![]() Author has written 14 stories for Harry Potter. Greetings fellow HP fan fiction lovers, you may call me A. No, not in the PLL sense, merely in the sense that that is the first letter of my first name. Basic introductions out of the way, welcome to my profile, welcome to my stories. Bellamione is my OTP. Bellatrix/Hermione. I don't care how unrealistic or nonsensical some people might think this ship is, to me it just...works. They're both extremely intelligent, passionate, and loyal. They are polar opposites (understatement of the century u_u ) but they manage to compliment each other, they balance each other out. And that is the beauty of fanfiction, isn't it? Creativity...imagination...and yes the wickedest Death Eater and the famed Golden Girl falling head over heels in L-O-V-E. Forbidden fruit is always most sweet, yes? AU IS MY FAVORITE GENRE...after Romance of course. So most of my stories (all of we're being technical since Bellamione is far from canon) will be AU. But if you still aren't down with it for whatever reason, or just prefer to keep things canon, that's cool too! Don't like, don't read ;) Since starting my stories I am both humbled and delighted by the support I've received. It means so much to me you guys and just motivates me to keep writing and letting my muse soar. To all of my readers, reviewers, followers, and those who have favorited, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I do NOT include any of the following in my stories (sorry): - Dubcon (either its consensual or its not) - Stockholm Syndrome ( I'm too much of helpless romantic to pull this off *) - post GoF Bellamort (sorry no romance for them once his nose falls off ;) ) - Ron/Hermione smut (*dies* so sorry but I just cannot u_u) - Underage!Hermione Bellamione smut (she'll always be at least 17 unless its an alternate timeline and both she and Bella are underage) Also I don't write crazy!Bella. Bellatrix Lestrange is one of the most complex characters in the Harry Potter series. She isn't simply a psychotic, torturing murderess. Not in my book anyway. You see, I feel that merely protraying her as some one-dimensional psychopath doesn't do her charcater justice at all and once you eliminate Voldemort from the equation you are left with this passionate, emotional, dangerous, intelligent, loyal, bad ass, strong female character. Of course I won't completely disregard that Bellatrix can be evil, sadistic, maniacal really BUT that is not ALL she is and my stories will explore her character as if its an onion, peeling back all those layers and getting down to the REAL Bella. So, yeah, felt the need to give that little PSA. You may also find me over at Archive of Our Own (Ao3) under the penname am_bellanoire All things said, let's get down to it! |