Reviews for Portrait of a Tragic Woman
Guest chapter 42 . 4/26
Idek wtf I just read. I was fine until Hermione 'woke up'. Your writing skills are great, I'm just slow lmao.
Guest chapter 42 . 4/3
This was an absolutely amazing read!
Alias008 chapter 42 . 4/3
In the best and most eloquent way possible, holy shit. Truly speechless, to come up with such a plot, simply put; you're brilliant. What a great twist, holy shit. I hope you grace us with more of your writing, will be looking forward to it.
chemicalscum chapter 42 . 4/2
What an incredible journey! I have no idea if you were basing this story off of anything else but like, this is honestly TV-show levels of twists and turns in the best way.

That ending was definitely not what I was expecting after the last chapter. Originally, I thought Hermione’s entire memory sequence was more or less real, except with Luna thrown in, because of the replay of the beginning with Bellatrix meeting her as her patient. I mean,, technically that is true, right? She just met Bellatrix as the patient herself... uh wait so does that mean that ferocious bite Bellatrix gave her during that therapy session was part of the rough sex that happened later on between the two?

So essentially the basic parts of what happened with Bellatrix did happen, she just jumbled up her interactions with Narcissa and her other friends with her fantasy role play of being the psychologist? I’m afraid that what I’m picking up is not what you put down but that’s not because your writing was unclear! Your writing is beautiful and I love the story and the buildup of the mutual obsession, I think I’m just all muddled up because of the deliberate mindfucks that Hermione was going through!

I’m slightly sad that the scene of Bellatrix just showing up at Hermione’s door with all her luggage after setting Narcissa’s room on fire seems to not have happened because that was HILARIOUS.

I love the matching bullet wound solution, it’s very Fight Club meets Killing Eve and by that I mean it’s kind of fucked up but also very sexy of you to write it that way. I love the idea of Lestrange and ‘Mione going on killing sprees together because gay Bonnie and Clyde, honestly. I guessI just needed a lesbian version of these het stories to finally understand the hype.

Thank you for such an amazing story! Your build up, set up, finale, and everything in between was brilliant. Psychological thriller but way better because it’s gay? I’m still working my way through reading more of your fic but this one is a really standout one. I came here for the Bellamione but honestly would have read it as a stand-alone.
NemesisCharis chapter 42 . 4/2
Great ending for an amazing story.
Thank you so much for sharing and now I have to go back and re-read everything from the beginning once more!
I hope you are staying safe.
MissfitMistress chapter 42 . 4/2
i dont know what to say...words cannot express how amazing this story was...And here am i again in tears, thank you
RizzlesFandom chapter 41 . 2/10
Wow. Just wow. This was absolutely incredible.
MissfitMistress chapter 41 . 2/7
Each chapter blows my freaking mind!Yes please write another chapter,we need this!
X chapter 41 . 2/1
X chapter 26 . 2/1
U continue to only write in first person descriptive which consists of "you's" and "we's" instead of the first person narrative "I's" and "me's"
X chapter 26 . 2/1
Sorry to tell you but that wasnt second person, second person is from an onlookers perspective as if the whole thing was say, cissa watching from the door aka voyeurism
moody.muddy chapter 41 . 11/2/2019
You can't leave it there. Please? We need answers, why was Hermione in that place? Who was the not crazy, crazy person? How does Bellatrix fit into it all?
queendementor chapter 41 . 10/27/2019
please. i love this but like...i need answers. what happened? what's going to happen? i need that closure, y'know?
that aside, this whole thing has been a complete ride (in the best way!) and you always kept me guessing. i love that! damn ffn won't let me favorite this twice, but i want to.
i want more, but if this is the end, i love it still!
(reviewing for the reviewathon event at the night crew's tavern forum! :)
ecags chapter 41 . 10/22/2019
This is one of the best stories I have read, but I need answers please, for my own sanity! I am too confused atm ahaha
Guest chapter 41 . 10/22/2019
I NEED ANSWERS! It’s so confusing so everything Hermione did in this story was Bella or uigh I am so confused
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