Looky! I finally decided to writ a new fic! Actually, I've had this idea for almost a year but was too busy with everything else to write it. The idea is pretty common, but I've tried to spice it up a bit. Tell me what you think.

Disclaimer: If I owned Danny Phantom, I wouldn't be on here, would I?


"All, right, campers!" Tetslaff boomed early one morning.

All of the kids at Camp Eerie had bags under their eyes and were slumping while yawning tiredly. Tetslaff was holding a big meeting out front. Although, most of the campers were wondering why on Earth she couldn't have held it in the afternoon when they were awake.

"As you know," she continued loudly, "In two days, we will be holding the big hike and camp-out. Now, I expect you all to be prepared. That means clothes, sleeping bags, tents, food. Got it?"

Everyone nodded tiredly.

"I said; got it?!" she barked, startling everyone into nodding their heads more energetically.


"Aw, man. What a drag," Danny complained. "I'm still tired from taking care of our latest Walker incident. A camp-out is not what I need."

"Not to mention the hike," Tucker added, looking just as unenthusiastic.

"You guys are such wimps," Sam scoffed, taking a faster stride in front of her friends and towards the cabins. Danny and Tucker had to run to catch up with her.

As they ran off, a figure in a cloak reported under her breath, "I see him. Should I go now?"

A voice on the other end replied, "Wait until no one else besides his two friends is around him. Then you may go."


Later that night, Danny and Tucker were peering out their cabin door. It was dark out and none of the cabins had any lights on.

"Dash and Kwan still asleep?" Danny whispered to his friend.

Tucker glanced back and then nodded.

"Good. C'mon, Tuck. Let's go before someone catches us."

In near silence, the boys crept out and away from their cabin. They made a point of sticking to the shadows and avoiding talking. Waking up the others would get them in some serious trouble. The beam of Tucker's flashlight was only dimly lighting their path and both had stumbled at some point. They could have just flown, but Danny thought that it would be too risky for various reasons. Finally, the two reached a clearing. Sam was waiting for them.

"Well, it's about time," she snapped playfully.

"Sorry," Danny apologized, "we had to wait for everyone to fall asleep."

"Uh-huh," she said with a nod and smirk. "Now can you tell us what's up?"

"And why you dragged us out here at midnight. Sam might be nocturnal, but I need my sleep," Tucker butted in.

"I had to wait until we were alone. Something weird is happening," Danny started to explain.

"Ghostly weird?" Sam prodded.

"Yeah," the half-ghost replied. "My ghost sense has been going off all day. I think another portal opened up."

"And we have to go look for it?" the techno-geek whined.

"What are we supposed to do? Just wait until they come and attack?" Danny exclaimed. "Having ghosts run around during the hike would be a total disaster."

"Danny's right," Sam agreed. "After what just happened, I think the whole class would suffer from trauma if…"

She was cut off by Danny's ghost sense. He glanced at his friends as they immediately put on the wrist rays Danny had asked them to bring. Danny wasted no time in changing into his alter ego; Danny Phantom. There was a rustling sound and the leaves of the foliage in front of them moved a little. Danny adopted a battle stance as Sam and Tucker charged up their wrist rays and aimed them at the bushes.

"Alright, come out, whoever you are," Danny demanded.

There was more stirring and a figure in a purple cloak emerged from the forest. The cloak covered the ghost's entire body and the hood was pulled up, leaving its face devoured by shadow. Two bright red eyes shone through the darkness, though, indicating where the ghost's eyes were. Two green hands poked out of the long sleeves and reached for the hood. Swiftly, the being pulled the hood down to reveal a green-skinned young woman with pale blond hair that had been tied back and decorated with a faded blue headband.

The three teens gasped in surprise and recognition. Together, they chorused her name.



And so ends the first, incredibly short chapter. Sorry, but that was just a good place to stop. I know there's not much to say right now, so I'm not going to say "please review!" I'll save that for the next chapter.