Begin Part 5
"...And that's how it happened." Prince Blueblood stated matter-of-factly.
Around him were two ponies and a baby dragon in a scale-tight costume all staring at him with bewildered looks on their faces. The prince looked around, equally confused by their unsatisfied looks. He wondered for a moment if his overall superior form of explanation had fried the inferior minds of his audience.
"What," Spike deadpanned.
"What do you mean 'what'?" Blueblood asked incredulously.
Scribble scribble, "Uh, Blueblood, you didn't even say anything."
"What do you mean I didn't say anything? I put out everything there is to know about what transpired all those years ago!"
"No, you didn't!" Trixie spat at the wimpy prince. "You just cantered your royal butt over here, paused for a moment, and then blurted "and that's how it happened," making yourself look like a complete idiot!"
"Who are you two anyways?" Spike asked as he looked back and forth between the prince and the guy who was constantly writing on a piece of paper.
"Well if you must know, my name is Prince Blueblood, nephew to both regal princesses," He proclaimed with a stricken pose of regal aura. This aura was left ignored to Spike however as he suddenly made the connection between him and a description he got from Rarity a while back.
"Hey, I know you!" Spike shouted angrily. "You're that chump Rarity told me about that ruined her night at the Grand Galloping Gala!"
Prince Blueblood turned his head to look at the masked reptile pointing an angry claw at him. He shuddered at the thought of the accursed appendage actually touching a single strand of hair on his pristine coat or mane. In fact, the very thought of any sort of non-pony creature stalking the halls of his glorious mansion made him physically ill. What's worse was the name, that 'Rarity' the beast just spoke of. Memories of the fateful night in question flooded back into his mind, twisting his face in disgust as he unwillingly had flashes back to the evil witch and her night of terror.
"Euck, what a filthy creature!" Blueblood gagged as he stared at Spike in disgust. "And one associated with that ruffian damsel, no doubt! By Celestia's immortal tail, the darkest things in life truly have come into the sanctuary of my own home!"
"Oh for the love of Luna, just shut your trap already before Trixie decides to shut it for you!" Trixie threatened as her horn began to glow with magic, staring angrily at the gawking prince.
Scribble scribble, "hold on now!" Scripter said as he stood between the two." We came to see you two for a reason! We need your help in fixing the princesses."
Trixie sighed as she let the magic in her horn fade away. "Trixie tried that already, as did the Elements of Harmony. And just recently it turns out that Princess Celestia's personalprotege," the last few words were spoken with great venom before she continued, "has become afflicted by whatever is turning the princesses all..."
"Rapey?" Spike offered, his choice of words making Trixie and the others cringe.
"Uh, yes, that."
Scribble, "Oh, oh my..." Scripter rubbed a hoof up to his chin to think for a few moments before Blueblood cleared his throat.
"Well, I guess we can't have it spreading like a pack of filthy commoners during Hearth's Warming Eve... I know how to fix the princesses once and for all." Such a claim from the crybaby prince certainly surprised both Trixie and Spike.
"Oh yeah?" Spike crossed his arms as he glared at the prince. "Well if you know what can fix this, then go ahead and tell us already."
"Fine," Blueblood scoffed as he whipped his hair back. "But my majesty will only be explaining this once to you peasants, so listen up!"
Despite their growing dislike for the stallion, Trixie and Spike stood ready to hear whatever he had to say. Blueblood took a few deep breaths, slowly closing his eyes so as to delve back into his memory and properly collect all of his thoughts. About a minute passed, and with his eyes still closed, he began.
"Princess Celestia of Equestria is an eternal essence encased in a mortal body. Though almost a true deity, though so godly in her appearance, her powers, her very way of life even, she too falls victim to the most pleasurable feelings any other sentient creature can find, as well as the most horrible and most greedy of them all. So while she is mortal, the immortal side of her prolongs her life for thousands of years, and her youth well is so many times more vast than anypony's, allowing her to age as she does. But because of her mortal side, she also falls victim to the double-edged sword effect of emotions, desires, and ultimate bond between body, soul, and mind. A long time ago, over a thousand years at that, before Princess Luna got banished to the moon, Princess Celestia had... an episode."
