![]() Author has written 23 stories for Danny Phantom. Intro Hey, welcome to my profile! The only name you need to bother knowing me by is wfea. I've had this name for a long time, even on YouTube, and I have tons of places online where I'm known as some from of the name wfea. But what does it mean? I originally came up with it because I used to watch W.I.T.C.H.. However, I'm a huge Avatar: The Last Aibender fan, so the same principle applies. Water Fire Earth Air Therefore, wfea. It's pronounced by letter, not by sound. [Double-u, eff, ee, ay] not [wufeuh]. About Me I love Jesus. I like TobyMac and Hunter Hayes. I like Doctor Who and Harry Potter. I like BlimeyCow. I hate simple sentences. College girl. Highly sarcastic. Professional procrastinator. Writer. Singer. Sort of. Review policy: if you review a story of mine that's active (posted/finished within the past year) and your review is thought provoking in some form, I will personally write you a response. My personal rule: I don't post a story until I've finished it. Professional procrastinator, remember? Links My YouTube Channel: wfea11 My Blog: The Musings of wfea MY SHOWS Danny Phantom: General Thoughts: Danny Phantom fan-fics are better than the actual show, which has lost much of its luster in my opinion. I guess I could blame age... Vlad should always be single, unless the relationship brings him personal gain. Fan-fics: What I Read: Well-written stories with good plots. Sometimes I sacrifice one for the other, but come on, don't we all? I don't really thrive on the whole romance thing or action thing though, so any story is fair game, but I don't read slash or lemons. What I Write: I hope to bring to you a well-written, nicely plotted story. My later stories are more crafted the way I'd like them to be. Sometimes I wish that I hadn't written some of my earlier fics, but I refuse to take them down because what if there's one person out there who just loves it and comes back to read it often? Possible Upcoming Fan-fics: Last Call Sequel: Ever since the warm and fuzzies were spread around by everyone’s last calls, things have been going spectacularly…right? Maybe not. Can Danny, Sam, and Valerie really be friends again? Is Dash going to continue to put up with Paulina’s narcissistic behavior? Dani’s got her own agenda, which includes stalking a certain mysterious teacher. And has the time come for Valerie to reveal her secret identity? Gals in White: Sequel to Amity Park Star. It's been five months since Vlad tried to kill Jazz; Jazz and Danny are still learning more about each other every day. But trouble arises. Danny is having difficulty adjusting to life in the real world and he won't talk to anyone about it; meanwhile, the group decides to break into the Gals in White headquarters. While there, they learn the horrible truth behind its true reason for existence and they must face the tragedy of betrayal. No Title: Side-story for Amity Park Star. (This story is not necessary to understand Gals in White.) There's only one more Point to get home. Due to unusual circumstances, Danny ends up having to fly her home. While there, he has to free her city from a ghost take over. No Title: Side-story for Amity Park Star. (This story is not necessary to understand Gals in White.) Danny and Jazz aren't the only people that played an important part of Amity Park Star. What was going on with Johnny before, during, and after this story? In Progress: APS Extra Scenes Completed Fan-fics: Stories: Amity Park Star Is it True? Last Call Reliving the Past Girl in the Pale Blue Dress Saving Danielle: My Story One-shots: Bones, Cody, and Hershey Dear Danny How He Lived Because She Died It's Not a Bad Thing Just Like Paradise Lancer's Christmas Mind of the Mentor Square Crackers Don't Exist Talking With Strangers TechnoGeek Turned Jock The Fenton Anti-Ghost Cell Phone The Mistletoe Maze Songfics: Love Story The Night Before Life Goes On Drabbles: Chocohoilc The Game Stories in the Amity Park Star Universe: Amity Park Star (Completed) Gals in White (Up-coming) ???????????? (Long term up-coming but planned out) APS Extra Scenes (in progress) At least two more side-stories...possibly. (Up-coming) Avatar: The Last Airbender (Pairings include the nice little name most people refer to them as. I put that in for all the newbies out there. Would'a helped me a lot.) Pairings I Like: ZukoxKatara (Zutara), SokkaxSuki (George/Sukka) Pairings I Dislike (But Usually Tolerate): AangxKatara (Kataang), ZukoxMai (Maiko) Parings I Just Really Hate: AangxToph (Taang), SokkaxToph (Tokka), JetxKatara (Jetara), SokkaxTy Lee (Ty Lokka) My General Thoughts: The show is perfectly capable of holding it's own. I don't read Avatar FanFiction. There is Zutara evidence in the show. Really. Honestly, not really that much, but please just let us dream. There is Kataang evidence in the show, not as much as I thought there was at first, but sadly, it's there. Just because a girl helps a guy put on his new high fashion Fire Lord get-up does NOT mean that the previous dumping the girl took didn't happen. It did. And the girl shouldn't brainwash the guy into to thinking it didn't. And the girl shouldn't tell him not to dump her again. That would be redundant because he never asked the girl back out. Azula shoud never be paired with anyone. To do so would be rendering her OOC. Everyone did watch Season Three Episode The Beach, right? Azula is crazy. Point blank. The Boiling Rock pushed her over the edge and the line "I'm about to celebrate becoming an only child!" clues us into the fact that there is no longer any hope for her. Fan-Fics: I don't read or write them. Videos: Click here for my YouTube channel. Please do not use curse words when reviewing my stories. Thanks! |