riders usually had a habit of doing that. Accel and Mech busted through the door…only to find nobody in the front room. The room was the same as the last base, with golden walls, a red carpeted floor, and a silver ceiling. Only this time, there was no treasure lying on the floor.
"Well, it looks like they decided to do some housecleaning." Mech commented.
"Don't be so sure!" Someone said from behind them.
Accel and Mech turned around to find who they were looking for. Redd, Cyrax, and Flash were standing there.
"We knew you were going to come looking for us, so we hid our treasure so we would have a larger battleground. But I don't see why you can take us on. We outnumber you, 3-2." Redd said in a taunting voice.
"We beat you last time, when the odds were 5-2!" Accel pointed out.
"That was just a fluke. We didn't know you would be coming at that time. But now we know." Cyrax told them. "And today, you die!"
"No, you die for what you did to Thunder!" Mech said before charging at them, delivering a hard kick to Flash's stomach. Flash doubled over in pain, leaving him vulnerable to an uppercut from Accel, which resulted in Flash hitting his head on the ceiling, knocking him out. Cyrax and Redd couldn't believe it.
"So, I see you've been training." Redd said in a devious voice. "Well, it doesn't matter, for we'll still kill you."
"I'd like to see you try!" Accel said as he charged for Redd. Cyrax stepped in, however, and blocked the punch, then delivered a hook, sending Accel back to where he started.
"Sorry, but if you want our leader, you'll have to go through us!" Cyrax said.
"We'll be glad to oblige." Accel said, accepting the challenge. By this time, Flash had woken up.
"I can't be knocked out for a long time. Only a minute, and I'm back up." Flash said. "Now, the real battle can begin."
Cyrax and Flash charged towards Accel and Mech, respectively. Cyrax threw a punch while Flash delivered a kick, but Accel and Mech blocked the attacks, and countered with their own attacks. Cyrax and Flash were knocked back, but quickly recovered. During this time, Redd had retreated to his quarters, where he would wait to see who won. If Accel and Mech won, he'd deal with them personally. If his thugs won, he wouldn't have to bother. He could hear the battle going on outside his door, and wondered who was winning. From the sounds of it, the battle was currently a draw at that point.
Mech tossed a flash bomb, which blinded Cyrax, but Flash was immune to blindness. But the distraction was enough for Mech to come in and deliver an uppercut to Flash's jaw while Accel did an axe kick to Cyrax's head. Even though neither attack killed them, it was enough to let them know that they weren't playing.
"Man, I guess we underestimated these guys." Cyrax said to Flash.
"If Redd would battle alongside us, then we could take them on." Flash said.
"Alright, then. If you want me to fight alongside you imbeciles, then I'll be glad to." Redd said as he emerged from his chamber and got into a fighting stance. "Now, let's show these losers who they're messing with!"
"Right!" Cyrax and Flash said.
With that, the Rogue Riders went on the attack. Accel and Mech had no chance to block. Cyrax and Flash kicked Accel and Mech, respectively, while Redd spread his arms and hit them both in the head. The attack knocked both of them down. Flash then picked up Mech while Cyrax picked up Accel, with Redd in between them. They threw the Babylonians right at each other, and before they connected, Redd jumped up and did a spin kick, which hit them both in the head and knocked them away. The force of the attacks left them both nearly dead.
"Alright, line them up." Redd demanded.
Cyrax picked them both up and set them up, one behind the other, with Accel in the front and Mech behind them. Flash took some rope and tied them up so they couldn't escape. Redd pulled out a sniper rifle and took aim at their heads.
"Farewell, Babylon Rogues!" Redd said as he pulled the trigger.
"I WON'T ALLOW IT!" Someone said from somewhere.
At that moment, someone descended from the ceiling and landed right in the line of fire. The figure threw a punch, and the bullet that was headed for Accel banged against metal and dropped to the floor. The figure was a light-gray albatross (lighter than Storm) with metal gloves with a lightning bolt mark on both of them. He also had a wound on his chest; it looked like a gunshot wound. Accel and Mech knew him by the voice.
"Thunder!" They both said together.
"WHAT!?" Redd said in a rage.
"You hurt my friends, you pay with your life." Thunder said.
"Is that a threat, or a promise?" Redd asked. Thunder just cracked his knuckles through his metal gloves.
"It's a promise." Thunder replied.
Thunder then charged at Redd, knocking him over with his big body. He then picked Redd up and threw him into Flash, knocking them both out. He then picked up Cyrax and threw him into the others, knocking the falcon out. He then turned to Accel and Mech.
"So I finally get to meet you two in person." Thunder said.
"What are you doing here and how did you get here?" Mech asked.
"It's thanks to the Devil and the Council of Death. They can see everything that's going on, and when we saw you two in trouble, they allowed me to come down here and help." Thunder explained. "Redd killed me in this same room by shooting me in the chest with the same rifle that he was about to kill you two with. I had knocked out all four of his henchmen, but Redd got me with a surprise shot, and that killed me."
Flashback to Thunder's death…
"And stay down if you don't want to die!" Thunder yelled. "And now for you, Redd."
He turned around, only to find Redd gone. He then heard a rifle being loaded. Thunder turned around only to find the end of the rifle barrel aimed right at him.