There was a pause as Blueblood opened his eyes, a slight twinkle appearing in his retina. Trixie and Spike however didn't notice, but Scripter cocked his head to the side as he just managed to catch a glimpse before the prince closed his eyes again. After another deep breath, he continued.
"She had a lapse of some sort, an instance where she was unable to control herself, and let her emotions and desires take hold. But because there were ponies that were able to help her back then, the episode was very short lived, and not even Celestia's sister knew about it. From then on, A group of ponies..."
Another pause, followed by a soft gasp as Blueblood once more opened his eyes. Trixie and Spike took notice of his eyes as well this time, while Scripter started to get a wry suspicion about its meaning. But overall, they let any mentioning of it pass as Blueblood once more closed his eyes and continued.
"...chose themselves to be her watchful guardians for any moment her other side would be released again. As the years passed, they passed their knowledge down generation by generation in secret. Princess Celestia never knew about them, because if she knew then her "molestia" side would know as well, and it would do more to resist. But every time it did appear, the secret line of ponies would come out and use their knowledge to put her molestia side back within the deepest reaches of her mind, and then go back into secrecy to wait for it to come again."
"Wait a minute," Trixie interrupted, causing the prince to open his eyes without any tingle in them. "If you know so much about this, does this mean you are part of this secret line of ponies?"
"Well of course I am," he snobbishly replied. "How do you think I know so much about this?"
"And Silver Shield as well?" Trixie asked, ignoring his undesirable tone.
"Okay, whatever, you know about the princess and this whole secret pony thing," Spike said. "But how do we stop her?"
"That will be the most difficult part I'm afraid," Blueblood sighed with a few shakes of his head. "Like this blue peasant said earlier, magic has already been attempted on Celestia, and I'm guessing the elements just made it worse. We're going to have to turn to drastic measures then..."
Scribble scribble, "what kind of drastic measures?"
The prince hesitated, the twinkle in his eye appearing just briefly before vanishing again, allowing him to begin moments later. "Princess Celestia's influence is spreading. Not only has her sister, Aunty Luna, been converted, along with who knows how many more, she may also end up converting more as well. If it gets too far, we won't be able to stop her. Our only chance is to drain away the part of her that makes her feel the way she does."
"Pray tell, what sort of magical device could do such a thing to a pony as strong as Princess Celestia?" Trixie questioned, a hint of intrigue apparent in her voice.
"Well, it's not... erm, perhaps you should see for yourself. Just follow me..." with that, the prince turned and began down the hall, leaving the two ponies and one dragon to exchange looks briefly before tailing along.
"Oh my gosh, this is so great! I can't believe I'm out on an adventure with Rainbow Dash!"
"Oh yeah, I know, I'm awesome."
"And we're all alone trying to find our way through this maze of a mansion too, wow!"
"Heh, yeah, it is pretty neat trying to find our way around."
"Ooh, and then there's Twilight who's running around this room trying to molest us! The suspense is awesome!"
"Uuh, yeah... um-"
"Oh, and then, we'll find ourselves trapped in a closet, just you and me, and it'll be so dark and stuff and we'll-"
"OKAY!" Rainbow Dash said with a raised voice, interrupting the overzealous filly. "well, that's great and all, but uhh... what's your name again?"
"I told you, it's Scooter-Dash!" The disguised filly stopped her progression down the random hallway to make a striking pose, similar to the one she made during the talent contest. "Hiiiiya!" Rainbow Dash stopped as well to look down at her, eliciting a raised eyebrow and a little apprehension.
"Ooookaaay, well, um, how about we just continue trying to find our friends here?"
"Ooh, I would love that very much Rainbow Dash!" Scooter bounced in excitement while staring up at her idol. "The other protectors should be able to help us out of any sort of sticky situation!" The word 'sticky' was punctuated with a wink.
Nowhere in her vast years of being a great, talented flier with an abundance of fans did Rainbow Dash ever meet one as... suggestive as this. She just groaned at the comment and then continued down the hall with Scooter following suit.
