Author has written 14 stories for Stargate: SG-1, CSI, NCIS, Stargate: Atlantis, and Arrow. I'm the eldest of five girls, I work in IT, but I like to write a little in my spare time (When I have any). I found the world of fanfiction and the internet due to an interest in Stargate SG-1, I feel I owe a lot to the show as I have met some wonderful people because of it and I've changed as a person. I have been inspired:) I also make music videos some which have been lost forever due to websites shutting me down and computers packing in, but I may be reposting them too. My Ships!: Stargate SG-1: Jack/Sam, Daniel/Janet, Daniel/Vala, Mitchell/Lam Atlantis: Weir/Sheppard, Beckett/Cadman, Teyla/Ronan House M.D: House/Cameron, Cuddy/Wilson NCIS: Gibbs/Kate, Tony/Ziva, Mcgee/Abby JAG: Mac/Harm, Bud/Harriet Gilmore Girls: Luke/Lorelai Friends: Chandler/Monica, Rachel/Ross Grey's Anatomy: Burke/Christina, Meredith/Derek, Izzie/Alex, Callie/Sloan, lexie/sloan, Christina/Hunt Extras: Andy/Maggie Eleventh hour: Hood/Rachel Enterprise: T'Pol/Trip, Hoshi/Archer, T'pol/Archer Frasier: Niles/Daphne, Roz/Frasier Mad About you: Jamie/Paul X-files: Mulder/Skully, Doggett/Reyes Angel: Cordy/Angel, Wes/Fred, Gunn/Fred The Tenth Kingdom: Wolf/Virginia Torchwood: Jack/Gwen, Tosh/Owen Dr Who: Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose Ugly Betty: Betty/Daniel Dirt: Don/Lucy Studio 60: Jordan/Danny, Jordan/Matt b/c Matt/Amanda hehehe, Tom/Lucy CSI: Grissom/Sara, Warrick/Catherine, Hodges/Wendy (Catherine rocks:)) I've been writing SG-1 and Atlantis Transcripts for SG-1 Transcripts |
B. Cavis (11) Caseworker-14 (11) CSIGeekFan (90) DrawMeASheep (134) Eve8 (7) isabella2004 (37) Jo. R (90) Kate McCaye (39) | Kazy (18) KissHerJack (50) Lady S. Quattro (5) marine-machine (12) missparker85 (116) mossley (69) Mrs Fruitcake (6) Neviwyn (6) | Nostalgia 101 (52) Rachel500 (151) random-ship (5) SG1-Fanfic (13) stevieLUVSAlex (159) yvonne (3) |