I've come back, and I'm not sorry to tell you that this will be the last chapter. I've reread the whole story and found out that it's like crap, and it was all made during a night of sugar-filled delights. I know that the staff of this website will probably take down this fic due to its stupidity, so I just wanted to write one last goodbye chapter. So thanks for reading everybody! And sorry that this is so short. (sweatdrops) My friend is helping me make this. So give her 8 of the credit for the story.

Disclaimer: Did you know that a male honeybee explodes after mating? Oh, and another random fact is that I don't own Naruto or Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

(Everyone is now comfortable and present in an empty, open room. Yet, what is this? There seems to be another strange, new life form…it's….IT'S A YOGA INSTRUCTOR!)

Yoga instructor: Yes! It is me! Hello everyone and make yourselves comfortable! I shall first be explaining how to breathe…

Temari: (sarcastic tone) Yeah, that's the reason why we're all standing here in the first place. To learn how to breathe.

Yoga instructor: (glares) You must be one with the earth in order to reach the level of the master, young grasshopper…

Temari: (eye twitches) …Did you just call me a 'grasshopper'…?

Yoga instructor: (ignores her) Anywho, since we are going to be one with the earth, we will be using the most technical and advanced materials for this situation. We shall now start! Left hand on maroon!

(Everyone looks down to see that they're standing on twister mats)

Naruto: (baffled) …But…there isn't a maroon…

Yoga instructor: Think of it in your mind, little one, and it shall come to be. (Spins the arrow on the twister board) …Now, right foot on lavender!


Random Person: (Playing with sticks in a random jail cell)

Orochimaru: (pops out from under the bed and smiles, showing off his wonderful teeth) Never fear! I'm no telemarketer or random salesperson! I'm just coming to make a deal…

Random Person: (blinks)

Orochimaru: (somewhat disturbed) Um…okay…well anyways, I have come to bribe you into coming to the dark side! When you come with me, I can give you the tools to ultimate power! Such as a keychain, a t-shirt, a waterbottle, a light saber…Oh! And if you recruit ten other people to be members, you get a free IPOD! This bargain also includes new jutsus that will give you eternal life and allow you to get something from the fridge without getting out of your chair and…uh…and all the other good stuff.

Random Person: Guhhhhhh…? (drifts off)

Orochimaru: (slaps forehead) Oy…I should just bite him already…

Yoga instructor: Now put your right hand in…that's right…now put your right hand out…and you shake it all about…goooood….very good…now speak the sacred mantra!

Everyone: (flatly) And you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around, that's what it's all about.

Yoga Instructor: (Claps) Yes! It is indeed what earth is all about! You're all doing so well; you make me very pleased, young grasshoppers!

Temari: There you go again! You dare call me a grasshopper? I'LL SHOW YOU A YOUNG GRASSHOPPER YOU FU—

Orochimaru: (has finished going through all his bribes)…Soooo….What do you say? I'll throw in a giant toad named Gamabunta as a bonus!

Random Person: (thinks about it for two seconds)….Sure, why not?

Orochimaru: Oh yeah, baby! Your Gambunta will be coming shortly, so ta-ta for now! (poofs away)

Random Person: That guy was totally weir—(out of thin air a giant toad appears and lands on random person)

Random Person: (through muffled voice) Curse you!

(Temari has been dragged off by the random jounin, so now everyone is safe from her wrath)

Shikamaru: Dude…she's like… scarier than my mom….

Yoga Instructor: Um. Yes. Well, now we shall continue our quest for the Holy Grail—

Naruto: Weren't we supposed to connect with the earth or something?

Yoga Instructor: Um. Yes. Well, now we shall—whoa! What the heck is that! (looks at the door)

Kakashi: (gasps) It's a bird!

Shino: It's a plane!

Chouji: It's a flying cheese nip!


Everyone: (screams)

Random Person: Okay…Now smash down the door (points to the cell entrance)

Gamabunta: ….Der?

Random Person: (impatiently) I said smash down the door!

Gamabunta: ….Gubba Pubba…?

Random Person: I said smash down THE FREAKING DOOR!

Gamabunta: Oh! (goes behind a screen and comes out wearing a pink tutu, then starts dancing to random elevator music) Duu…dee…doo!

Random Person: (slaps forehead) Oy…This is going to take a while…

A/N: I know I left off on a bad conclusion…(readers: That was a CONCLUSION! Holy smokes!) Okay! Okay! Yes, I know! This is on hiatus. Sooner or later the staff will take this down so I'll wait 'till then.

Thanks for reading, everybody! Hope you liked this chapter! (I know, this IS the crackiest crack you've ever read, isn't it?)