Sinister Intentions

AN: Thankyou all for the reviews! I really appreciate them!

Also a huge thankyou to Kate for her help and support!

Sorry about the very very very huge delay. I got all caught up with uni and moving house (excuses, excuses...).. anyway, it's holidays now so I'll try to be good and update regularly (fingers crossed) because I really want to get this fic done - I've got heaps of ideas for new fics, but I don't wanna start them yet, otherwise I'll have too many on the go at once and I'll lose track.

Sorry this chapter is so short, still trying to get the wheels rolling...

Ducky rushed to the hospital, the doctor's words echoing in his ears. After returning from visiting Gibbs and Tony in the hospital, Ducky had returned home to a nice warm shower, with the prospect of catching a few hours sleep before going back to the hospital.

However, before he was able to get to sleep, his phone had rung. His mother had answered…

"Donald, there is a strange man on the phone, I think he wants our money," Mrs Mallard called up to him

"Yes, mother," Ducky replied under his breath as he made his way downstairs, "What is his name?"

"I don't know, Donald…" Ducky's mum trailed off, talking about something unrelated, Ducky tuned back in, hearing, "And I really think we should move to Hollywood,"

Ducky frowned as he took the phone, wondering what the connection was, "Hello?"

"Doctor Mallard?" a voice asked

"Yes?" Ducky replied

"It's Doctor Luther from the hospital, I'm calling regarding Gibbs' condition," the voice responded

"What's happened?" Ducky asked, fearing the worst

"I'm afraid to say, he's taken a turn for the worse. He's taken a fall, and has reopened his stitches. Unfortunately he lost quite a lot of blood before someone found him – " Luther replied

"What do you mean 'before someone found him'?" Ducky interrupted

Ducky heard the doctor sigh, "The nurses were tied up due to a medical emergency in one of the other rooms and nobody was checked up on Gibbs for some time. When the nurse checked in on him, they found him unconscious on the floor in a pool of blood. I have already had words with the nurse responsible and action has been taken," the doctor paused, "Gibbs' stitches have been replaced and the bleeding has stopped. He's currently on the way to x-ray to see if any additional damage was done due to the fall, but we are hopeful that that is not the case,"

Ducky sighed with relief, it appeared everything had been taken care of, "Okay, so what's the bad news?"

Ducky heard the doctor take a deep breath, "He's slipped into a coma,"

Stepping into the elevator, Ducky wondered what more could possibly go wrong. Why had Gibbs been found on the floor? What had he been trying to do? Probably go to the toilet, he'd be too stubborn to use the urine containers.

As the doors to the elevator began to close, a hand pulled them back and another person stepped aboard.

"Kate, I believe I told you to go home and get some rest," Ducky chastised the young woman

"Mmm, well I believe you told everybody, and that applies to you too, Ducky," Kate responded, "Besides, I don't think I would've slept anyway,"

"Well, what about food? Have you eaten anything?" Ducky asked

"I don't really feel like eating, haven't for a few days," Kate replied as they stepped off on Gibbs's floor

"Kate, you really need to look after yourself better," Ducky responded, "And how long have you been experiencing sickness in the mornings?"

Kate turned to look at Ducky, in surprise "How did you know that?"

"An educated guess, my dear," Ducky responded, "Various things that you've mentioned or I've noticed, such as avoiding caffeine and on a few occasions, an alcoholic beverage. It'd be about this time that you were likely to develop morning sickness,"

"Huh, figures that you would know before me," Kate replied

"What do you mean, Caitlin?" Ducky asked

"Well, I haven't taken the pregnancy test yet, I just had…an inkling," Kate responded

"I believe Jethro calls them 'gut feelings'" Ducky replied with a chuckle

Kate smiled, "Yeah, well I don't get 'gut feelings', I get 'inklings'" Kate told him

"I see," Ducky responded, "Does Jethro know about this particular inkling?"

"No, I haven't told him yet. But when I do, I want to know for sure," Kate said

"Well, when you're ready, I know a great gynecologist, in fact, I know several," Ducky replied

"Thanks, Ducky. I think we might just try and get through this first. I'm sure the last thing Gibbs would want to know is that he'll be a father soon, especially with his hearing," Kate replied

"On the contrary, Caitlin, I believe Jethro will take to it like a duck to water," Ducky responded

"Mmm, we'll see," Kate responded

That's it for chapter 20! Hope you liked it. I have bit of an idea where this is going, but i'll probably have to go over the notes and stuff i took...anyway, hopefully updates will come sooner now :) ...Please Review! Tell me what i'm doing right, or wrong! Ta :)