Disclaimer: I don't own anything, except the first 3 seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD, so please don't sue, I'm a 15 year old girl with no money, worrying how she's going to get Christmas presents for everyone.

Set after, 'The Good Samaritan.'

"Gibbs, you weren't really interested in Charlie? Were you?"

"Jealous Kate?"


"No. Just curious. You couldn't've really been attracted to her. I mean, you go for redheads don't you?"

'Not all the time, Kate.'

"No, I wasn't attracted to Charlie. She liked me, so I used it to our advantage, to get info."

"That's good boss, coz she was creepy and annoying."

"Like you Tony?"

"Haha, very funny Kate." She flashed him a smile.

'No, she doesn't like DiNozzo like that. Does she? No. Of course not. But she only uses that smile on Tony. That's cause she only teases Tony. Would you stop!'

"I'm going, see ya Monday, boss, Caitlin." Tony grinned at Kate, as she glared at him.

"Bye DiNozzo. And don't be late."

"Bye, Anthony"

Kate and Gibbs were left alone in the office.

"So, what's with you and redheads?"

"Nothing, Kate. Why'd you think there is something with me and redheads?"

"Well, Gibbs, your ex-wives, supposedly all redheads, then Melissa, you were flirting with her and she's a redhead."

"That doesn't prove anything, Kate."

"No, but there's considerable evidence there is something, Gibbs."

"Doesn't mean, I just like redheads."

He looked over at her, she was picking up her things.

She looked up at him,

"So you don't just go for redheads?"

Instead of answering, Gibbs did something that shocked them both, he strode over to her and kissed her.

Right in the middle of the empty office.

Almost empty.

Abby stood on the stairs, having seen all of it.

"Damn," She muttered under her breath.

"Tony was right. And now I owe him 10 bucks. Oh well, he didn't see it and what he doesn't know wont hurt him. And I'll save 10 bucks." She quickly turned and quietly left.

"Told you I don't just like redheads."