Hey everyone! Thanks for the reviews and OCs. Sorry I haven't been updating lately. But my forum is kick (bleep)! Seriously! You must come and meet everyone. That includes my family! XD
Alright, I have a lot of new OCs to put and I may not put them all now. I'll use them when I need them. Sound fair?
Note for Forum: Hey! Shout out to my big bro, Kitsune Disciple. My younger bro, Kitsunehero. My little sis, UniqueMelody! My other sis, Chaos Moonlight! Now for my BFFLs! SSG Tim the hedgehog, Ripper Roo is Awesome, Logan the Cydaquill, Silver Shields, Channing and Tammy Rose, and Mr. Man098!
From your friend, D! See ya at the party spot! (hugs)
"Tanner? Tanner!? Tanner!" Tammy shouted at the orange echidna. Tanner was just staring at her from his seat. They were in the office and sitting near the front desk. The office was strangely big. The desk in front of them was brown and the walls around them were white. A few posters about learning were around and so was the school mascot. Everyone looked at the echidna and snickered. He had on a goofy smile and completely spaced out. They heard the bell for third period ring through the halls.
"My god! It's been two whole periods! When are we gonna get to see that principle!?" Anna frowned and she slouched in her seat.
Just then the front door opened. There stood a tall fox. He was brown with black tips on his tail and ears. He was in formal wear and had a frown on his muzzle.
"Finally." Jet growled while rolling his eyes.
The fox shot him a look and the green hawk rolled his eyes.
"Let's just get this over with." The green hawk growled.
"So tell me. What happened this morning?" The fox growled.
Everyone began to speak all at once which got the principle annoyed.
"One at a time!" He shouted. Everyone got quiet and looked at the adult.
"It's all his fault!" Jet shouted as he stood. He pointed to Tanner who was still looking at Tammy. Channing and Channix giggled at how Tammy was blushing.
"What the!? No it wasn't!" Tim shouted as he jumped up. Jet walked up to him and faced him.
"Yeah it was!" The hawk growled.
Tim growled and pushed Jet away from him. Storm stood and stomped towards Tim.
"Want to try that again punk!?" The grey albatross growled.
"Gonna let Storm fight for you, Jet!?" Anna laughed.
"Shut up rabbit!" The green hawk spat at Anna.
"Hey! You can't talk to her that way!" Channix shouted as she stood up also.
"Sit down you (bleep)!" Storm pushed Channix and made her sit.
"Hey! You can't do that to my sister!" Tammy jumped up and pushed Storm.
"She had it coming! Now you shut up!" Jet growled and pushed Tammy. Tanner saw and got even angier with Jet.
"Hey! Leave her alone! We can settle this outside!" The orange and white echidna shouted.
"You're on!" Jet growled back.
"Enough!" shouted the adult fox. Everyone looked at him and frowned.
"That's it! Detention! All of you! Five days worth!" The fox growled.
"Five days of detention!?" Channing said in shock.
"But it's was all Jet and Storm!" Anna frowned.
"I don't care who started it missy! But what was going on just now made things worse for you all. Now get back to class!" The fox pointed to the door and growled with annoyance.
"Hey! What about that other girl!?" Storm shouted at the fox.
"What girl?" The fox asked.
"The one who was involved." Jet smirked.
"She was not!" Anna shouted.
"No one was talking to you!" Jet growled.
The fox was getting even more annoyed and glared at the students.
"Did you know that I once saw a bug the size of a car!? I mean this thing was huge! It was bigger then anything I've ever seen! Hey did you hear about that school dance? It's gonna be in two weeks!" ranted the blue kangaroo dog to the blue cat, Typhoon. The poor cat had his ears covered the whole time she was talking. They were a few more steps away from the office. He looked at her and frowned. She was still moving her mouth rapidly.
(Science Class)
Silver and Shadow were taking notes when a female hedgehog by the name of Shelby walked in. She had blue fur, a purple jacket, baggy blue jeans, and white sneakers with glasses to match. Silver was staring at her with mouth close to the tiled floor of the white class room. The room looked like a lad, with beakers and test tubes on the tables. Shelby handed the teacher, a red falcon, her late slip and took her seat near Silver. He was just staring at her with his mouth still opened.
