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![]() Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter, and Twilight. So hello all I am Alice/Iz/Isabella/Brittany...I am 18 and I live in the U.S. I would like to give credit to xxastrozombie for my wonderful icon!! And to all those fellow Twilight fans I love you all!! I am a drama queen and most of my friends call me Alice because I have decided when I get old enough I am changing my name to Alice because my name is too ordinary. Plus all my friends that have read Twilight say that I remind them of her. Alice rules us all and everyone should know that hint the pen name-points to it-. I love Wicked!!My favorite musical of all times...I am trying at this moment to get my school a drama club for drama queens like myself because I am having withdrawals. Umm...I love writing though most of it is my own stuff and not fanfics though I am trying. Pretty soon I will be posting a new one. So I have a new obsession called Twilight and if you haven't read the books I suggest you go and read them...NOW!! My friend Stephanie is my Jasper/ Emmy!! I have now read the books and started writing FF. Catch the newest addition to my FF. Please read and review Blind Spot! I have been experimenting as I write my own book. Thank you for reading. I am afraid I am taking a break from fanfiction. I don't know when I shall return. Thank you my loyal readers! Alice As some of you may have noticed I deleted my other Harry Potter story and with a good reason. If you have read the seventh book you know and I shall not elaborate and if you haven't read the seventh book you need to. Anyway I am sorry to my readers that were reading that but many other stories will be coming shortly don't worry. OZheads are just trying to make their way in a green world. If you are an OZhead then copy this to your profile! Nessarose herself at your service!!I am not dead by the way. If these things apply to then you are an OzHead (copied from TheThroppSistersandCompany's profile) Yay!!Ozheads Unite!! When your English teacher told you to think of a simile for green you automatically squeal "Elphie". Guilty as charged... You own a witch hat... I wear my little sister's sometimes when I'm singing DEFYING GRAVITY!! You display various witch items around your room...Not yet but soon I will. On Halloween you bought green paint to dress up as Elphaba, then when the paint made you break out in a rash and you had a green tint to your skin for a month, you knew it was ok because it was all for Elphaba... (I want to do this this Halloween.) You introduce you self as I am the other (insert position) (insert name) I am beautifully tragic. (I have done this once) You read the novel just to see what it had to say, but were disappointed when music didn't play as you flipped the page.(I was highly disappointed) You are not only Wicked's mailing list but also Idina Menzel's, Kristin Chenoweths, etc.(I want to be drool) You plan to be in Wicked, and if you get there and find that you're just not good enough, then you think that you can move those darn sets.(I would totally move the sets just as long as it had to do with WICKED) You are for some strange reason mad about the Wicked movie (that is right, they are making one). (Not Mad ESTATIC!!) You can relate almost anything to Wicked, even if it is distant. (Yes it's true ask my friends) You find yourself singing I'm Not That Girl, when you feel that you're just not that girl.(I do this with every boy that doesn't want to date me) You have lost your voice singing Defying Gravity.(Yes many times because it's one of my favorite songs) You debate every year that the school's play should be Wicked, and then when they say they can't do that you fight for Wizard of Oz.(I am trying to get my high school a drama club so that I can do that.) You now hate Dorothy.(More like unadulterated loathing) You are possessive of Wicked and you get angry when the mean evil Galinda's say they've seen it.(I am very jealous) You downloaded the wallpaper on - it is currently your wallpaper. (No I don't but I have artwork of WICKED that a friend did and that's my wallpaper) You spend hours thinking about what ever happened to the Witch of the South.(Many a English class I have wondered this) The only thing thing on your Christmas list was, just go to and click on mirchandise (I am soooo doing this for Christmas and my Birthday) Everytime you see a goat you think, If only the goat could have talked once like Dr. Dillamond.(Yes I have) The background on your computer is the Wicked, Defy Gravity scene.(No as I have said previously) Your ringtone is a Wicked song.(No but I want to be DEFYING GRAVITY) ~If you are so obsessed with Musical Theatre that you randomly start quoting it, copy this into your profile! ~If you don't watch Laguna Beach or the O.C. or The Hills religiously, never have, never will, and are proud of it, copy and paste this into your profile I am proud to say I am not obsessed. ~If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or the vise versa copy this into your profile! I have done this many times and I am proud... ~ If you have music in your soul, post this in your profile! Music is in my soul and heart and consumes my life... ~ OZheads are just trying to make their way in a green world. If you are an OZhead then copy this to your profile! Nessarose herself at your service...YES I KNOW I AM DEAD!! ~Ninety-five percent of teenagers are concerned about being popular. If you are one of the five percent who aren't, copy this, put it in your profile I care nothing for popularity only about being beautifully tragic. ~Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you don't know which to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique, than weird is good. If you are weird and proud of it, copy this onto your profile! ~If you ever forgotten what you were talking about in a conversation copy and paste this into your profile. I have done this many times. ~If you don't have a problem with homosexuality, paste this into your profile. I defiantly am okay with this!!It's their choice...Left them BE!! ~If you think that green skin is awesome, copy this into your profile. I want GREEN SKIN!! If you spend multiple hours each day reading or writing or a combination of both...copy and paste this on your profile. If you have ever tripped up the stairs, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever pushed on a door that said pull or vise versa, copy and paste this into your profile. If you ever forgotten what you were talking about in a conversation copy and paste this into your profile If you've ever asked a really stupid, obvious question, copy and paste this one your profile. If you're one of those people who get excited when you see just two reviews, paste this into your profile. If you've ever talked to yourself, copy and paste this into your profile. If you think Edward Cullen is hot...copy and paste this onto your profile If you are so obsessed with Twilight that it is NOT even funny anymore, copy this into your profile. If you think that being unique is cooler than being cool, copy this on your profile. If people think you are mentally insane...copy and paste this onto your profile. If you have ever been so obsessed with something that now everyone is scared of you becasue of the effects, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever run into a door, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever had a mad laughing fit for no reason, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've ever copied and pasted something onto your profile, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you're one of those people who get excited when you see just two reviews, paste this into your profile. If whenever you see or hear the name "Edward" you freak out and have a small fit because you love him so much, and then people stare at you, copy and paste this into your profile. If you are addicted to vampires and would like to become one, post this onto your profile. If you and your friends start naming each other after Twilight characters, then post this onto your profile. If you long to have a vampire for a boyfriend, post this onto your profile. |