Last part of FoN.
Down below, Abby was just returning from one of the trips down the mountain. The only people left were Eric, D.J., Chris, and Jake. She landed in the trench and stared up at the fight. It was getting rough again. Eric came over to her, noticing the longing look on her face.
"Abby, what's wrong?"
She sighed, her vibrant green eyes looking into his turquoise ones. She mumbled, "I just don't like not being in control. I mean; the most I can do right now is help everyone get down. I want to help fight."
"Then go," Eric said, using the soft smile that made him so popular. "We'll be fine."
She paused, arguing with herself. Her decision was made once she saw her father being blasted into the ground. She looked back at her long-time friend. "Thanks."
The blonde boy watched her fly off. D.J. interrupted him.
"You just can't say 'no,' can you?" he asked. Giving Eric a tired look, he said, "If we die, I blame you."
From his spot, Jake also seemed to notice that some extra help may be needed. The fight was intense and every time Undergrowth was frozen, Vortex would melt the ice. That gave Jake an idea. He looked to Chris beside him and stepped away. "Stay with Eric and D.J."
"What are you going to do?" she wondered, worried about the look he had in his eye.
"Try a little trick of my own."
Jake jumped out of the ditch and ran off. Using invisibility, he snuck behind the fight, right at Undergrowth's base. Regaining visibility, he scanned the sky for Abby. There! He waved, making sure he would not be seen by the two large nature ghosts. Abby's eyes went wide at seeing her brother in such a dangerous position. She appeared by his side in less than three seconds.
"What's going on?" she demanded.
"You need to tell Dad to freeze Vortex in about twenty seconds."
"I have a plan."
For the second time that day, she complied to orders without arguing. She knew by now that Jake's "plans" had a tendency to work well. Sometimes, she wondered if she should be afraid he was so good at coming up with such things. For now, she'd just go along with it and hope he knew what he was doing.
Abby soon reached her father and joined his side. Without attracting too much attention to herself, she said, "Dad, Jake has a plan. In about twenty seconds, you have to freeze Vortex."
Danny frowned, furrowing his brow, but nodded. It was a strange message, but it was worth a shot. He started the countdown under his breath. "20, 19, 18…"
Seeing that the message was delivered, Jake put his hand by one of Undergrowth's large roots. "Generally, I'm against hurting nature, but I'll make an exception for this." He drew fire to his hand, hissing when it stung him. "Ow," he muttered, but kept it up nonetheless. Soon enough, the fire spread. He pulled his hand away and ran. The flames were now licking up Undergrowth's base, causing the ghost to finally notice them.
"Vortex!" he shouted. "Do something!"
Grudgingly, Vortex made it rain harder in an attempt to extinguish the hungry flames.
Right when Danny said, "3…2…1!"
Vortex was instantly chilled by a frosty blast. The rain he'd been making transformed into snow and hail. The ice fell onto Undergrowth and he began to freeze over.
Those were the last words from the ghost before Danny sucked him into the Fenton Thermos. The older Phantom smiled at his son and gave him a thumbs up. With new determination, he and Abby throttled Vortex. Jake beamed and rushed back to the waiting group.
"If you weren't so smart," Chris commented, "I'd call you an idiot for doing something so reckless."
"'Reckless' is synonymous to 'Fenton'," he informed jokingly.
A howl broke off their reunion as Vortex was pulled into the Fenton Thermos to join his partner in crime. Capping the lid, the two Phantoms landed next to the group.
"Is everyone alright?" Danny questioned.
"Good here," D.J. confirmed, Eric nodding in agreement.
"We're fine, too," Jake told him.
"Good, now-" The ringing of Danny's cell phone cut him off. The caller I.D. read "Sam." He picked it up. "Hi, Sam."
"Danny!" she greeted with abnormal enthusiasm. "You'll never believe it. They were so impressed with my application, they practically guaranteed me a position!"
"That's great!" Danny exclaimed.
"Uh-huh," she said. "I'll be home in…Danny, why does the town look like it was replaced with a jungle?"
He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Um, well, you see…I'll explain when I get back."
"From where?"
"What? Sorry…I-I think I'm breaking up. Bye!"
Danny slammed the phone shut, stowing it away. Abby laughed at her father's antics.
"Smooth," she teased.
He grinned impishly, showing that he had not lost all of his teenage self. He turned to the rest of the kids. "C'mon, we'll give you a lift back to camp."
"So, you're leaving now?" Chris asked a few days later. It was still dark out, too early for even the sun to be awake. Jake was standing in front of her, bag slung over his shoulder.
"Yeah, my time's up," he told her. "But I'll see you when you come back in two weeks, right?"
"Definitely," she promised. "Thanks for coming, Jake."
"Hey, I said I would, didn't I?"
"Still," she said, "I'm glad you did."
"It was…fun. You know, if you don't count that whole mess with Vortex and Undergrowth."
They both laughed lightly at the memory. However, time was running out and Jake wanted to leave before dawn. He kept smiling until the black rings washed over his face, concealing it beneath the black bandana. His feet lifted off the ground and he waved. "Bye, Chris!"
"Have a nice flight home."
He was gone in a matter of minutes, blending into the pre-dawn sky. She smiled and leaned against a tree. "Two weeks."
Yes, I know, the chapters were all pretty darn short. Working on it.
Just got back from vacation. It was...interesting. We played mini-golf. In the rain. It was pouring, so the whole coarse was under two inches of water. Oh, and it was night time. So, it was like Extreme Mini-Golf. Then we went white-water rafting, but we hit a rock and I got flung out. In slow motion. It was actually kind of fun.
And now I'm back and dead tired because I got four hours of sleep Thursday night and about two on the thirteen-hour car ride back. We left yesterday. I just got home today at six am. So, like, four hours ago. That's six hours of sleep over a forty-eight hour span. You people should wonder how I'm still sane.
I'm gonna shut up now, 'kay?