"Gwah!" Thunder let out a cough before falling onto the ground.
End of flashback…
By the end of the flashback, the Rogue Riders had woken up. And Redd was pissed off, big time.
"Damn it!" Redd cursed. "DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!"
"Whoa! You pissed him off big time, Thunder." Accel said.
"Well, he shouldn't have killed me." Thunder replied.
"You should have stayed dead, Thunder. Then we wouldn't have to deal with you and your fat body." Flash said. Bad choice of words.
"Oh, I know you did not just say that!" Thunder said.
"Oh yeah?" Flash asked. "I'll say it more clearly. You. And. Your. Fat. Body!"
"I'M NOT FAT!" Thunder yelled. Flash gulped.
Thunder then charged at Flash and punched him. The power of the metal gloves added to the force of the punch broke Flash's jaw. Thunder then grabbed Flash and threw him into the wall. Flash tried to recover, but Thunder grabbed him by the neck, then held him above his head with both of his hands. He brought Flash's face near his.
"Let this be a lesson to you. I'm not fat. I'm big boned." Thunder said.
He then tossed the buzzard up into the air, waited until he came down, then threw a punch right into his back. The impact broke Flash's spinal cord, which resulted in his death.
"One down, two to go." Accel said, watching Flash die.
"Oh crap!" Cyrax said. He tried to run, but Mech blocked his way.
"Leaving so soon?" Mech asked.
Cyrax turned back, but Thunder blocked his way. He then tried to move to the side, but Accel stood in front of him.
"Hey, Mech. I think you deserve this kill." Accel told Mech.
"My pleasure. Stand back!" Mech said.
Mech pulled out a new bomb he had created, the Shock Bomb. When it exploded, it released electric arcs that electrocuted an enemy. He stuck it onto Cyrax, and hit the button. Cyrax tried to reach behind him and pull it off, but he couldn't reach it. The bomb exploded, and electricity shot through Cyrax's body. The result left Cyrax dead, burnt to a crisp from the electricity. Redd now felt the first hint of fear he had ever felt in his life. He was the only one left. He turned to leave, hoping he could get away, but the Babylon Rogues blocked his way. Accel looked at the cardinal with a killing intention.
"Today, you pay for what you've done." Accel said.
Accel started walking towards Redd, who slowly backed up. He tried to find a way to escape, but he couldn't. He couldn't bust out of the wall, because it was too strong. He couldn't try any of the exits because he would just be blocked.
"Wait, wait! I-I give up. I'll do anything. Just don't kill me, please!" Redd begged.
"Sorry, Redd, but from you, surrendering is not an option." Accel said as he pulled out one of his paper fans.
"No. No, please don't!" Redd begged once again.
"Good bye, Redd." Accel said. "Do it, Thunder."
Thunder tossed Redd to Mech, who knocked him into the air. Accel jumped up into the air and brought his fan down on Redd's neckbone. The impact broke Redd's neck. The Rogue Riders were no more.
"At last, they're gone." Accel said with a sigh of relief.
"If only Tobias was here to see this." Mech said with regret in his voice.
"But he is. He saw the whole thing. And I'm sure the Council of Death will punish Redd for what he's done." Thunder told them.
Then a bright light enveloped Thunder. It was time for him to go.
"Do you really have to leave?" Accel asked.
"Now that the Rogue Riders are dead, there's no need for me to stay here." Thunder told them. "I have to return."
"Well, it was nice to finally meet you in person." Mech said to him.
"Likewise." Thunder replied.
The three Babylon Rogues then bashed their fists together in the center of their little triangle. Then the light surrounding Thunder grew brighter, and when it dissipated, he was gone.
"Do you think we'll ever see him again?" Mech asked.
"Of course. He's always watching over us, and I know that one day, we'll meet again. Even if that day is after our death." Accel told him. "Now, let's go home."
Accel and Mech left the Rogue Riders' hideout with the treasure in bags, and a few seconds later, a bomb went off, courtesy of Mech, that blew up the whole base. Luckily, the force of the bomb had been toned down as to not set the surrounding forest life on fire. Accel and Mech dashed off towards Station Square to tell everyone the good news.
Present day, Jet's airship…
"…and that's the whole story." Armand concluded. The sun had nearly set. He had taken a lot of time telling the story, and he had finally finished.
"That was a great story." Emily said. "And to think all of this was true."
"That's because Armand had experienced some of it for himself." Sonic spoke up. "Plus, Tobias told him nearly everything."
At that point, Gerald, who had been listening to the story, got a call from a member of the track crew. He listened for a few seconds, then turned to the racers.
"Alright, everyone. I just got a call from the track crew. The Red Canyon track is set up and ready for the race. You might want to get some practice laps in, because the track is different from the Splash Canyon track." Gerald told them.
The racers grabbed their boards and left the airship, while those who weren't racing headed to the stands to watch the practice run.
End of Story.
And that's the whole legend, from Tobias's marriage to the final defeat of the Rogue Riders. Now, you all know the story. Well, if you've been reading, that is.
I only have a couple more days left before school restarts (on Wednesday), so I'll try to get as much done as I can, because once school starts back, I won't have much time to do this, except for weekends.
Read and give your final review.