As they rounded another corner to another dull hallway filled with multiple dull doorways, Rainbow Dash groaned again at realizing they were nowhere near an exit, or at least that was how it seemed. She would just fly off on her own and zip through the halls until she found an exit, but she wasn't the type to leave a little filly alone in a building as large as a mansion, ESPECIALLY with a possible rapist on the lose, even if it is one of her friends.
"Your cutie mark is so awesome Rainbow Dash, I could just lick it!"
...Then again, there could always be exceptions.
Just then, a sound was heard from down the hall. It was a distant echo, but Rainbow Dash immediately paused as soon as it registered. Scooter paused beside her, looking up at her idol in confusion before she too could hear some noises. It was getting closer, and immediately Rainbow assumed the worst. Fearing that it could be Twilight, she thought about running back the way they came, but the little filly might not be able to keep up.
Thinking quickly, she eyed a door right beside the pair, and opted to head inside it instead of face whatever might be coming down the hall. She opened it quickly, not caring what was on the other side, and immediately dashed through the doorway.
"Scooter, get in!" Rainbow said in a raised whisper as she grabbed onto the little pony and tugged her inside, closing the door immediately.
Scooter fell back against a soft pile of clothes, her miniature wings immediately fluttering outward. "Wee! What are we gonna do in the closet, Rainbow Dash?"
Rainbow Dash looked around, and noticed that it was indeed a closet they had walked inside of. She groaned again, but then went silent as she heard the sounds again. She ducked low, but held her ear up to the door as she used her hoof to signal the filly to keep quiet.
She listened close, and soon the noises were able to be made out a little better. Call her crazy, but she could have sworn they were... yes, voices! There were two of them at least, and they were already on the hall she was just on by the sound of it. As she listened harder, she began to recognize the tones and accents of the voices.
"But ah thought it woulda been fun!" a high pitched voice said with a southern drawl.
"Ah already told ya, 'tain't no reason y'all shoulda come out here," another voice said, sounding much more mature and with a similar southern drawl. "you'n yer friends are all in a lot'a trouble."
It didn't take her long to figure out who the voices belonged to, and after a large smile and a sweep of relief that rushed over her entire body, Rainbow Dash burst out of the closet to confront her friends.
"Hey, Appljeack!" she announced as she hovered in the middle of the hallway in front of her cowpony friend and her little sister.
"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack gasped. "There ya are!"
"Hey, is that Applejack?" Scooter asked as she poked her head out from the closet.
"Scooter-Dash!" Apple Attack cried with joy as she bolted towards her friend.
"Apple Attack!" Scooter-Dash did similar, with both pairs of friends meeting in tight hugs.
"Thank Celestia y'all are alright!" Applejack said as she held her friend. "I was startin'ta worry I would never find any'all!"
"Hey, you don't have to worry about me," Dash declared as she puffed out her chest. "I can take on any problem that comes my way!"
"Yeah, and she's super awesome and talented too!" Scooter added as her and Apple Attack finished their hug.
"Yup, ya got that right Scooter!" Dash agreed.
"Scooter?" Applejack asked as she pulled away from her friend, looking between her and the costumed filly.
"Yeah, she says her name is Scooter-Dash," Rainbow said.
"Uh, sugarcube, ya do realize that that's Applebloom and Scootaloo in them costumes, right?"
Dash blinked a few times, and then swerved her head left and right between the two fillies in disbelief. "Wait, you mean to say that..." She locked her eyes onto the winged filly, her eyes growing larger. "You're Scootaloo!?"
"Uh, hehe," Scootaloo smiled sheepishly as she tried to shrink her body a little bit. "Um, hi, Rainbow Dash?"
"Hey, what were you and Dash doin in the closet anyways, Scootaloo?" Applebloom asked.
"Oh, umm, hehehe, yeah..." Scootaloo's smile only got wider and more sheepish as she shrunk down further, the blush on her face almost glowing through the costume. This garnered both Applejack's and Rainbow Dash's attention, and the gears in their minds swiftly went to work. Applejack first gawked at Scootaloo in surprise, but then at Rainbow Dash as her eyes bulged wider.
"N-no! It's not what you think!" Dash pleaded as she backed up slightly. "We were just hiding the closet because we thought that it might have been Twilight coming down the hall, honest!"
