Hey guys, just to clear something up, I'm not really a Brony. I'm just simply writing this story for all the fans of both Sonic The Hedgehog, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Although I am a huge fan of Sonic, I have seen some episodes of MLP and did some research on it to write this fic. To be fair, the show is entertaining, and at most times very cute. But hey, it's nice to watch something that doesn't include violence every now and then isn't it? This is my first fic, and I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these franchises but Sonic The Hedgehog is the property and owned by SEGA. My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is the property of Hasbro and was created by Lauren Faust.

Dr. Eggman was furious. After constantly meeting failure after failure to destroy his greatest enemy, Sonic The Hedgehog, Eggman slams his fist on the control panel as he's piloting his huge flying fortress: The Egg Carrier. He's accompanied by two dim-witted and clumsy robot assistants from the Sonic X series named Decoe and Bocoe. Decoe is tall, slim and gold, while Bocoe is short, fat and silver.

"I just can't believe this! Every plan, every robot, destroyed by that pesky hedgehog!" Eggman yelled.

"Don't worry Eggman, I don't think all your plans are a complete failure."

Eggman bashes Decoe on his forehead with a wrench.

"I'll turn you into scrap metal for saying that!" Eggman shouted.

While Decoe was rubbing his head from the pain, Bocoe looked at him.

"See, I told you he was in a bad mood."

"Shut up Bocoe!" Decoe said.

Bocoe tried to calm Eggman down. "Uh...Not to ruin your mood Dr. but we did manage to swipe the Chaos Emeralds away from Sonic and his friends during our last encounter."

"Yes, but we only managed to get five of them, Sonic and Shadow still have the other two." Eggman responds.

"But that's why I have a plan, one that not even Sonic can stop. It's foolproof!" Eggman said with a creepy grin on his face.

He then presses a button on his right armrest, his chair turns around as a small hatch opens in front of him, revealing a small but weird looking blaster with two beakers on top of it. Inside the beakers is a strange purple substance that's glowing.

"Not to be confused Dr. but I don't see how this can help us defeat Sonic..." Decoe said as he quickly covered his head with his arms. "Please don't hit me!"

"What you're looking at is my greatest invention, I call it, The Eggstractor. You see, thanks to Super Sonic for destroying Dark Gaia, I was able to construct this device in order to harness the remains of Gaia's Dark Energy. The energy itself is very radioactive, so touching it would be hazardous. Since Sonic and his friends are well known for only using the positive power of the Chaos Emeralds, I plan to inject this Dark Energy into the Chaos Emeralds, which will then fill them up with negative power. According to what I know, Sonic can't absorb too much negative power, otherwise he'll become weak. Weak enough for me to crush with my own bare hands!" Eggman said while feeling confident.

"That's brilliant Dr. Eggman!" Bocoe advised.

"But sadly, it's only my backup plan, just in case." Eggman said.

Decoe and Bocoe looked at eachother.

"B-But why?" Bocoe asked.

"As long as those fury freaks are out there, I won't be able to take over this world to build my own empire of Eggman Land. The Eggstractor will only come in handy when Sonic tries to get back the Chaos Emeralds. But don't worry, my real plan is this..." Eggman grinned. "...We shall find a new place, a new world to build our empire, without Sonic and his annoying friends to stop us."

Eggman quickly turned his chair back towards the control panel.

"Decoe and Bocoe...Surprise me!" Eggman smiled.

Decoe and Bocoe began to type in on the controls, a giant monitor pops up in front of them. The screen flickers as it tries to choose a destination. Finally...it chooses one.

"Dr. Eggman, look!" Decoe responds.

Dr. Eggman puts his thumb and index finger to his lips and pauses for a minute as he tries to pronounce the name of the new world.

"Hmm...Equestria!" Eggman pronounces.

"Sir, according to the radar, Equestria is populated by...Ponies?" Bocoe was completely confused. "Ponies of all types. Earth ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasus ponies."

"Oh-ho-ho-ho!" Eggman chuckled. "Ponies? What is this a joke?"

"Not at all sir." Decoe replied. "It says here that their guardian and leader is a princess named Celestia. Which seems less more of a threat than Sonic."

As all three of them laughed, Eggman took a slight pause.

"Hmm...It's a longshot, but it'll have to do. Activate the CC Beacon!" Eggman said.

The two robots looked at each other in confusion.

"CC Beacon?" Decoe asked.

"Chaos Control Beacon!" Eggman responded. "Now that we finally have some of the Chaos Emeralds, it's time to see what power they truly possess!"

"Activate!" Eggman shouted.

Immediately, the machine holding the Emeralds in place lit up and ran an electrical current to the five Chaos Emeralds, causing them to glow. They've captured the purple, silver, yellow, blue, and light blue Emeralds. Sonic and Shadow have the red, and green Emeralds. As the Egg Carrier lit up, it disappeared into a flash of light, warped through time and space, and headed straight for Equestria. With another bright flash, the Egg Carrier arrives at a city in the sky, called Cloudsdale. Their first sight of Equestria.

"So this is it?" Eggman questioned.

Bocoe answered. "Yes sir, this is the world of Equestria."

"Good, I can't wait to burn it to the ground. Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!" Eggman laughed with an evil smile on his face.

(End of scene)

To Be Continued...