"I'd close your mouth before a fly gets into it." Shadow said near Silver's ear.
Silver looked at him and closed his mouth. Shadow rolled his eyes and continued to write notes.
"Do you know her?" Silver asked his onyx friend.
"How would I know her, if she just walked in through the door?" Shadow rolled his eyes and continued to write into his book.
"Oh right. Sorry." Silver went back to his notes. He kept looking at Shelby with intrest. She caught his eye and smiled.
"Hello?" She giggled.
"Uhh……….hehe……Um…..hi."Silver said nervously. She giggled and opened her note book to write what was on the board.
"Dude she is hot." Silver smiled.
Shadow rolled his eyes again and looked at Silver.
"You seriously think so?" Shadow asked.
"Yeah! Look at her! She's hot!" Silver covered his mouth when he realized he shouted it to the whole class. All of the mobians in that class looked to the back of the room. Shadow stared at Silver with a surprised look. Shelby blushed and placed a book close to her face to make it appear as if she was reading. Silver slid down into his seat so that the quills on his head were all that was visible. He was blushing madly.
"Well. At least she knows you exists." Shadow snickered as he looked at the futuristic hedgehog. Silver looked at him and scowled.
(Sophomores History)
Razor and Pride were both close to collapsing of boredom. The history class was being taught by a large male rhino.
"Dude if he doesn't stop repeating the same thing over and over, I'm going to die of shear boredom." Razor frowned.
"I hear ya." Pride frowned. The class room was surrounded by maps and posters of the past or what the past would've looked like.
The rhino kept saying the same thing over and over and over again.
Razor's eye was twitching and he placed his head on the desk. Pride leaned against his fist and stared at the front board blankly. Razor finally blacked out and was heard snoring from the front of the class.
"Mister Razor? Mister Razor? Mister Razor!" The rhino shouted.
"Argaahah!! 1776!!" The red hedgehog shouted as he shot his head back up. Everyone sweat dropped and started to laugh like mad. The rhino had his arms crossed and looking at the red male. Razor blushed with embarrassment and slouched in his seat. Pride was laughing right beside him which made it worse.
"Great. Just great." The red hedgehog picked up a book and placed it close to his face.
Outside in the court yard was the light blue hedgehog. She was sitting on the grass that was under the trees. She was outside during another class' gym period. She crossed her arms and watched the class. The teacher was a cheetah with a whistle around his neck. He was leading the class in a run around the track. The objective was to run around the track as many times as you can. Sonic was in that class and everyone knew he'd beat their laps.
"Awh man! Sonic just had to be in our class?" A brown hawk frowned.
"I know." A purple hedgehog frowned.
Sonic didn't hear them and kept running ahead of him. He made one hundered laps in as little as two minutes. Slow for his speed but the teacher told him not to use his sonic boom. He stopped and saw the light blue hedgehog under the trees. He smiled and rushed up to her.
"Hey D." He smiled.
"Huh? Oh hey Sonic." She smiled.
"What are you doing out here? You're in the same gym class?" The blue blur smiled while he sat next to her.
"No. Just didn't want to be in that building right now. Needed some air. That's all." Darkness smiled.
"Oh that's cool. So anything new?" The blue blur leaned against the tree and looked at her.
"Nope. Well I guess I better head to class. Sorry." She stood and stared at the blue blur.
"It's okay. I better go to. Gotta beat those jerks out there. They don't think I hear 'em. But I do." Sonic frowned and stood up.
"Heheh. Just keep doing what you do best. Screw those jerks." Darkness smiled as she picked up her school bag.
"You're right. Later D!" The blue blur jumped up and raced off to the gym class. D rolled her eyes and rushed back into the building.
"Hey you!" came a male's voice. Darkness looked around and saw that the hallways were completely empty.
"Huh? Who's there?" She looked all around and frowned. Then a blue and red hedgehog came up to her.
So that's it! Now if I missed your OCs, the reason is they weren't needed yet. Sorry. But I'll use them. Don't worry. One way or another they'll get in here. lols.
Shelby the Hedgehog: Shelby
The rest of the gang's owner's are in the other chaps. Hope this one was okay. Ocs and Authors are still welcomed. You may not appear right away but you'll find yourself in here soon.