Poll: Does 'The RAA' need a sequel? Vote Now!
Author has written 22 stories for Naruto, RENT, House, M.D., Harry Potter, Supernatural, Torchwood, and Star Trek: 2009. Yo! Name: rry ...that means Rather Read Yaoi. ...Yep, that's what it means. I smart! Huh huh! Sex: I'm fe--A GIRL!!--male. That means I have boobs. Eye color: Amber (yellow-ish brown) if it's in the right light... I'm starting to think there might be some green in there too. ...Yep. Definately some green. Hair color: Red-ish brown, mostly brown though, and black when it's wet. ...I think it's getting darker... It's so curly! UHG!! (imagine Hermione with glasses...) Day of Birth: January 3rd About me: I love yaoi (slash), yuri (femslash), and straight pairings... sometimes. Also, Naruto, and lots of other anime/mangas, books, T.V. shows, and movies. Fav pairings: In Naruto: In Torchwood: In Star Trek: The Original Series In FullMetal Alchemist: In Harry Potter: In Twilight: I have other anime/manga, book T.V. Series, and movie pairings that I like but these are the main things I can think to add... so that's all ya get. I'm trying to up-date my stories as fast as possible but I'm a lazy-butt so it might take a while. Other site's I'm at: I have posted stories at my LJ, just none of them can be found here. Mainly because they are all bandslash. NEWS!! I have finished The 'RAA' and am now working on its sequel... Aptly named The 'SARA': Sirius Adores Remus Adorers. I just posted the first chapter and I'm working on the second, so... little worries (tiny little baby ones). I'll finish this! Also, I've decided to call The 'RAA' and The 'SARA' 'The CLUB Series', ...and any sequel they might have. Which is likely... because I (APPARENTLY) really like KILLING MYSELF WITH WRITING CHAPTER UPDATES! Last profile update: 10/22/09 (mm/dd/yy because I'm AMERICAN! ...Wheee...) |