Applejack understood what her pegasus friend was saying, but she couldn't pass up such a moment to get her own joke or two in. "Heheh, ya sure 'bout that? Ah always knew you'd be in the closet, Dashie, but I didn't expect y'all ta come out fer me." Applejack batted her eyelashes while giving her friend a seductive stare.
Applebloom merely laughed at this, while Scootaloo blushed even harder at the thought of Applejack and her idol... ya know... wink.
"Wha-! But, I don't, that, no I-er, I mean, UGH!" Rainbow Dash fell to the floor in defeat, groaning loudly just before Applejack collapsed onto the floor as well, laughing uncontrollably.
"Baaahahaha! Oh Rainbow, you should see the look on yer face!" Applejack said between fits of laughter as she noticed Dash's vibrant blush.
"Hehehe, wow, I've never seen Dashielook so... cute before," Scootaloo said, chuckling at Dash's display of embarrassment. Even Appleboom began laughing harder at the scene before her.
"Yeah yeah, go on, get it out," Dash grumbled as she slowly got up and began to canter down the hallway, stomping her hooves loudly as she went. "If ya need me, I'll be over here, getting one step closer to finding our way out.
"Hehe, ah wouldn't go that way if ah were you, Rainbow," Applejack called out as her giggled began to subside. "Me'n Applebloom just came from that way. It's nuthin but more hallways an dead ends."
Dash sighed and stopped walking before turning to back to face her friends. "Fine," she began as she reached to a door handle that was right beside her. "If the hallways won't work, then we're just gonna have to check each and every door as we go, including this one." With that, she opened op the door beside her, still staring at her friends. "So, are you coming or not?"
"Oh not yet, but I know I will be!" A voice suddenly called out, followed by a pair of lavender hooves reaching out of the doorway Rainbow Dash just opened and grabbing a hold of her.
"Huh!? What the-AH!"
"RAINBOW!" Applejack and the fillies cried as they watched her friend get taken through the doorway and having the door slam shut behind her.\
"No! C'mon, we gotta save'er!" Applejack sprinted for the door with the two fillies close behind her, reaching it in just a couple seconds and prying it open. She rushed through, quickly looking around to observe her surroundings.
The room behind the door was a library, and a very large one at that. Many bookshelves lined the very large, square room with a ceiling that went up three whole stories. Balconies lined the upper levels, each with large bookshelves of their own against the walls. Though they couldn't see exactly how far the library went, it seemed to stretch for a whole hoofball fried as Applejack peered down one of the isles.
"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack called out. "Where are ya!?"
"Applejack!" the farmer pony heard from somewhere off past the bookshelves. "Help! She's got me, Twilight's got meeee!"
"Hold on, Rainbow!" Applejack wasted no time in bolting through the seemingly endless rows of bookshelves, following Rainbow Dash's voice as she continued to cry out somewhere beyond the labyrinth of high-rise shelves. Scootaloo and Applebloom did their best to keep up while Applejack navigated the maze of literature, speeding as fast as possible in hopes of getting to the rainbow pegasus before Twilight got away with her and... didthings with her.
But she had her hopes rising, Dash's voice was getting louder, so either she was catching up, or they had stopped somewhere. What frightened her further, however, was that her friend's sounds weren't crying for help anymore, they were pleading for something to stop.
"Ah! N-no! Get, get off! Don't put that there! What are ya doin with-hey! That doesn't go that way! Where the hay did ya get that!? What are-yaah!"
"I'm comin, Rainbow!" Applejack moved as fast as her hooves could carry, pushing her body further and further as the sounds kept getting closer and closer. As she rounded another corner, she slid to a halt as she beheld the scene before her. Both fillies caught up as well, each of them stopping to stare in awe at the scene before them.
There was a sort of clearing in the maze of bookshelves, a perfectly square area organized with two desks and four chairs per desk on one side of the square, the same thing on the opposite side, a couch on either of the two remaining sides, and a square table in the center with a flower pot on it. The couches were made out of brown cloth while the desks were round, accompanied by thick wooden chairs that had cushioned seats. The table was simply square, however somewhat elegant as it sported some fine craftsmanship around the legs and the edges while the flower pot on top housed a large and varied assortment of flowers.
