Effects of Phantom Planet active. Plundge into the story of Danny and Sam's kids. Hope you like it! Slightly predictable.

Abigail "Abby" Fenton/Phantom and her twin brother, Jake, couldn't be more different. The only thing that they seemed to have in common was their birthday and parents, Danny and Sam Fenton. Abby had her Mom's figure, but everything else was from her Dad. She dressed similarly to her Dad, had blue eyes and black hair (which she wore long) like her Dad, ate like her Dad, liked space like her Dad, and on top of it all, was half-ghost. (Her Dad, Danny Phantom, was still the hero of Amity Park and battled the stronger ghosts, she battled the weaker ones, she was still in training). Yep, just like her Dad. Jake, on the other hand, had the figure of his Dad, but was a personality clone of his Mom. He had his Mom's violet eyes and black hair (which he wore in spikes), along with her Gothic style and vegetarianism, although he didn't take it as far as his Mom. Most of all; he was human. Abby and Jake led completely different lives too. Abby was popular, no doubt due to her being the daughter of Danny Phantom and destined to be Amity Park's next hero. She was always surrounded by the popular kids. Jake wasn't popular and didn't really plan on becoming popular (at least he wasn't bullied because of his Dad, that's about the only benefit he got). He enjoyed the company of his two best friends, Matthew "Matt" Foley and Victoria "Tori" Grey.

Matt was the son of Jake's Dad's best friend, Tucker Foley. His Mom was a woman named Emma who apparently went to Casper High as well. Matt wasn't as tech-obsessed as his Dad, but he was still really good with technology. He had his Mom's grass green eyes hidden behind round glasses. He sported a layered shirt with white sleeves and a dark green tee that had a simple dark blue stripe across it. He wore dark blue jeans and green sneakers. His black hair was worn long, for a boy anyway. His bangs stopped a few inches above his eyebrows while the back covered the tops of his ears and stopped half way down his neck. He also wore a silver hoop ear ring. His look complemented his dark complexion fairly well.

Tori was slightly hard-core. Her Mom was Valerie Grey and her Dad left when she was a baby. Her Mom kept her maiden name, which was Tori's last name. Tori's full name was Victoria, but it was way too girly for her taste so she shortened it to Tori, you call her Victoria; she'll break your neck. Tori was tom-boyish. She had a dark complexion along with short, curly, black hair, not boy short; it covered her ears completely and fell a little further than half way down her neck. Her eyes were a light brown. She wore a red top with black rimmed sleeves and V-neck collar. Her black jeans were baggy and held up by silver, metallic belt that hung loosely. She also wore a black armband on her right arm and red shoes that were partially covered by her long jeans.

Today was just like any other day. Normal. Although the description of "normal" can vary a lot, especially if you live in Amity Park, the most haunted town in the country. Abby was hangin' with the popular kids as usual until a blue mist escaped her mouth, warning her that it was time to kick ghost butt. Jake watched with his friends, Matt and Tori, as his twin sister said something to the crowd of people surrounding her and transformed into Abby Phantom. Blue-white rings appeared and simulated her Dad's transformation. After the rings of light disappeared, they left behind Abby in her ghost form. She now sported a black jumpsuit with silver boots, belt, and gloves. Her suit had a part in the middle that revealed her stomach. On her chest, the letters "A" and "P" were branded in a stylish design. Her hair was now snow white, her eyes glowing a fierce green, and her skin slightly tanner and shimmering with a white aura.

Jake turned to his friends as his sister flew off.

"So," he started unenthusiastically, "what do you guys want to do this weekend?"

"Don't know. There aren't many choices," Matt replied.

"Sorry guys, but I'm booked. My Mom is going to start my ghost-hunter training," Tori stated. Tori's Mom was a ghost hunter and Tori was mildly fascinated by the art. The only ghosts that her Mom spared were the Phantoms and ones that Danny told her were good. Valerie didn't ghost hunt often anymore, but still decided to teach Tori how to in case the need ever came.

"Fine, but you'll miss all of the fun we're gonna have lying around and staring at the ceiling," Jake joked sarcastically.

"I think I can survive the heartbreak," she retorted playfully.

Jake noticed his sister returning to the group.

"Stop staring, Jake. We know that look; you're wishing that you could be like your Dad and sister again," Matt recognized.

"Sorry, but I can't help but be a little jealous. Do you guys have any idea what it's like to be human in a family of half-ghosts?" he questioned irritably.

"Your Mom isn't half-ghost," Tori stated.

"Besides, Abby may have the ghost powers, but you have the brains. Your grades are way better than hers," Matt said in an attempt to cheer Jake up, but to no avail.

"Yeah, but…never mind. I guess I might as well forget about it and focus on the boring weekend ahead," Jake said, slightly dejected.

When Jake arrived home that day, he found a note on the table.

Dear Jake,

Abby and I are out training and won't be back for a while. Your Mom is working late today and probably won't be home until tonight.


Dad and Abby

Jake sighed and put the note back down while slouching into the living room couch.

"Why couldn't I be like them? Why do I have to be completely human? It's just not fair," he said jealously to himself. "The only way I could ever be half-ghost is if I…wait, that's it!" he exclaimed at his idea.

Jake dashed down to the lab his parents had. It was messy and contained a plethora of junk and old ghost weapons his grandparents had designed. In the back of the room, a glowing green octagon shaped gateway rested; the ghost portal. He ran over to the controls and shut it down.

"Since I can't get ghost powers the way Abby did," he said to himself as he pulled on a jumpsuit similar to the one Danny had when he first entered the portal, "then I'll have to get them they way my Dad did, by going into the portal and turning it on."

This was it. His jealousy finally drove him insane enough to do something so radical. He cautiously stepped inside the shut down portal. He carefully searched the walls.

"Now where is that 'on' switch?" he asked himself. "Aha!" he exclaimed as his eyes fell on the green button. "Here goes nothing." He slowly reached out his hand to press the button. He was suddenly hit with a wave of nervousness, but it was too late now, his finger had finally reached it. A bright light consumed him and pain echoed through every molecule in his body. When it ended at last, he heaved his limp body out of the now functional ghost portal.

"Did it work?" he questioned curiously as he summoned up enough strength to run over to the mirror at the other end of the lab. What he saw wasn't what he expected…or wanted.

Ha ha! Revenge of the cliffy!

I'll have part 2 up soon. Tonight if I feel like it. I may decide to torture you all with the suspence just a little longer. Muahahahaha! (Dark Danny, Control Freak Danny, and Vlad got to me).