I'd like to say thanks for the following:
Before anything else, I'd like to say thanks for the following people:
One, those who placed this fic in their favorite list:
Baby Sis Corey, Blossem, CC09, Emachinescat, Goth Jedi, Hoshi Light, KiraYamato1, Lightfoot, LittleMissPriss, Mayhem678. Raye Sun, Writer-Goddess22, gemstone11, oxymoronique, red dragon9989, wfea, and x.xLove.Like.Winterx.x
Two, those who placed this fic in their story alert list:
AM Gonzalas, Angelhalo101, Aqua Princess of Avalone, Baby Sis Corey, BirdsofPrey9832, Fangirl44, Fletty, Hpfreak94, JC-Puzzler, KiraYamato1, LittleMissPriss, Mayhem678, Raye Sun, Sober Flames, Squirt the Oddball, SukiLei, Swizzlet-Schiz, atlzfynestdyme1, days-of-elijah, katana284, andred dragon9989
And three, those who reviewed my fic (both signed and anonymous):
??, A. Nonymous, ADJLFan4Ever, ADJLFanatic, Aim, AM Gonzalas, star theif, AmynessRENTheadLadyx2, Amy, Angelgirl963, Angelhalo101, Baby Sis Corey, babybluemoonlight, Bekz, Bill Everyman, Brix, Cali, CardcaptorKatara, Catmedium, CelloSolo2007, coolgirlc, EviLAngeLOfDarkness, Fangirl44, firebenderchaseyoung, Fletty, Goth Jedi, horseluver101, Hpfreak94, I LOVE ANAKIN SKYWALKER!!, Jennifer, Jesus.Freak.in.Diverse.City, katana284, KenshinOro730, Kid Eternity, KiraYamato1, LaDy dRaGoN, Lavenderpaw, LittleMissPriss, Lizziepercush, Marcie Gore, Mayhem678, me-e-o, Michelle, Mizuki hikari, oxymoronique, Queen B of Randomness 016, Raye Sun, Reiya-chan, Riverfox237, sailormama, shadowdragon250, Sifu-KataraRos, eSilvar, Squirt the Oddball, Swizzlet-Schiz, tand t, Tevagirl 16, The-ADJL-DP-Freakazoid, Total Moliver-Bekzi, tudediva, Wanderer of Darkness, wfea, x.xLove.Like.Winterx.x, YFWE, gethsemane342, anon, drummingalltheway
THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE! You helped me make this fic a success! ;D