But those are just the boring details... the more important details involved Rainbow Dash, who was hogtied and laid on the floor in what looked like vines in-between the square desk and one of the couches. In fact, upon closer inspection Applejack came to realize that she was wearing an outfit, a rather familiar outfit that she could have swore she had seen before.
"Aha, you made it!" came a voice from behind the three, sounding surprisingly cheerful.
The three ponies that weren't tied up turned around to see Twilight Sparkle standing behind them, smiling happily at the group. Her horn was glowing, and beside her was a floating copy of "Daring Do and the Wonders of the Western Whirlwinds".
"T-twi..." Applejack began, slowly backing away from her recently insanity-struck friend. "Wha... what'chya got there?"
"Huh? Oh, this?" Twilight asked as she looked at the book. "Oh, it's just the latest Daring Do book of course. I know how much Rainbow Dash loves Daring Do, so I invited her to read it with me!"
"Then why the hay do ya got'er all tied up'n such?"
"I'm glad you asked that!" Twilight began to approach her farmer friend while the book opened up beside her.
She bypassed the fillies, hardly paying them any heed as the little ponies only stared on in shock and curiosity. After all, they had heard Twilight had become some sort of molester, and they really wanted to know what that was. Perhaps it could get them their cutie marks, or so they wondered. Cutie Mark Crusader Molesters, yay?
"You see, Applejack," Twilight continued as she purposefully back Applejack towards where Rainbow Dash was tied up on the floor. "While I was browsing this wonderful library a little while ago, I stumbled upon this here Daring Do book! And when that happened, I remembered how Rainbow Dash loved the books, and even became my own reading buddy." Applejack stepped back to the point where she was beside Rainbow Dash, and only then did she realize what Twilight was trying to do.
Her mind raced as she realized she had walked right into a trap. It was all a trap from the start... ever since Rainbow got captured, Twilight had the plan cooked up. And with the way her pegasus pal was dressed up, the only thought that came to mind was some...
"Oh lordy, oh no, ah can't do this, Twi! Ah can't!" Applejack cursed to herself as she turned away, knowing she was about to leave Rainbow Dash behind, but she had no other option. If she stayed, they would both fall victim to the lavender unicorn's plot. Not only that, but she couldn't handle another session of molestation, especially not after what Celestia made her do with her brother. Besides, she clung to the faint hope that perhaps Twilight would chase after her, giving her sister and Scootaloo time to rescue Rainbow Dash while Twilight was chasing after her.
...Well, it WAS a good hope, except she somehow spaced the fact that Twilight Sparkle is the third most powerful pony in the world and just created a force field that kept them three inside, and the two fillies outside. She was able to remember this however as her face met with said forcefield, causing her to stagger backwards a few steps.
"Oh don't worry," Twilight said as she waved her hoof nonchalantly. "This is actually something really similar that happens in the book. You see, Daring Do partners up with this country mare out in the Sandy Wind Desert, and actually get trapped inside of an underground temple."
"Dang it, stop doin this Twilight!" Applejack yelled as she turned around to face her friend. "You know me'n Rainbow Dash don't want any part'o this! Snap outta it!"
"Yeah, seriously!" Dash complained as she struggled against her binds. "This is totally not cool!"
"Oh you girls, hehehe," Twilight giggled as she shook her head. "That's almost exactly what Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy told me before I was able to help them."
"...what?" Applejack asked incredulously.
"Oh yes, you see, I already showed them both how wonderful it is to feel whole, to come to realize just how far our friendship can go, ya know?" Twilight floated the book in front of her face as the pages began to flip through for her to scan.
"What the buck Twilight!?" Dash yelled. "Why would you do that? ESPECIALLY to Fluttershy!?"
"Oh relax, Rainbow Dash... or should I say, 'Daring Do'," Twilight giggled as the book stopped flipping through the pages before her. "You see, they came to not only accept, but also agree and enjoy what I was providing to them! They saw, just as I do now, how important it is to reach perfect harmony."
