Disclaimer: I don't own Wicked or The Wizard of Oz. Also, references to Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, and Dr. Phil.

A/N: Wow! Final chapter—I can barely believe it! Please review and tell me what you think!

Be sure to check out the revised chapters 14 &15! I made a few minor changes. And in this chapter, it's been a couple of months since the battle in the dungeon.

Btw, hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian refers to long words, and here are the definitions for strawman from the dictionary:

1. A person used as a cover for some questionable activity

2. A weak or sham argument set up to be easily refuted

3. An effigy in the shape of a man to frighten birds away from seeds

"Oh, what a celebration we'll have today!" cried Holly, in reference to the parade and festivities about to begin in downtown Emerald City. Lady Glinda had arranged for the celebration in honor of Madame Morrible's return to Southstairs in the high security division, as well as Boq's admittance into it. Shen Shen was in villain rehab, as Lady Glinda and the assembly had deemed her incapable of committing an evil act on her own.

Shen Shen was actually becoming quite the celebrity, and had appeared on many popular Ozian talk shows, including Soaprah, Kellan DiGenerous, and Dr. Phyllis. By getting her story out there, Shen Shen was able to establish the Argent for Aysel Foundation, and had raised an incredible amount of funds for Aysel and other children with learning disabilities. The plans for another specialized school located in the Emerald City were being finalized, so Aysel would be able to come home and see her mom everyday. In addition, an art dealer had shown an interest in Shen Shen's work. She had retired from her teaching job and become a full-time artist. Her abstract paintings of nature had become all the rage with upper-class Ozians.

"I don't know," Nessarose said, peering out the large glass window in the castle library, where all the kids had congregated before the parade. "I'm still not sure if I'm going to go. I don't want to get any weird stares from people. It's not easy being green, you know." She sighed heavily.

"Nessa, it's going to be okay. We're all going to get weird stares!" Faye said, referring to the Tiggular family. She pulled Nessa into a hug. Then, with both hands on her sister's shoulders, Faye addressed Nessa again. "We are Tiggulars. We don't care what anyone else thinks."

Nessa smiled, but was distracted as a large crashing noise came from the back of the library. All four children raced to check on baby Glinda. The last row of ten bookshelves had fallen over, one on top of the other like dominoes. Baby Glinda was standing on the edge of the mess, with a confused look on her face.

"Glinda!" Liir exclaimed, scooping up his baby sister. "What happened?"

"I don't know. I just got really mad because I couldn't reach the book on hippopotomonstrosesquipedalians, and then suddenly all the bookshelves fell down!" The little girl looked up with big eyes, worried that she would be punished. "Aww, Glinda," Faye began, ruffling her sister's hair. "It just means your powers have come in! I remember when I got mine. I was angry at mom for not letting me play outside in the rain, and lighting struck the house and all the lights went out!" "Yeah," Nessa joined in. "For me, I got my powers when Liir was teasing me about not being able to touch the ceiling when we were jumping on the bed. It seems so stupid now," she blushed, "but back then it made me so furious. The next thing I knew, he was halfway submerged in the ceiling!" "I remember that!" Liir chuckled. "I was stuck up there half the day before you finally went and got mom!" "What about you Holly," Faye asked, turning to her friend. "When did you get your powers?" Holly's face turned the shade of her strapless red gown. "I, uh, I didn't 'get' my powers. I kinda just had to learn magic, you know? And sometimes my spells really don't work all that well." "Oh," said Faye, sorry for bringing up the topic and embarrassing Holly. "Well let's go downstairs and get ready for the festival."

"You guys go ahead," Nessa encouraged. "I'll meet up with you later." She began the trek to the south wing of the palace, where the Tiggular family had been living during their stay in the city. Nessa swung open the sturdy oak door to her bedroom, taking in her surroundings. The room was quite large, and she didn't have to share it with her younger sister. There were plenty of spare rooms back at Kiamo Ko, but Nessa and Glinda had always shared a room ever since they were little, and Glinda had never moved out. Nessa hadn't noticed before, but she enjoyed the younger girl's company. The bedroom seemed empty and lifeless without pink tutus and stuffed animals strewn across the floor. Nessa walked over to a plush armchair by the window overlooking the south gardens, and began to think.

With the help of Glinda, and some reluctant confessions from Madame Morrible and Boq, Elphaba had been officially pardoned and the real story had come out. While most saw the truth for what it was, it was taking many older Ozians some getting used to. The dungeons were beginning to become populated again as the violent protesters waited out their ten day punishment periods.

While Elphaba had turned down magazine interview opportunities and any other forms of publicity, Fiyero had decided to write a book. My Life as a Strawman was already climbing to the top of the best seller list. He was going to be on a float in the parade, along with the author of Liquid Poultry: The Best Thing Since Canned Bread.

With Boq and Madame Morrible in prison, the family name restored, and a new friendship with the Uplands, Nessarose supposed there was nothing left to do but enjoy the day. Just because she was green didn't mean she wasn't equal to everyone else. Letting someone else's prejudices bring you down wasn't the right way to act, and neither was hiding away in the castle. Nessarose stood up and looked at herself in the vanity. She smoothed her hair and straightened her skirt. Looking at her reflection, Nessa saw a typical eleven-year-old girl. She walked out of her bedroom, across the winding corridors of the south wing, and down the central marble staircase, meeting her siblings and Holly waiting for her in the foyer. Linking arms, they skipped down the pathway toward the festival, singing a classic children's song.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road! Follow the Yellow Brick Road!
Follow, follow, follow, follow,
Follow the Yellow Brick Road!
Follow the Yellow Brick, Follow the Yellow Brick,
Follow the Yellow Brick Road!

We're off to see The Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz!

We hear he is a whiz of a Wiz, if ever a Wiz there was!
If ever, oh ever, a Wiz there was, The Wizard of Oz is one because,
Because, because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does!

We're off to see The Wizard, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!