A/N: Okay. My friend, Jacky, wrote this poem at the age of 11. She's 14 now. She thinks it sucks, but I borrowed it and typed it up before she could throw it away. I asked her if it was okay for me to put it on here, and she said yes. YAY! So….. I decided that it was REALLY good (being the awesome critic that I am), but if she changed just a FEW things, it would go from good to great. I told her that I'd post the original, then fix it up and post the, ehm… Refurbished version. So… I want you to review and tell me if I am TOTALLY right like I usually am.
J M - J M - J M - J M - J M - J M - J M - J M - J M - J M - J M - J M - J M - J M - J M
He died on the cross
For our sins, it's true.
That's how much he loved
the world, me, and you.
He hung on the cross,
tears ran down his face.
That's why we're here,
because of His loving grace.
They pierced his hands and his feet,
they tore a hole in his side.
He said, "It is finished,"
and that's when he died.
Up went the ladder,
down came the Son.
He died for us,
He saved everyone
Some choose not to accept
the gift given by pain.
But the world's loss
was heaven's gain.
They put Him in a tomb;
they sealed the door.
The man who died,
that's who I live for.
He rose again,
on the third day.
Alive and well,
that's what some say.
He'll come again,
the hour is unknown.
He'll separate our spirit
from our flesh and our bone.
Until He comes,
here I await.
Ready to be
at Heaven's gate.