"Uhh..." Dash's mind was spinning with confusion, unsure of what to say next. Was Twilight lying about all that? Surely she wouldn't, but it just seemed too far fetched to believe. She knew Applejack would ask the same thing, but for some reason the only thing that came out of her mouth following those thoughts was a question that wasn't quite the around the same topic... or so she thought. "...'Daring do'?"
Twilight smile only grew wider as she realized Dash was catching on. "Oh yes, you see, I got to thinking, what would be the best way to get you two into this whole perfect harmony thing? And then I remembered how you and me would always read Daring Do together, Dash. So, this time, I decided to try this again, only this time with a little more... live action."
Twilight's horn shined brighter with magic as an aura appeared around Applejack, tugging her closer to Rainbow Dash.
"Woah nelly!" Applejack protested as she tried to fight the magic, but to no avail.
"Wah- hay!" Rainbow Dash protested as a slight blush found its way onto her cheeks.
"You see, in the book, while Daring Do and the Country Cowgirl are trapped inside the desert dungeon, the book introduces a new theme that no other Daring Do book had ever touched upon before..." a sly smirk crawled its way onto Twilight's face as Applejack was forced to lay against Dash, their muzzles close together as they stared into each other's eyes. "...Romance."
Both mares immediately developed a large blush on their faces, finally coming to full realization as to what exactly Twilight had planned. Before either of them could protest, however, a string of thick vines magically formed around Applejack's body, tieing her up in a similar fashion to Rainbow Dash's, only this time giving her the ability to wiggle around more freely than her pegasus friend was able to.
"Ahem," Twilight cleared her throat as she scanned through the book's displayed pages real fast, finding the point for her to start off. "...The inside of the two adventurer's prison wasn't cool like the rest of the dungeon, a single glass pane at the top of the dome allowed the sun's rays to pour in, heating up the air around them. But this heat was nothing compared to what the two were feeling within their own bodies as their muzzles drew closer, with nowhere left to travel as the binds held them firmly pinned together."
Twilight's magic slid her two friends' bodies up against each other, their noses in full contact as the blushes got brighter. Though they both continued to struggle against their binds, all it did was wiggle their limbs and faces against each other.
"Twi, please, we're beggin ya," Applejack pleaded as she stared into the rainbow pegasus' eyes. "Don't be doin this, it ain't right!"
"I, I dunno..." Dash said suddenly as she stared into the cowpony's eyes. "I remember reading this story, and..." she bit her lip as she watched Applejack's eyes grow wider, knowing that the farmer pony knew what she was about to say. "...This part was really, really hot..."
Twilight didn't reply, she only grinned widely as she knew her victory was coming closer. "'I'm sorry I got us into this mess,' the Country Cowgirl said as she stared at the gray-maned pegasus' eyes. 'I'm a terrible adventurer, Daring Do.' 'It's okay, really,' Daring said as she leaned her face closer to the earth pony's, their hot breaths blowing against their faces. 'I had a lot of fun, and hay, if we're both stuck here like this...' Daring Do paused, thinking hard about her next words. The heat was starting to make her sweat, but she knew that the heat she was feeling wasn't just because of the room."
As Twilight read those words, Rainbow Dash felt herself drawing her face closer to Applejack's. Her eyelids slid down half way as their lips drew close, with the farmer pony unable to back away from her friend almost hypnotized state.
"Rainbow, please..." Applejack whispered as her heart pounded heavily in her chest, feeling as though it was about to burst. This wasn't Celestia forcing her and somepony she cared for to do something she didn't wanted, this was her two best friends doing something to her... and liking it. She knew Dash was against it too, at first, but for her to start to get into it as well made her question the entire outlook on the situation. If Rainbow Dash would give such a thing as this a chance... why couldn't she?
"Applejack..." Dash whispered as she closed her eyes further, their lips mere millimeters apart.
"Daring Do brought their faces together, their noses rubbing as she felt her lips involuntarily pucker. She could feel the heat of the room make her pores saturate her coat with sweat, but the epicenter of the fire that burned in the chamber began producing a different type of moisture. '...Maybe we could just make the best of it.'"
