In the spirit of Halloween, I present to you just a little something I wrote in my free time. It's written before PP. Caution: Do not read if you don't want people to hear you laughing insanely.
Disclaimer: If I owned Danny Phantom, there would be no Mayor Tucker.
It was Halloween, a night of scaring and begging people for candy. Danny, Sam, and Tucker had given up trick or treating (although, I don't see why, hello, free candy!) The three decided to have a horror movie night instead. They sat on the couch, just as one of the movies finished.
"So guys, what movie next?" Sam questioned.
"I don't know. I think we've watched just about every good horror movie there is." Tucker replied.
"We need to find something else to do." Sam stated. "I've got it! How about we go check out that house that's supposed to be haunted. And if it is, Danny can save us." Sam suggested.
"Thanks for volunteering me." Danny remarked sarcastically. "Although, it's a whole lot better than sitting here."
"Then let's go already!" Tucker urged.
Danny sighed and went ghost. He picked up his two friends. He flew himself and his friends to the "haunted" house. Danny landed in front of the house. Making sure that no one was watching, he changed back.
"Come on, let's go inside!" Sam pressed, opening the door and almost running inside.
Tucker and Danny ran after her. They carefully pushed open the old door. Sam was nowhere in sight.
"Sam? Sam?!" Danny called.
The boys didn't know what was coming until it was too late. Sam jumped out from behind them and tackled them. The two boys screamed. The Goth girl started laughing hysterically.
"You should have seen your faces!" She commented, still giggling.
"Ha, ha, very funny." Danny commented.
"So, is this place haunted or not?" Tucker questioned.
"No. My ghost sense isn't going off." Danny replied.
"Then how about we make it haunted." Sam suggested.
"What do you mean?" Danny questioned.
"What if Danny Phantom decided to do a little Halloween scaring?" Sam hinted.
"I don't know…" Danny replied uncertainly.
"Oh, come on, dude! It would be a riot!" Tucker pushed.
"Alright." Danny agreed.
Footsteps sounded from outside.
"Quick, Danny." Sam urged.
Danny quickly transformed and turned himself invisible. Sam and Tucker ducked behind some dusty, old furniture.
"You go first." A Latina female's voice challenged.
"Fine by me. I, Dash Baxter, am not scared of anything." The male voice replied boldly.
"Then go dude." Another male voice pushed.
The wooden door swung open to reveal four teens; Paulina, Dash, Kwan, and Star. Danny had to resist the urge to laugh; this was going to be good.
"See, there's nothing in here." Dash stated.
Danny summoned his ice powers and the temperature dropped a good ten degrees. The popular kids began to shiver.
"Is it me, or did it just get colder in here?" Star questioned, shaking in the cold.
"You guys are just imagining things." Dash denied.
Danny decided to go for his next stunt. He silently flew over to the door and slammed it shut. The frightened teens jumped and whipped around.
"Ah, this place is haunted!" Kwan shouted.
"No, it was probably just the wind." Dash insisted.
"Just the wind, was it?" Danny muttered to himself. "Well let's see what they say about this."
Danny flew up the stairs and started pacing around on the floor. The footsteps echoed loudly downstairs.
The four screamed.
"Let's get out of here!" Paulina suggested fearfully.
"No. For the last time, this place is not haunted!" Dash told them with an impression of bravery, although he was scared too.
"Great, Dash is going to be stubborn. Now what could I…perfect." Danny said thoughtfully as he devised a plan.
Danny grabbed a bed sheet off of an old bed and pulled it over his head. He floated down the stairs.
"OoOoOoh." He moaned empathetically.
The group members' faces turned pale.
"I-It's probably on a string or something." Dash stammered. "Some stupid prank."
To prove him wrong, Danny flew in a few complicated patterns. Now, all four of the teens were scared stiff.
"It is haunted! Run!" Dash screamed.
The group made for the door and pulled, only to find that it was locked.
"It's locked!" Star screamed.
Danny flew around the group, moaning and groaning.
"Ghost Boy, where ever you are, HELP!" Paulina screamed.
"Oh, this is good." Sam whispered to herself behind the couch. She was recording it on video camera.
Danny decided that he scared them enough. He disappeared for a moment, with the sheet, phased his hand through the door, and unlocked it. The door creaked open. The terrified teens rushed out through the door screaming bloody murder. As soon as they were gone, Danny shut the door and broke into a laughing fit.
"Told you that it would be fun." Sam laughed, standing from behind the couch. "And the best part is; we have it all on camera."
"Yeah! Looks like we'll have something to watch when we go back to Sam's." Tucker added, suppressing laughs and failing miserably.
"Shhh! I hear someone coming!" Sam warned, pulling Tucker back behind the couch.
After the whole group was hidden, the wooden door slowly creaked open again.
"I don't know about this. Didn't you just see Dash run out of here?" Mikey asked.
"Oh, come on." Another nerd dared. "If you do this, I'll give you that card."
"Fine." Mikey agreed.
The two nerds stepped further into the house. Danny didn't know if he really should scare them. After all, Dash and the rest of the populars deserved it, but they didn't do anything. Although, this was about scaring for the fun of it…and blackmail. In the end, Danny just decided to go easy on them.
"Man, this place is creepy." Mikey observed.
"There's nothing here but old furniture." The other one stated in disappointment.
Okay, now that one wanted to be scared. That was different. Danny let a soft green glow emit from his hand, bathing the room in the eerie light.
"W-What's that?!" The second nerd, who I shall now refer to as Joey, stammered.
"I-I don't know." Mikey answered.
Both were trembling. To add to the effect, Danny increased the glow by more and caused an icy breeze to rustle throughout the room.
"Let's get out of here!" Joey screamed, running out the door, Mikey hot on his heels.
"You know, they really didn't deserve that." Danny stated once they were gone.
"Hey, they wanted a haunted house and a haunted house they got." Sam replied.
Danny rolled his eyes. "Are we done then?"
"Let's just wait a little longer. Maybe someone else will show up." Tucker insisted.
Before Danny could reply, footsteps banged up the porch stairs. Next victim.
And victim number three will be...yeah, like I'm going to tell you.