Rainbow Dash didn't wait for more of the book to be read, she knew what happened next. She lurched her face as forward as the vines would allow it, pushing her lips and Applejack's together tightly. A whimper escaped from the farmer pony's lips, but was muffled by Dash's own mouth against hers. A long, soft sigh escaped from the pegasus' throat she continued to gently mash their lips together. Applejack did not physically protest, she knew she was unable to do anything in her current state. She just laid there and took it while Twilight continued to watch them with her book at the ready.
Twilight skipped ahead a few lines, deciding to skip some "boring" details and get on with the more interesting parts. "The Country Cowgirl was hesitant at first, knowing full well that her family had taught her to go against such acts with another mare. But she was on an adventure after all, and adventures meant going to new places, meeting new ponies, and above all else, experiencing new things. Daring Do is an adventurer, so how could she call herself one if she didn't allow herself to give in to the same desires?"
Applejack could feel the pegasus wiggling her body against hers more, no longer fueled by panic or the desire to escape, but more by the lust for her friend and the need for more... adventure. A high pitched whine escaped from her throat as she felt Dash's tongue slip between her lips, her eyes bulging wide again in response. But as she looked into her friend's face, she saw those dark pink eyes staring back at her. But it wasn't a surprised look, or a lustful one, it was a loving, compassionate gaze, one that said all the words that Dash could not; that she was okay with this, and that she wanted Applejack to be okay with it too.
The apple mare managed to pull her head back enough to break from the kiss, but only to gasp out a short couple words as she let her eyes close again. "Oh, Rainbow..." it was a soft whisper, but it was all she needed to say before she leaned her head forward again, replanting the kiss and pushing her own tongue into the pegasus' mouth, wrestling them together as their bodies wiggled together further.
Twilight was about to continue further, but decided that there would be no further need to do so. Her horn shined brighter again, allowing her magic to slowly work on the vines tangling her two friends together. She knew they were feeling it, just as she knew Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had already felt it. The true effect of perfect harmony was working on her friends, and the best part is that they found it together... even if she did have to give them a pretty big push.
The vines slowly slipped off, but did not fade away. With their limbs free yet still meshed with the lengthy plant, Applejack and Rainbow Dash quickly slid their legs around each other, closing in with a tight embrace as their passionate kiss only got deeper and rougher. With two athletic mares working on each other, it was no surprise that they both began wrestling and fighting for domination, their bodies undulating faster and harder while they each gave out low, throaty moans. They began rolling around on the floor, their moans growing louder as the heat between their loins were able to come together at just the right angle, mashing their lower lips together just like their upper lips were.
Twilight watched as the scene played out before her, the book no longer floating in front of her, but set down on the square desk beside her. She sat back and let one of her hooves slide between her haunches, gently fiddling with her clit and tender pussy lips that burned for attention. But she knew that the heat she felt was nothing compared to that which her friends were feeling. As they mashed their bodies together harder and moaned even louder, she could feel the waves of higher temperature radiate through the air, adding to her own hotness and increasing dampness all around her body, especially around her loins.
"C-come on Darin' Do," Applejack suddenly whispered hotly after breaking away from the kiss, her body still gyrating forcefully with Dash's. "Show this Country Cowgirl how ya work yer adventures..."
Rainbow Dash didn't reply with her voice, but only with her moans which projected at full volume once her lips were free, allowing her to almost scream with the intense pleasure that wracked through her body. She pressed her forehead up to Applejack's, her eyes closed while moaning loud, each with hot, heavy breaths that blew against the other mare's face. She could feel the pressure building up inside of her, the intensity of the passion felt between the two accumulating into one overpowering force that sent waves of pleasure through her body.
Dash began to scream, her climax nearing as she felt Applejack use all her might, the two finally settling down on their sides still in the tightest embrace possible. The farmer mare's front hooves reached around and dug into the pegasus' flanks, forcing their burning lips together as tight as possible.
All Twilight could do was watch as both of her friends orgasmed in front of her at the same time, their juices spilling all over the carpet and each other while they let out simultaneous cries of pleasure. That last bit was just enough to send her over as well, a few final jerks with her hoof allowing her own, smaller climax to let loose, soaking the floor beneath her with her own fluids. She moaned out softly, not wanting to disturb her two friends too much, and allowed herself to ride out the orgasm she had until it finally dissipated.
With her breathing heavy and he coat nearly drenched in sweat, she watched as the flier and the farmer cuddled close together, neither saying a word as they delved into one more long, passionate kiss before cuddling close and gently drifting off to sleep. Twilight giggled gently, very much satisfied with her work, and so overjoyed to know that she had just helped two of her friends at once know the effects of perfect harmony.
"...H-hey... Scootaloo?"
"Y-yeah... Applebloom?"
"Um, ah dunno 'bout you, but this is making me feel all... funny an stuff inside..."
"Yeah, me too..."
"...Hey, Applebloom?"
"Yes, Scootaloo?"
"Are you liking this feeling like I am?"
"...Ah think ah am."
"T-that's what I thought..."
After a while Twilight turned around slowly, and then froze when she saw both of the fillies behind her in a tangled mess on the ground, making out furiously just like Applejack and Rainbow Dash were earlier. She stared wide-eyed at the two, a vibrant blush appearing on her face as she sat still for a minute, unable to think of the proper reaction for such a situation. She didn't know whether she should stop them, encourage them, or just leave them be all together.
She went with the third option as she gently released the force field she had put up earlier and fully dispelled the vines that were hanging loosely around Rainbow Dash and Applejack. With a sheepish smile and nervous chuckle, she quietly tiptoed away from the group of ponies, setting her mind towards the last objective on her list.
"Just where in this obnoxiously large house are you taking us?" Trixie asked as her, the dragon, and the strange pony who always wrote everything he had to say down continued to follow Prince Blueblood.
"First of all, it's a mansion, a very elegant and expensive mansion, but I wouldn't expect such a peasant commoner to understand that," the prince scoffed while Trixie barely managed to withhold her anger for the time being. "But if you must know, we are heading to a special room near the back end of my mansion."
"What kinda special room?" Spike asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well... this one, actually," Blueblood said as he opened up a door the group had just come upon, revealing a large, circular room.
The room had three doors, each one equally spaced from each other and each looking completely identical. The room was tall and cylindrical, reach two stories high. In the center was a large arcane circle, details with many symbols and encryptions, most of which even Trixie had never seen before. At the very center was a small, neatly cut crystal that was shaped like an egg. The crystal was a toxic green and radiated a very faint, yet noticeable glow. Blueblood slowly circled to the opposite side of the arcane circle, his expression suddenly turning serious as he stood in one open area that was only present on his side of the large, magical drawing.
"Now, everypony step back, I am going to begin the process."
Scribble scribble, "process for what? What exactly are you doing?"
"The Great and Powerful Trixie does not like being left in the dark, and also demands to know what the selfish prince is up to!"
Blueblood stayed oddly calm as he channeled magic through his horns, the symbols on the ground beginning to shine with a green aura similar to that of the crystal in the center. It was at that point that everypony in the room noticed the twinkling in the prince's eyes reappear, only stronger than ever.
"The only way to stop the princesses now is with the help of a creature from the outside, the only type of creature that can sap the energy from the princesses, and the only one creature of its kind that has the necessary power to do so."
"A creature...?" Spike asked aloud as he watched the crystal become engulfed in a whirlwind if sickly green magic, the strong energy creating a vortex just above the crystal itself.
"What the princesses are feeling are the direct effects of the third part of their body's composition, their souls. Their souls force them to feel the powers of emotion, desire, and above all else... love."
"But, Trixie still does not understand! What could possibly take something that derives from the soul from a pony!?"
Spike couldn't believe his ears, and the shock of his realization made him unable to act. He knew exactly what kind of creature could do such a thing, and exactly what one creature could do it. It happened before, and it seemed like it was about to try to happen again. But did it need to? Was the path he was about to take really worth saving the princesses? Everything is risky, it's all so risky bringing her into this... but any protests he had then became null and void as he watched a black figure form inside the vortex, its shape quickly becoming defined as he realized the spell was none other than a summoning spell.
And the creature being summoned, was Queen Chrysalis.